
Различные книги в жанре Математика

Axiomatic Set Theory

Patrick Suppes

One of the most pressingproblems of mathematics over the last hundred years has been the question: What is a number? One of the most impressive answers has been the axiomatic development of set theory. The question raised is: «Exactly what assumptions, beyond those of elementary logic, are required as a basis for modern mathematics?» Answering this question by means of the Zermelo-Fraenkel system, Professor Suppes' coverage is the best treatment of axiomatic set theory for the mathematics student on the upper undergraduate or graduate level. The opening chapter covers the basic paradoxes and the history of set theory and provides a motivation for the study. The second and third chapters cover the basic definitions and axioms and the theory of relations and functions. Beginning with the fourth chapter, equipollence, finite sets and cardinal numbers are dealt with. Chapter five continues the development with finite ordinals and denumerable sets. Chapter six, on rational numbers and real numbers, has been arranged so that it can be omitted without loss of continuity. In chapter seven, transfinite induction and ordinal arithmetic are introduced and the system of axioms is revised. The final chapter deals with the axiom of choice. Throughout, emphasis is on axioms and theorems; proofs are informal. Exercises supplement the text. Much coverage is given to intuitive ideas as well as to comparative development of other systems of set theory. Although a degree of mathematical sophistication is necessary, especially for the final two chapters, no previous work in mathematical logic or set theory is required. For the student of mathematics, set theory is necessary for the proper understanding of the foundations of mathematics. Professor Suppes in Axiomatic Set Theory provides a very clear and well-developed approach. For those with more than a classroom interest in set theory, the historical references and the coverage of the rationale behind the axioms will provide a strong background to the major developments in the field. 1960 edition.

Concepts of Mathematical Modeling

Walter J. Meyer

Appropriate for undergraduate and graduate students, this text features independent sections that illustrate the most important principles of mathematical modeling, a variety of applications, and classic models. Students with a solid background in calculus and some knowledge of probability and matrix theory will find the material entirely accessible. The range of subjects includes topics from the physical, biological, and social sciences, as well as those of operations research. Discussions cover related mathematical tools and the historical eras from which the applications are drawn. Each section is preceded by an abstract and statement of prerequisites, and answers or hints are provided for selected exercises. 1984 edition.

Complex Variables

Stephen D. Fisher

The most important topics in the theory and application of complex variables receive a thorough, coherent treatment in this introductory text. Intended for undergraduates or graduate students in science, mathematics, and engineering, this volume features hundreds of solved examples, exercises, and applications designed to foster a complete understanding of complex variables as well as an appreciation of their mathematical beauty and elegance. <BR>Prerequisites are minimal; a three-semester course in calculus will suffice to prepare students for discussions of these topics: the complex plane, basic properties of analytic functions (including a rewritten and reorganized discussion of Cauchy's Theorem), analytic functions as mappings, analytic and harmonic functions in applications, and transform methods. Useful appendixes include tables of conformal mappings and Laplace transforms, as well as solutions to odd-numbered exercises.<BR>Students and teachers alike will find this volume, with its well-organized text and clear, concise proofs, an outstanding introduction to the intricacies of complex variables.

Basic Algebra II

Nathan Jacobson

A classic text and standard reference for a generation, this volume and its companion are the work of an expert algebraist who taught at Yale for more than three decades. Nathan Jacobson's books possess a conceptual and theoretical orientation; in addition to their value as classroom texts, they serve as valuable references.Volume II comprises all of the subjects usually covered in a first-year graduate course in algebra. Topics include categories, universal algebra, modules, basic structure theory of rings, classical representation theory of finite groups, elements of homological algebra with applications, commutative ideal theory, and formally real fields. In addition to the immediate introduction and constant use of categories and functors, it revisits many topics from Volume I with greater depth and sophistication. Exercises appear throughout the text, along with insightful, carefully explained proofs.

Concepts of Modern Mathematics

Ian Stewart

Some years ago, «new math» took the country's classrooms by storm. Based on the abstract, general style of mathematical exposition favored by research mathematicians, its goal was to teach students not just to manipulate numbers and formulas, but to grasp the underlying mathematical concepts. The result, at least at first, was a great deal of confusion among teachers, students, and parents. Since then, the negative aspects of «new math» have been eliminated and its positive elements assimilated into classroom instruction.In this charming volume, a noted English mathematician uses humor and anecdote to illuminate the concepts underlying «new math»: groups, sets, subsets, topology, Boolean algebra, and more. According to Professor Stewart, an understanding of these concepts offers the best route to grasping the true nature of mathematics, in particular the power, beauty, and utility of pure mathematics. No advanced mathematical background is needed (a smattering of algebra, geometry, and trigonometry is helpful) to follow the author's lucid and thought-provoking discussions of such topics as functions, symmetry, axiomatics, counting, topology, hyperspace, linear algebra, real analysis, probability, computers, applications of modern mathematics, and much more.By the time readers have finished this book, they'll have a much clearer grasp of how modern mathematicians look at figures, functions, and formulas and how a firm grasp of the ideas underlying «new math» leads toward a genuine comprehension of the nature of mathematics itself.

