
Различные книги в жанре Культурология

What Is Culture For?

The School of Life

Our societies frequently proclaim their enormous esteem for culture. Music, film, literature and the visual arts enjoy high prestige and are viewed by many as getting close to the meaning of life. But what is culture really for?

This book proposes that works of culture were all made, in one way or another, with the idea of improving the way we live. The book connects a range of cultural masterpieces with our own pains and dilemmas around love, work and society, and invites us to see culture as a resource with which to address the complex agonies of being human. It provides us with enduring keys to unlocking culture as a way of transforming our lives.

История чтения

Альберто Мангель

Когда и где впервые возникли буквы? Что такое сладость чтения? Кто научил верблюдов ходить в алфавитном порядке? Правда ли, что за любовь к чтению казнили? Является ли чтение страстью или отдохновением? Автор воспринимает чтение как соблазнение, как бунт, как одержимость и прослеживает ранее не рассказанную историю о том, как мы продвигались от глиняной таблички к свитку, кодексу и, в конце концов, к гипертексту. Бесконечно увлекательное, захватывающее исследование того, что значит быть читателем, понимать себя через то, что мы читаем. Альберто Мангель (р. 1948) – известный канадский культуролог, писатель, директор Национальной библиотеки Аргентины. Среди персонажей его увлекательной книги писатели и философы, святые и простые смертные – любители чтения и книг.

Western Imaginings

Rohan Davis

Wahhabism is often understood as a radical version of Islam responsible for inspiring and motivating Islamic terrorism. <em>Western Imaginings: The Intellectual Contest to Define Wahhabism </em>is an inquiry into how Wahhabism has been understood and represented by Western intellectuals, particularly those belonging to the neo-conservative and liberal traditions. In contrast to the existing literature that treats Wahhabism as a historical phenomenon or a monolithic theological ideology, a literature often written by authors keen to promote geopolitical interests or with ideological axes to grind, Davis's work considers Wahhabism as a discursive construct crafted and popularized by a Western intellectual elite. This comprehensive study speaks to how and why Western intellectuals have chosen to represent Wahhabism in specific ways, ranging from an analysis of the particular rhetorical techniques employed by these intellectuals to a consideration of the religious and political beliefs that inspire and motivate their decisions. <em>Western Imaginings </em>is aimed at students of political philosophy, intellectual traditions, and sociology; media and policy professionals; and anyone interested in how Islamic doctrines like Wahhabism have been represented in an international context framed by a heightened anxiety about radical Islam.


Kirsten Hastrup

TorklAedet som tegn

Aarhus University Press

Det muslimske torklAede har de seneste ar bragt sindene i kog i store dele af Europa. Ikke mindst i Danmark, hvor 'torklAedestriden' udfolder sig med stAerke udtalelser om tilslorede kvinder i det offentlige rum.TorklAedet som tegn sAetter tilsloring i et historisk og internationalt perspektiv og belyser torklAedets betydning som kulturel markering ud fra en antropologisk, en teologisk og en etnografisk synsvinkel. I bogen vises det bl.a., at beskrivelsen af torklAedet som udansk og kvindeundertrykkende fojer sig ind i en lang tradition for at udgrAense det fremmede med henblik pa at konstruere et billede af os selv. Desuden stilles der skarpt pa den kristne kulturs egne konsspecifikke normer for tildAekning af kroppen: blandt andet har sloret ogsa i dansk sammenhAeng fungeret som tegn pa Aerbarhed og vAeret en positiv identitetsmarkor.Er muslimske kvinders torklAeder da en udfordring af demokratiske vAerdier, af ideen om konnenes ligeberettigelse og individets selvbestemmelse? Disse sporgsmal sAettes i relief gennem analyser af mediedebatten i lande, der reprAesenterer andre modeller for samspillet mellem det religiose og det politiske liv: Tyskland, Frankrig og Tyrkiet.TorklAedet som tegn giver saledes lAeseren gode forudsAetninger for at forholde sig kritisk til debatten om sameksistens eller konflikt mellem kulturer i den nye globale virkelighed.


Susanne Hojlund Pedersen

I Kina spiser de hunde. Det gor vi ikke i Danmark, det er synd for vovsen. Til gengAeld elsker vi en finthakket griselever. Hver sin smag, som vi siger. Det kan der vAere noget om. Men ifolge Susanne Hojlund, smagsdommer ved Aarhus Universitet, bestemmer vi ikke selv vores livret. Det gor dem, vi lever sammen med. Eller indeni – i hvert fald de forste ni maneder, efter at far og mor fik smag for hinanden. De brugte nok ikke kun tungen. Det bor alle vi andre heller ikke gore, nar vi spiser. Vi far en meget bedre smag i munden, hvis vi bruger alt fra top til ta.

The Dark Continent?

Frits Andersen

What I Wish My Christian Friends Knew about Judaism

Robert Schoen

"From the Sabbath to circumcision, from Hanukkah to the Holocaust, from bar mitzvah to bagel, how do Jewish religion, history, holidays, lifestyles, and culture make Jews different, and why is that difference so distinctive that we carry it from birth to the grave?" This accessible introduction to Judaism and Jewish life is especially for Christian readers interested in the deep connections and distinct differences between their faith and Judaism, but it is also for Jews looking for ways to understand their religion–and explain it to others. First released in 2002 and now in an updated edition.