
Различные книги в жанре Критика

The Life of George Eliot. A Critical Biography

Nancy Henry

The life story of the Victorian novelist George Eliot is as dramatic and complex as her best plots. This new assessment of her life and work combines recent biographical research with penetrating literary criticism, resulting in revealing new interpretations of her literary work. A fresh look at George Eliot's captivating life story Includes original new analysis of her writing Deploys the latest biographical research Combines literary criticism with biographical narrative to offer a rounded perspective

The Literary Theory Toolkit. A Compendium of Concepts and Methods

Herman Rapaport

The Literary Theory Toolkit offers readers a rich compendium of key terms, concepts, and arguments necessary for the study of literature in a critical-theoretical context. Includes varied examples drawn from readily available literary texts spanning all periods and genres Features a chapter on performance, something not usually covered in similar texts Covers differing theories of the public sphere, ideology, power, and the social relations necessary for the understanding of approaches to literature

1611. Authority, Gender and the Word in Early Modern England

Helen Wilcox

1611: Authority, Gender, and the Word in Early Modern England explores issues of authority, gender, and language within and across the variety of literary works produced in one of most landmark years in literary and cultural history. Represents an exploration of a year in the textual life of early modern England Juxtaposes the variety and range of texts that were published, performed, read, or heard in the same year, 1611 Offers an account of the textual culture of the year 1611, the environment of language, and the ideas from which the Authorised Version of the English Bible emerged

The Wiley Blackwell Anthology of African American Literature, Volume 2. 1920 to the Present

Gene Jarrett Andrew

The Wiley Blackwell Anthology of African American Literature is a comprehensive collection of poems, short stories, novellas, novels, plays, autobiographies, and essays authored by African Americans from the eighteenth century until the present. Evenly divided into two volumes, it is also the first such anthology to be conceived and published for both classroom and online education in the new millennium. Reflects the current scholarly and pedagogic structure of African American literary studies Selects literary texts according to extensive research on classroom adoptions, scholarship, and the expert opinions of leading professors Organizes literary texts according to more appropriate periods of literary history, dividing them into seven sections that accurately depict intellectual, cultural, and political movements Includes more reprints of entire works and longer selections of major works than any other anthology of its kind This second volume contains a comprehensive collection of texts authored by African Americans from the 1920s to the present The two volumes of this landmark anthology can also be bought as a set, at over 20% savings.

Literary Criticism from Plato to the Present. An Introduction

M. A. R. Habib

Literary Criticism from Plato to the Present provides a concise and authoritative overview of the development of Western literary criticism and theory from the Classical period to the present day An indispensable and intellectually stimulating introduction to the history of literary criticism and theory Introduces the major movements, figures, and texts of literary criticism Provides historical context and shows the interconnections between various theories An ideal text for all students of literature and criticism

Comic Relief. A Comprehensive Philosophy of Humor

John Morreall

Comic Relief: A Comprehensive Philosophy of Humor develops an inclusive theory that integrates psychological, aesthetic, and ethical issues relating to humor Offers an enlightening and accessible foray into the serious business of humor Reveals how standard theories of humor fail to explain its true nature and actually support traditional prejudices against humor as being antisocial, irrational, and foolish Argues that humor’s benefits overlap significantly with those of philosophy Includes a foreword by Robert Mankoff, Cartoon Editor of The New Yorker

Скрытые связи. 12 архитектурных этюдов

Андрей Сергеевич Смирнов

В этой небольшой книге на примере 12 архитектурных этюдов делается попытка показать часто неявную работу внутренних связей архитектурного объекта, составляющих его основу.

Александрийский театр. Щепкин на петербургской сцене

Виссарион Григорьевич Белинский

«…Торжество Щепкина было таково, какие редки вообще, еще более редки в сфере русского драматического искусства, и тем более оно замечательно, что было вполне заслуженное. Щепкин своим пребыванием в Петербурге сделал решительный переворот на русской сцене. Посещение его будет долго памятно, потому что бросило семена, которые не могут не принесть плодов. Одно уже то, что Щепкин, слухами о своем необыкновенном искусстве и даровании, которые блистательно оправдывались на деле, заставил посещать Александрийский театр тех, которые давно уже не посещали его, – чего-нибудь да стоит…»

Семейство, или Домашние радости и огорчения. Роман шведской писательницы Фредерики Бремер…

Виссарион Григорьевич Белинский

«…И однако ж Фредерика Бремер не буквально повторила собою Августа Лафонтена: она, как бы против воли своей, принуждена была сделать значительную уступку духу времени: в заглавии ее романа стоят не одни „радости“ семейные, но и „огорчения“. А! так эта утопия имеет и свои огорчения, даже в романах! Прочтите роман г-жи Бремер – и то ли еще увидите!…»

Спецвыпуск 1: E3 2013 — Конференция Microsoft

Михаил Судаков

содержит нецензурную брань