Advanced Calculus

David V. Widder

This classic text by a distinguished mathematician and former Professor of Mathematics at Harvard University, leads students familiar with elementary calculus into confronting and solving more theoretical problems of advanced calculus. In his preface to the first edition, Professor Widder also recommends various ways the book may be used as a text in both applied mathematics and engineering.Believing that clarity of exposition depends largely on precision of statement, the author has taken pains to state exactly what is to be proved in every case. Each section consists of definitions, theorems, proofs, examples and exercises. An effort has been made to make the statement of each theorem so concise that the student can see at a glance the essential hypotheses and conclusions.For this second edition, the author has improved the treatment of Stieltjes integrals to make it more useful to the reader less than familiar with the basic facts about theRiemann integral. In addition the material on series has been augmented by the inclusion of the method of partial summation of the Schwarz-Holder inequalities, and of additional results about power series. Carefully selected exercises, graded in difficulty, are found in abundance throughout the book; answers to many of them are contained in a final section.

Basic Algebra I

Nathan Jacobson

A classic text and standard reference for a generation, this volume and its companion are the work of an expert algebraist who taught at Yale for two decades. Nathan Jacobson's books possess a conceptual and theoretical orientation, and in addition to their value as classroom texts, they serve as valuable references.Volume I explores all of the topics typically covered in undergraduate courses, including the rudiments of set theory, group theory, rings, modules, Galois theory, polynomials, linear algebra, and associative algebra. Its comprehensive treatment extends to such rigorous topics as Lie and Jordan algebras, lattices, and Boolean algebras. Exercises appear throughout the text, along with insightful, carefully explained proofs. Volume II comprises all subjects customary to a first-year graduate course in algebra, and it revisits many topics from Volume I with greater depth and sophistication.

Applied Multivariate Analysis

S. James Press

Geared toward upper-level undergraduates and graduate students, this two-part treatment deals with the foundations of multivariate analysis as well as related models and applications. Starting with a look at practical elements of matrix theory, the text proceeds to discussions of continuous multivariate distributions, the normal distribution, and Bayesian inference; multivariate large sample distributions and approximations; the Wishart and other continuous multivariate distributions; and basic multivariate statistics in the normal distribution. The second half of the text moves from defining the basics to explaining models. Topics include regression and the analysis of variance; principal components; factor analysis and latent structure analysis; canonical correlations; stable portfolio analysis; classifications and discrimination models; control in the multivariate linear model; and structuring multivariate populations, with particular focus on multidimensional scaling and clustering.In addition to its value to professional statisticians, this volume may also prove helpful to teachers and researchers in those areas of behavioral and social sciences where multivariate statistics is heavily applied. This new edition features an appendix of answers to the exercises.

Advanced Calculus

Avner Friedman

This rigorous two-part treatment advances from functions of one variable to those of several variables. Intended for students who have already completed a one-year course in elementary calculus, it defers the introduction of functions of several variables for as long as possible, and adds clarity and simplicity by avoiding a mixture of heuristic and rigorous arguments.The first part explores functions of one variable, including numbers and sequences, continuous functions, differentiable functions, integration, and sequences and series of functions. The second part examines functions of several variables: the space of several variables and continuous functions, differentiation, multiple integrals, and line and surface integrals, concluding with a selection of related topics. Complete solutions to the problems appear at the end of the text.

Analysis in Euclidean Space

Kenneth Hoffman

Developed for an introductory course in mathematical analysis at MIT, this text focuses on concepts, principles, and methods. Its introductions to real and complex analysis are closely formulated, and they constitute a natural introduction to complex function theory.Starting with an overview of the real number system, the text presents results for subsets and functions related to Euclidean space of n dimensions. It offers a rigorous review of the fundamentals of calculus, emphasizing power series expansions and introducing the theory of complex-analytic functions. Subsequent chapters cover sequences of functions, normed linear spaces, and the Lebesgue interval. They discuss most of the basic properties of integral and measure, including a brief look at orthogonal expansions. A chapter on differentiable mappings concludes the text, addressing implicit and inverse function theorems and the change of variable theorem. Exercises appear throughout the book, and extensive supplementary material includes a bibliography, list of symbols, index, and appendix with background in elementary set theory