
Различные книги в жанре Культурология

The Ever-Present Origin

Jean Gebser

This English translation of Gebser’s major work, Ursprung und Gegenwart (Stuttgart, Deutsche Verlag, 1966), offers certain fundamental insights which should be beneficial to any sensitive scientist and makes it available to the English-speaking world for the recognition it deserves. “The path which led Gebser to his new and universal perception of the world is, briefly, as follows. In the wake of materialism and social change, man had been described in the early years of our century as the “dead end” of nature. Freud had redefined culture as illness—a result of drive sublimation; Klages had called the spirit (and he was surely speaking of the hypertrophied intellect) the “adversary of the soul,” propounding a return to a life like that of the Pelasgi, the aboriginal inhabitants of Greece; and Spengler had declared the “Demise of the West” during the years following World War I. The consequences of such pessimism continued to proliferate long after its foundations had been superseded. It was with these foundations—the natural sciences—that Gebser began. As early as Planck it was known that matter was not at all what materialists had believed it to be, and since 1943 Gebser has repeatedly emphasized that the so-called crisis of Western culture was in fact an essential restructuration.… Gebser has noted two results that are of particular significance: first, the abandonment of materialistic determinism, of a one-sided mechanistic-causal mode of thought; and second, a manifest “urgency of attempts to discover a universal way of observing things, and to overcome the inner division of contemporary man who, as a result of his one-sided rational orientation, thinks only in dualisms.” Against this background of recent discoveries and conclusions in the natural sciences Gebser discerned the outlines of a potential human universality. He also sensed the necessity to go beyond the confines of this first treatise so as to include the humanities (such as political economics and sociology) as well as the arts in a discussion along similar lines. This was the point of departure of The Ever-Present Origin. From In memoriam Jean Gebser by Jean Keckeis

Эго-Медиа. Социально-философские штрихи к истории телевидения

А. Н. Фортунатов

Средний возраст телезрителя в России постепенно приближается к пятидесяти годам. Это мировая тенденция. Но означает ли это, что телевидение утрачивает свои лидирующие позиции в системе коммуникации? Скорее, наоборот, утверждает автор книги, доктор философских наук, профессор ННГУ им. Н.И. Лобачевского А.Н. Фортунатов: в современном обществе глубоко укоренилась «презумпция визуальности», влияющая на мировоззрение молодых людей, хотя они и отказываются от «устаревшего» телеэкрана, погружаясь в интернет-коммуникацию. Телевидение на протяжении своей истории не только приближало «картинку» к глазам зрителя, но и само становилось все более демократичной технологией, проникающей в плоть и кровь человека. Оно изменило саму суть социальных отношений в XXI веке: чем более одиноким ты являешься, тем больше шансов у тебя стать всеми признанным эго-медиумом. Книга предназначена для широкой аудитории, которой интересны проблемы современной коммуникации, а также для студентов, аспирантов и ученых, специализирующихся в социальной философии, журналистике, коммуникативистике, медиасоциологии и новейшей истории.

Деловые издания И.В. Вернадского (1857—1865)

И. А. Сурнина

Монография посвящена деловым журналам И. В. Вернадского – «Экономическому указателю» (1857–1861) и «Экономисту» (1858–1865). В работе представлен детальный анализ содержания и структуры журналов, тематики и проблематики статей, цензурных условий, восстановленных по архивным документам. Отдельно рассмотрена творческая деятельность ведущих сотрудников, а также полемика с другими периодическими изданиями той поры. Отмечена позиция журналов по ключевым проблемам рубежа 1850—1860-х годов. Также выявлены тенденции развития экономических газет и журналов середины XIX века. Монография предназначена для студентов, аспирантов и преподавателей филологических факультетов, факультетов журналистики, а также всех интересующихся историей русской журналистики.

The Dual Truth, Volumes I & II

Ephraim Chamiel

This book explores three schools of fascinating, talented, and gifted scholars whose philosophies assimilated the Jewish and secular cultures of their respective homelands: they include halakhists from Rabbi Ettlinger to Rabbi Eliezer Berkowitz; Jewish philosophers from Isaac Bernays to Yeshayau Leibowitz; and biblical commentators such as Samuel David Luzzatto and Rabbi Umberto Cassuto. Running like a thread through their philosophies is the attempt to reconcile the Jewish belief in revelation with Western culture, Western philosophy, and the conclusions of scientific research. Among these attempts is Luzzatto’s “dual truth” approach. The Dual Truth is the sequel to the Ephraim Chamiel’s previous book The Middle Way , which focused on the challenges faced by members of the “Middle Trend” in nineteenth-century Jewish thought.

