
Различные книги в жанре Математика

The Study of Science and Religion

Carl Reinhold Brakenhielm

The main aim of this book is to contribute to the relationship between science and religion. This book aims to do constructive theological work out of a particular cultural context. The point of departure is contemporary Swedish religion and worldviews. One focus is the process of biologization (i.e., how the worldviews of the general public in Sweden are shaped by biological science). Is there a gap between Swedes in general and the perceptions of Swedish clergy? The answer is based on sociological studies on science and religion in Sweden and the United States. Furthermore, the book contains a study of Swedish theologians, from Nathan Soderblom to the present Archbishop Antje Jackelen, and their shifting understanding of the relation between science and religion. The philosophical aspects of this relation are given special consideration. What models of the relation inform the contemporary scholarly discussion? Are science and religion in conflict, separate, or in mutual creative interaction?

Marxism and the Philosophy of Science

Helena Sheehan

A masterful survey of the history of Marxist philosophy of science. Now with a new afterword.

Order Out of Chaos

Ilya Prigogine

A pioneering book that shows how the two great themes of classic science, order and chaos, are being reconciled in a new and unexpected synthesis.

The World, the Flesh and the Devil

J. D. Bernal

A pioneering book proposing a transhumanist vision of the future, from one of the most influential visionary scientists of the twentieth century.

The Crisis in Physics

Christopher Caudwell

Christopher Caudwell’s The Crisis in Physics is a stylish and readable analysis of the lines of connection between scientific theories and economic realities. Caudwell provides a trenchant critique of mechanism and positivism. In the words of J.B.S. Haldane, The Crisis in Physics offers a “quarry of ideas” for future philosophers: a wealth of insights and arguments that demands continuing critical reflection.

Genes, Cells and Brains

Hilary Rose

Dissecting the hype from the frontiers of bioethics, genomics and neuroscience. Our fates lie in our genes and not in the stars, said James Watson, co-discoverer of the structure of DNA. But Watson could not have predicted the scale of the industry now dedicated to this new frontier. Since the launch of the multibillion-dollar Human Genome Project, the biosciences have promised miracle cures and radical new ways of understanding who we are. But where is the new world we were promised? In Genes, Cells and Brains, feminist sociologist Hilary Rose and neuroscientist Steven Rose take on the bioscience industry and its claims. Examining the establishment of biobanks, the rivalries between public and private genesequencers, and the rise of stem cell research, they ask why the promised cornucopia of health benefits has failed to emerge and reveal the questionable enterprise that has grown out of bioethics. The human body is becoming a commodity, and the unfulfilled promises of the science behind this revolution suggest profound failings in genomics itself.

The Fractional Laplacian

Yan Li

This is a unique book that provides a comprehensive understanding of nonlinear equations involving the fractional Laplacian as well as other nonlocal operators. Beginning from the definition of fractional Laplacian, it gradually leads the readers to the frontier of current research in this area. The explanations and illustrations are elementary enough so that first year graduate students can follow easily, while it is advanced enough to include many new ideas, methods, and results that appeared recently in research literature, which researchers would find helpful. It focuses on introducing direct methods on the nonlocal problems without going through extensions, such as the direct methods of moving planes, direct method of moving spheres, direct blowing up and rescaling arguments, and so on. Different from most other books, it emphasizes on illuminating the ideas behind the formal concepts and proofs, so that readers can quickly grasp the essence.<b>Contents:</b> <ul><li>Introduction to Fractional Laplacian</li><li>The Green's Functions</li><li>Maximum Principles for the Fractional Laplacian</li><li>Poisson Representations</li><li>Liouville Type Theorems for &#x03B1;-Harmonic Functions</li><li>A Direct Method of Moving Planes for the Fractional Order Equations</li><li>Method of Moving Planes in Integral Forms</li><li>A Method of Moving Spheres for the Fractional Laplacian</li><li>A Priori Estimates and the Existence of Solutions</li><li>Variational Methods and Pohozaev Identities</li><li>Higher Order Fractional Laplacians</li><li>The Regularity for Fractional Equations </li></ul><br><b>Readership:</b> Graduate students and researchers interested in analysis and differential equations.Fractional Laplacian;Nonlocal Operators;Method of Moving Planes;Moving Spheres;Liouville Theorems;A Priori Estimate;Existence;Symmetry;Regularity0<b>Key Features:</b><ul><li>The subjects discussed here are currently hot in the research community</li><li>Different from most other books, it emphasizes on illuminating the ideas behind the formal concepts and proofs, so that the readers can quickly grasp the essence</li><li>It accumulates the authors as well as other researchers' experience and understanding in their research process and tries to present these in a vivid and intuitive way, so that the readers can follow easily</li></ul>

