Praise for stop acting like a seller and Start Thinking Like a Buyer «Stop Acting Like a Seller and Start Thinking Like a Buyer is a book that teaches you emphatically that 'words matter.' If you want to set yourself apart from others, whether you're selling a product or a concept, this is a book to read. Not only will you learn how to prepare for sales success, you will learn how to be far more effective by thinking like a buyer.» —Theresa Martinez, Brand Director, Roche Laboratories «This book shares a great commonsense approach to developing a new sales attitude and mindset that will work no matter what you're selling. Jerry has successfully articulated a powerful and unique formula for sales greatness.» —Duggar Baucom, head basketball coach, Virginia Military Institute «This is a book for people who truly want to have incredible success in sales. Thinking like a buyer is the most powerful way to help customers and prospects think differently about you and your product. This book shows you exactly how to make that happen in a step-by-step way. If you want to learn how to guarantee your success in selling or influencing, this is a book you must read.» —Dan C. Weilbaker, PhD, McKesson Professor of Sales, Northern Illinois University «A mind shift takes place when you read Acuff's book and realize 'it's all about them.' The book helps you understand human psychology and behavior and gives you the practical tips, encouragement, and examples to help you stand out and be valued by your customers regardless of what you're selling.» —Charlene Prounis, Managing Partner, Flashpoint Medica
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В монографии представлены исследования, проводимые авторами в течение нескольких лет в области психологии потребительского поведения. В исследованиях анализируются факторы потребительской лояльности и лояльности к бренду, а также особенности восприятия российских и зарубежных брендов российскими потребителями. Приведена русскоязычная адаптация опросника для исследования стратегий потребительского поведения, выделены основные стратегии потребительского поведения россиян и описаны особенности их потребительского поведения по сравнению с зарубежными потребителями. Описаны также особенности восприятия брендов людьми с различными стратегиями потребительского поведения. Для студентов, аспирантов и исследователей, занимающихся проблемами экономической психологии, психологии потребительского поведения и психологии маркетинговых коммуникаций.
Praise for America's Corner Store «Who would have thought the story of a drugstore chain could encompass so much vital and fascinating American history? With superb storytelling skills, John Bacon gives us a vivid and insightful chronicle of matters both large and small, from the birth of the milkshake to the rise of America's consumer culture. America's Corner Store is a genuine treat.» -James Tobin the National Book Critics' Circle–Award winner, and author of To Conquer the Air: The Wright Brothers and the Great Race for Flight «Run the business with your head. Lead the family with your heart. Walgreens' history is filled with good values, strong principles, and immense courage. A family business classic.» -Howard «Howdy» S. Holmes President and CEO, «Jiffy» Mixes «John Bacon has crafted a thorough, insightful, readable, and fascinating account of the development of Walgreens: one of the world's most compelling examples of the creation of shareholder value in conjunction with good corporate governance… all in a company run in a highly unique fashion as a 'family' business. As the store that everyone knows, Walgreens has become the envy of corporate America and the darling of shareholders, consistently producing investor returns that place it at the very top among its peers. This book will be required reading in my private equity class at Michigan Business School.» -Professor David Brophy Director, Center for Venture Capital and Private Equity Finance, University of Michigan Business School
If you'd like to know how to change your underachieving firm, At The Crossroads: The Remarkable CPA Firm That Nearly Crashed, Then Soared may hold the key to a bright new future. This innovative book is told in story form, drawing the reader behind the scenes of a dysfunctional team that applies Crosley?s Practice Growth Model to overcome the defects to produce a highly functional team.
The Way of the Dog is a self-help classic. It tells the story of failed salesman, Derek Stubbins, who wanders into a brothers Grimm nightmare and gets turned into a dog. He has to learn the way of the dog to get by. He has to develop the simple, clear way of thinking that a sheepdog has for its task. In doing so, he finds that he can achieve any goal he desires. It is the perfect pathway to success. Why a dog? A dog has only two states of thought, which are happy, and waiting to be happy. When it has a task to do, it sees the beginning and the end. It doesn't become anxious or depressed at the size of the job, but just undertakes it and deals with obstacles as they come. It always succeeds. Geoff Burch taps into the core of great personal development writing in The Way of the Dog. He focuses on the two big questions – what do you want to do with your life and how do you do it? By following the way of the dog, each obstacle in your path is dealt with unfailingly, one at a time. And if you don't know where you're going or what you need to make you happy, the sheepdog will show you how to recognise a sheep and not to waste time with goats. The Way of the Dog offers timeless, accessible, fast-paced, funny and memorable advice. Inspiring lifestyle wisdom is brought out through simple storytelling. Plan your course through life and overcome every obstacle in your path by adopting The Way of the Dog's route map to success. Unlike the instructions in flat-pack furniture, anyone can understand it, it is easy to do, and the outcome will not be a surprise or a disappointment. The Way of the Dog contains the secrets of success.
A newly revised and expanded edition of the revolutionary business classic, Differentiate or Die, Second Edition shows you how to differentiate your products, services, and business in order to dominate the competition. Veteran marketing guru Jack Trout uses real-world examples and his own unique insight to show you how to bind customers to your products for long-term success and loyalty. This edition includes new case studies, new research, and updated examples from around the world.
In today's market, it takes more than good products and services to succeed. Successful marketing requires more precise segmentation and more sophisticated communications with customers–the lifeblood of every business–than ever before. Expertly explaining the components of marketing automation and their application and benefit to the marketing process, Marketing Automation shows you how to develop more effective and targeted direct marketing campaigns, from the planning and execution of promotions to the complete leveraging of marketing to increase your profits. Designed to get you quickly up to speed, you will discover: * How to evolve complex, yet agile, customer communication strategies * Ways to focus already limited marketing resources on the right opportunities * Advice on viewing, tracking, and measuring results * How to optimally use current software applications to empower you to effect stronger, more responsive marketing programs Straightforward and balanced, this essential guide presents a new and better way to strengthen your competitive position by using your precious customer data to increase your bottom line. Required reading for executives, marketing managers, and anyone needing to know the essentials of maximizing the profitability of every customer relationship for their business, Marketing Automation makes every marketing dollar count with a sound road map all executives can understand and follow.
Every year, thousands of new business are started by people with no knowledge of modern marketing at all?and some of them survive and thrive. Accidental Branding tells the story of seven «accidental» brands and how their founders beat bigger competitors by breaking the standard rules of marketing. Successful brands like Burt's Bees, J. Peterman, and Clif Bar reveal how doing things differently can lead to big-time success. If you're an entrepreneur or a marketer, this guide will show you how to build stronger brands.
Praise for THE GREAT FORMULA «This book reminds me of Isaac Newton's discovery of gravity-a stunningly simple idea that changed the course of history. I've seen The Great Formula create millionaires with surprising speed. It's an exact recipe to turn a marginal business into a successful one.» —David Garfinkel, author, Customers on Demand «Mark Joyner has once again succeeded at coming up with an entertaining and educational marketing masterpiece.» —Dr. Mani Sivasubramanian, infopreneur and heart surgeon «With all the fancy buzzwords used to describe how to achieve success, here is a commonsense formula that cuts through the chatter and goes straight to the heart of what really works. This is truly a new perspective.» —Joseph Sugarman, Chairman, BluBlocker Corporation «Save yourself a couple hundred thousand dollars on that degree. Clear out your bookcase. The MBA curriculum for this generation is The Irresistible Offer and The Great Formula.» —Lou D'Alo, PowerUp! Coaching and Consulting