Книги о Путешествиях

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Making Out in Turkish

Ashley Carman

Making Out in Turkish is a fun, accessible and thorough Turkish phrase book and guide to the Turkish language as it's really spoken. Sana hayranim! Seni tekrar ne zaman gorecegim? —(I adore you! When can I see you again?) Answer this correctly in Turkish, and you may be going on a hot date. Incorrectly, and you could be hurting someone's feelings or getting a slap! Turkish classes and textbooks tend to spend a lot of time rehearsing for the same fictitious scenarios, but chances are while in Turkey you will spend a lot more time trying to make new friends or start new romances—something you may not be prepared for. If you are a student, businessman or tourist traveling to Turkey and would like to have an authentic and meaningful experience, the key is being able to speak like a local. This friendly and easy-to-use Turkish phrasebook makes this possible. Making Out in Turkish has been carefully designed to act as a guide to modern colloquial Turkish for use in everyday informal interactions—giving access to the sort of catchy Turkish expressions that aren't covered in traditional language materials. Each expression is given in authentic Turkish ( turkce ) so that in the case of difficulties the book can be shown to the person the user is trying to communicate with. In addition, phonetic spellings are also included making speaking Turkish a breeze. For example «Okay»— Tamam , is also given as ta-MAHM. This Turkish phrasebook includes: A guide to pronouncing Turkish words correctly. Explanations of basic Turkish grammar, such as double letters, vowel harmony, agglutination, questions, and negation. Complete Turkish translations including phonetic spellings. Useful and interesting notes on Turkish language and culture. Lots of colorful, fun and useful expressions not covered in other phrasebooks. Titles in this unique series of bestselling phrase books include: Making Out in Chinese, Making Out in Indonesian, Making Out in Thai, Making Out in Korean, Making Out in Hindi, Making Out in Japanese, Making Out in Vietnamese, Making Out in Burmese, Making Out in Tagalog, Making Out in Hindi, Making Out in Arabic, Making Out in English, More Making Out in Korean, and More Making Out in Japanese .

Japan: The Soul of a Nation

John Carroll

Featuring over 140 stunning photographs, this Japan travel pictorial captures all the beauty and high culture of Japan.Japan has fascinated foreign visitors and observers for centuries. Although Columbus did not find fables Zipang and its troves of gold he sought, countless sojourners in Japan — ranging from 16th century missionaries to 20th century backpackers with a yen for Zen — have had eye opening encounters with this land of contrasts. Physically one of the most beautiful countries in the world, and a civilization in its own right, Japan remains something of an enigma to outsiders. Futuristic visions seem to bloom effortlessly from time-honored traditions.This compelling photographic study by one of the world’s leading photographers will take you from country roads to the skyscrapers of its amoebae-like megacities, from meditation-inducing rock gardens to the other-worldly frenzy of communal festivals. Through initiation into their psychology, mores, and religious and artistic sentiments, you’ll learn something of what it means to be Japanese

Making Out in Burmese

T. F. Rhoden

Colloquial Kansai Japanese

D. C. Palter

This is a compact and convenient guide to learning the Kansai dialect of the Japanese language Maido, maido and welcome to the Kansai region of western Japan. Whether visiting or living in this area, you will quickly notice the locals aren't speaking standard Japanese taught in textbooks and classrooms. The language on the streets is Kansai-ben: a dialect said to be earthier and more direct, but with its own polite language. With clear explanations of grammar, a Kansai-ben dictionary, and a helpful index, Colloquial Kansai Japanese is an indispensable guide to the rich speech of Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe. Hundreds of sample phrases, sentences and conversations show how the dialect works in everyday situations, ranging from shopping to dealing with the boss. And while you're leaning about the nuances of Kansai–ben , you will have fun reading about Kansai cuisine, sports and specialties. So open your mouth when you speak, roll your r's, and try out this colorful dialect. With your copy of Colloquial Kansai Japanese , you will soon be among friends in Kansai.

Making Out in Chinese

Ray Daniels

Making Out in Chinese is your indispensable guide to contemporary Chinese as it's really spoken on the streets of Beijing, Shanghai, Taipei or Singapore. This best-selling Mandarin phrasebook is the perfect introduction to everyday interactions in China and other Chinese-speaking countries and includes colorful slang that'll help rev up your social life. More than just a typical Chinese phrasebook it features a pronunciation guide, and notes on Chinese language and culture. With Making Out in Chinese, you'll be able to express yourself when: Making new friends Sharing a meal Going out on the town Flirting and getting amorous And much more! Each expression in this phrasebook is given in Chinese characters and their pinyin (Romanized) equivalent. It is designed to enhance your experience in using the language (and in a pinch, you can show the Chinese text to the person you're speaking to). Making Out in Chinese also includes interesting tips on social norms and cultural practices, eating, social media, hanging out, and other situations. The last chapter on Vogue Expressions lists many contemporary slang expressions that are popular these days. For the savvy traveler, this is a Chinese phrase book you won't want to be without!