Invitation to Algebra

Vlastimil Dlab

This book presents a compendium style account of a comprehensive mathematical journey from Arithmetic to Algebra. It contains material that is helpful to graduate and advanced undergraduate students in mathematics, university and college professors teaching mathematics, as well as some mathematics teachers teaching in the final year of high school. A successful teacher must know more than what a particular course curriculum asks for. A number of topics that are missing in present-day textbooks, and which may be attractive to students at the graduate or advanced undergraduate level in mathematics, for example, continued fractions, arithmetic progressions of higher order, complex numbers in plane geometry, differential schemes, path semigroups and path algebras, have been carefully presented. This reflects the aim of the book to attract students to mathematics.<b>Contents:</b> <ul><li>Introduction</li><li>Natural Numbers</li><li>Integers, Divisibility</li><li>Rational and Real Numbers</li><li>Complex Numbers and Plane Geometry</li><li>Algebraic Structures &#x2014; An Overview</li><li>Polynomials</li><li>Groups</li><li>Rings and Fields</li><li>Appendix</li></ul><br><b>Readership:</b> Graduates, advanced undergraduates in mathematics and professors, teachers of mathematics.Algebra;Number Systems;Polynomials;Groups;Rings;Fields;Lattices;Mathematical Abstraction;Mathematical Education;Graphs;Cryptography;Elementary Geometry;Elementary Number Theory0<b>Key Features:</b><ul><li>This book is unique among books on algebra as it stresses from an algebraic point of view the inter-connectedness of mathematics</li><li>It is a resource for graduate and advanced undergraduate students in mathematics that encourages them to think about mathematics</li><li>It contains a large number of innovative examples and exercises embedded in the text</li><li>Four topics treated in this book that are not found in other books are: plane geometry of complex numbers; arithmetic of continued fractions; simple approach to polynomials in terms of graphs; differential schemes and arithmetic progressions of higher order</li></ul>

Theory of General Economic Equilibrium

Hans Keiding

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to general equilibrium theory, covering the standard topics as well as the developments of the theory over the past fifty years. This ensures that the reader gains a thorough account of what has been established both in pure theory and in applications.In addition to the basic topics, this book elaborates on fields which are relevant but not mentioned frequently in this context. The material covered includes international trade, growth, finance and implementation, and it offers a broader view than what is usual in texts on general equilibrium theory. This book would make for suitable reading for undergraduate and graduate courses in macroeconomics.<b>Contents:</b> <ul><li>Preface</li><li>Introduction</li><li>Exchange Economies</li><li>Economies with Production</li><li>Welfare Theorems and Market Failures</li><li>Cooperative Game Theory and Equilibria</li><li>Large Economies</li><li>Uniqueness and Stability of Equilibria</li><li>The Equilibrium Manifold and Probabilistic Equilibrium Theory</li><li>General Equilibrium and Imperfect Competition</li><li>Incentives and Mechanisms in General Equilibrium</li><li>Market Failures</li><li>Time and General Equilibrium</li><li>Overlapping Generations Economies</li><li>Uncertainty and General Equilibrium</li><li>Financial Markets</li><li>Economies with Incomplete Markets</li><li>General Equilibrium and Money</li><li>Bibliography</li><li>Index</li></ul><br><b>Readership:</b> Undergraduate and graduate students and lecturers of macroeconomics and mathematical economics.General Equilibrium;Mathematical Economics;Prices;Markets;Macroeconomics00

Math Common Core (Algebra for 12th Grade) (Speedy Study Guides)

Speedy Publishing

With the help of this quick study guide, your teen should be able to breeze through 12th grade algebra. There will be principles explained in an easy-to-understand manner as well as plenty of examples to instill concepts in the memory. Using this guide, expect to see A's the next time your teen brings home his/her test paper. Grab a copy today!