The New Jewish Canon

Группа авторов

The late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries have been a period of mass production and proliferation of Jewish ideas, and have witnessed major changes in Jewish life and stimulated major debates. The New Jewish Canon offers a conceptual roadmap to make sense of such rapid change. With over eighty excerpts from key primary source texts and insightful corresponding essays by leading scholars, on topics of history and memory, Jewish politics and the public square, religion and religiosity, and identities and communities, The New Jewish Canon promises to start conversations from the seminar room to the dinner table. The New Jewish Canon is both text and textbook of the Jewish intellectual and communal zeitgeist for the contemporary period and the recent past, canonizing our most important ideas and debates of the past two generations; and just as importantly, stimulating debate and scholarship about what is yet to come.

John Badham On Directing - 2nd edition

John Badham

Action and suspense films have almost always been made by ‘seat of the pants’ filmmakers. Crafting their films on gut instinct and intuition their innate talent often leads them to exciting results. Badham examines and explains the elements of action and suspense that are needed to make a great film. Badham also dissects the elements of any good scene from any genre of film and gives valuable tools that the reader can apply in directing and acting for maximum impact.
This edition features a brand new section: The Director’s Survival Guide to Episodic Television and explores the political danger zones faced in the ever expanding world of Streaming, Cable and Network television. Badham has created a much needed First Aid Kit for all directors and the newly expanded list of “14 Must Ask Questions Before Rehearsal”– an absolute essential in any filmmakers toolbox.
Intended for actors, directors, cinematographers, production designers or other creatives, Badham gives you the tools to deconstruct and understand your scenes.
Continuing the work begun in Badham’s best-selling book “I’ll Be In My Trailer” he shares more insights from talented directors on how they work with the difficult actor, rehearsal techniques and getting the best performance from any actor whether novice or pro.

Москва №01/2021

Группа авторов

Литературно-художественный журнал. На его страницах – проза и поэзия современных авторов, неизвестные и забытые страницы творчества классиков русской литературы, произведения, созданные русскими писателями в эмиграции, размышления о духовном развитии общества известных публицистов, критиков, деятелей Православной церкви. Журнал для тех, кто интересуется состоянием литературы, искусства, театра в России. В номере: Проза и поэзия Петр Алешкин. Лунные ночи. Рассказ Светлана Пешкова. Дети дождя. Стихи Виктория Смагина. Совершеннозимнее. Стихи Публицистика Светлана Замлелова. Плачем и привыкаем Культура Игорь Золотусский. Встречи c Евгением Евтушенко Николай Калягин. Чтения о русской поэзии. Чтение пятнадцатое Домашняя церковь Протоиерей Алексий Чаплин. Рождественские православные народные традиции и колядование и многое другое

Москва №12/2020

Группа авторов

Литературно-художественный журнал. На его страницах – проза и поэзия современных авторов, неизвестные и забытые страницы творчества классиков русской литературы, произведения, созданные русскими писателями в эмиграции, размышления о духовном развитии общества известных публицистов, критиков, деятелей Православной церкви. Журнал для тех, кто интересуется состоянием литературы, искусства, театра в России. В номере: Проза и поэзия Николай Бурляев. Паломники. Документальная повесть Вячеслав Киктенко. Таяние Тайны. Фрагменты рукописи Публицистика Наталья Лактионова. Наследники Победы Культура Сергей Дмитренко. Салтыков (Щедрин). Биографическая повесть Виктор Хрулёв. А. П. Чехов: бесстрашие правды Домашняя церковь Владимир Губанов. Закат мира при свете Евангелия и многое другое

White Utopias

Amanda J. Lucia

Transformational festivals, from Burning Man to Lightning in a Bottle, Bhakti Fest, and Wanderlust, are massive events that attract thousands of participants to sites around the world. In this groundbreaking book, Amanda J. Lucia shows how these festivals operate as religious institutions for “spiritual, but not religious” (SBNR) communities. Whereas previous research into SBNR practices and New Age religion has not addressed the predominantly white makeup of these communities, White Utopias examines the complicated, often contradictory relationships with race at these events, presenting an engrossing ethnography of SBNR practices. Lucia contends that participants create temporary utopias through their shared commitments to spiritual growth and human connection. But they also participate in religious exoticism by adopting Indigenous and Indic spiritualities, a practice that ultimately renders them exclusive, white utopias. Focusing on yoga’s role in disseminating SBNR values, Lucia offers new ways of comprehending transformational festivals as significant cultural phenomena.