Making Out in Vietnamese

Peter Constantine

Making Out in Vietnamese is a fun, accessible and thorough Vietnamese phrase book and guide to the Vietnamese language as it's really spoken. Anh dien cuong vi em! Chung ta gap lai sau duoc khong? —(I'm crazy about you! Can we meet again?) Answer this correctly in Vietnamese and you may be going on a hot date. Incorrectly, and you could be hurting someone's feelings or getting a slap! Vietnamese classes and textbooks tend to spend a lot of time rehearsing for the same fictitious scenarios but chances are while in Vietnam you will spend a lot more time trying to make new friends or start new romances—something you may not be prepared for. If you are a student, businessman or tourist traveling to Vietnam and would like to have an authentic and meaningful experience, the key is being able to speak like a local. This friendly and easy-to-use Vietnamese phrasebook makes this possible. Making Out in Vietnamese has been carefully designed to act as a guide to modern colloquial Vietnamese for use in everyday informal interactions—giving access to the sort of catchy Vietnamese expressions that aren't covered in traditional language materials. Each expression is written in Vietnamese next to the English, so that in the case of difficulties the book can be shown to the person the user is trying to communicate with. This Vietnamese phrasebook includes: A guide to pronouncing Vietnamese words correctly. Explanations of basic Vietnamese grammar, such as, personal pronouns and tones. A guide to male and female usage. Authentic Vietnamese script ( Chu Nom ) as well as simplified phonetic spellings for all phrases. Useful and interesting notes on Vietnamese language and culture. Lots of colorful, fun and useful expressions not covered in other phrasebooks. Titles in this unique series of bestselling phrase books include: Making Out in Chinese, Making Out in Indonesian, Making Out in Thai, Making Out in Korean, Making Out in Hindi, Making Out in Japanese, Making Out in Vietnamese, Making Out in Burmese, Making Out in Tagalog, Making Out in Hindi, Making Out in Arabic, Making Out in English, More Making Out in Korean, and More Making Out in Japanese .

Bali Morning of the World

Nigel Simmonds

Bali: Morning of the World is a stunning visual representation of one of the most magical islands on Earth. With more than 130 color illustrations by world-famous photographer Luca Invernizzi Tettoni and personal experiences from author Nigel Simmonds, this Bali photography book provides valuable insight into a fascinating culture that has managed to preserve its elaborate and time-honored traditions, even in a fast-changing world. This Bali travel pictorial contains: History and GeographyRituals and ReligionsArts and Crafts Theatre and DanceFeaturing the extraordinary natural beauty of the island, Bali: Morning of the World portrays both the Balinese people and their home in a cornucopia of color and design and is a perfect souvenir book for those that have traveled to Bali, or those planning on doing so.

Making Out in Thai

Michael Golding

Making Out in Thai is a fun, accessible and thorough guide to Thai as it's really spoken in Bangkok, Chiang Mai and throughout Thailand. This is your guide to modern spoken Thai as it is used in everyday interactions in Thailand today—including many colorful expressions and informal phrases not found in any other Thai phrasebook. This fully revised edition of Making Out in Thai features a pronunciation guide for beginners to be able to speak like a native speaker, updated notes on Thai language and culture, even more useful phrases for getting around Thailand and for shopping and ordering a meal and handy tips about communicating with Thais on all sorts of levels. The phrases are organized according to typical situations and encounters, including: Starting a Conversation Discussing Likes and Dislikes Sharing a Meal Going Out on the Town Developing a Romantic Relationship The phonetic pronunciation given for each phrase helps you pronounce it correctly; and in a pinch, you can show the Thai script version to the person you are speaking to. An English-Thai dictionary has also been added to vastly increase your vocabulary, while the new manga illustrations bring the phrases to life and show how they can be used in real-life situations. Making Out in Thai brings you to a whole new level of fluency and communication!

Ginza Go, Papa-san

Allan R. Bosworth

Ginza Go, Papa-san grew out of a witty essay in the Saturday Evening Post. Through his wit, humor, and love of people, Allan R. Bosworth has captured a quality of profound understanding seldom found in the more learned and academic works on the Japanese. A deep and abiding affection for the people of Japan has neither dulled his keen wit nor affected his objectivity. In Gina Go, Papa-san he has succeeded in achieving a delicate balance between humor and understanding that makes light, informative, and poignant reading.

Instant Korean

Boye Lafayette De Mente

It's amazing how 100 key words and phrases provide instant communication! Do you want to speak simple Korean but are too busy to study it? Are you visiting Korea for a short time and want a Korean phrase book to help you communicate? If so, this Korean phrasebook for you. It's tiny 0.4 x 4.1 x 5.9 inches size makes it incredibly convenient to travel with but without losing the most essential content for communication. This new, expanded edition contains 15% more content, fun manga-style illustrations, and additional information on which destinations, personalities and trends are hot in Korea right now!The idea of Instant Korean is simple—learn 100 words and phrases and say 1,000 things. The trick is knowing which 100 words to learn, but the author Boye Demente has solved the problem, choosing only those words you'll hear again and again. Even with a Korean language vocabulary this small, you'll be surprised how quickly you can learn Korean and how fluently you too can communicate in Korean. An English–Korean dictionary makes looking up words and phrases simple and quick. Here's a sample of what you'll be able to do with this Korean phrasebook: Meet people. Go shopping. Ask directions. Ride the subway. Order food and drinks. And much more. About the new edition: This revised edition has manga illustrations to give visual cues for language use in context, and useful cultural notes on what's proper in Korea—how to address someone based on the hierarchy in societal structure (age, gender and how well acquainted with the other party), how to get the attention of a wait staff in a restaurant, etc.