Книги о Путешествиях

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Walking the Munros Vol 2 - Northern Highlands and the Cairngorms

Steve Kew

Walking the Munros is part of a two-volume describing challenging and inspiring routes to climb Scotland's 282 iconic 3000ft+ mountains. This volume covers the northern Highlands (north of the Great Glen), the Cairngorms and Isle of Skye.
70 challenging and inspiring routes are described to climb 143 Munro mountains. Covering popular and lesser-known routes, it is ideal both for Munro-baggers and those who simply love great mountain walking, and is a convenient size for slipping in a rucksack. This volume includes the mighty Cuillin, Five Sisters of Kintail and dramatic An Teallach as well as the Cairngorms, Torridon, Knoydart, Assynt and Glen Shiel. (Volume 1 details the other 139 Munros, covering the southern, central and western Highlands and Mull).
The half-day and full-day walks and scrambles range from 7km to 46km (with the option to reduce walking distance on some of the longer routes by cycling the approach). Detailed route description and 1:100,000 mapping is accompanied by information on difficulty, mapping, parking, access and nearby accommodation. The guide also includes handy lists of Munros, by height and alphabetically – perfect for peak-baggers – as well as useful details on Gaelic names.

Walking the Munros Vol 1 - Southern, Central and Western Highlands

Steve Kew

Walking the Munros is part of a two-volume describing challenging and inspiring routes to climb Scotland's 282 iconic 3000ft+ mountains. This volume covers the southern, central and western Highlands (south of the Great Glen), taking in stunning areas such as Glen Coe, Glen Shee, Lochaber and Mull.
69 challenging and inspiring routes are described covering 139 Munro mountains. Covering popular and lesser-known routes, it is ideal both for Munro-baggers and those who simply love great mountain walking, and is a convenient size for slipping in a rucksack. This volume includes the iconic Ben Nevis, Buachaille Etive Mor and Aonach Eagach ridge as well as the Mamores, Grey Corries and Arrochar Alps. Volume 2 details the other 143 Munros, covering the northern Highlands, Cairngorms and Isle of Skye.
The half-day and full-day walks and scrambles range from 7km to 48km (with the option to reduce walking distance on some of the longer routes by cycling the approach). Detailed route description and 1:100,000 mapping is accompanied by information on difficulty, mapping, parking, access and nearby accommodation. The guide also includes handy lists of Munros, by height and alphabetically – perfect for peak-baggers – as well as useful details on Gaelic names.

One Night Wilderness: Portland

Becky Ohlsen

Popular, proven format: the previous edition sold more than 7,000 copies, strong numbers for a region-specific title Market: Nearly 45 million people went hiking/walking in the U.S. in 2017, with reasons ranging from enjoyment of the outdoors to health and exercise 64 featured trips, plus more than 40 bonus trips—from short and easy hikes to extended trips of 20 miles One- and two-night backpacking trips within three hours of Portland Photographs, maps, and need-to-know details like trail descriptions, directions, permit requirements, and more Author ratings for scenery, difficulty, and solitude Advice for beginner backpackers and tips for introducing children to backpacking

Walking Portland

Becky Ohlsen

City Secrets Rome


City Secrets Rome: The Essential Insider's Guide brings together the recommendations of artists, writers, historians, architects, chefs, and other experts whose passionate opinions and highly informed perspectives illuminate well-known sites as well as overlooked treasures. These expert travel companions share with you their favorite little-known places including restaurants, cafés, art, architecture, shops, outdoor markets, strolls, daytrips, as well all manner of cultural and historic landmarks. Clothbound, elegant, and pocket-sized, City Secrets Rome features a subtle, non-guidebook design and detailed maps. With over 250 contributors and 400 entries, this curated travel guide is a valuable supplement to any book more devoted to travel basics. A percentage of the proceeds will be donated to The American Academy in Rome, a center for independent study and advanced research in the arts and humanities.

Cannot Stay

Kevin Oderman

This is a book for cultural travelers first of all. It includes many cultural allusions, particularly to modern poetry, allusions that are self-evident in context. This is not in any way a guidebook–no suggestions about where to stay or eat or anything like that. The focus is on the experience of travel; the places provide the occasions to explore that. The author writes vivid descriptions of the places he visits, giving the reader a chance to «experience» destinations with him. While most literary travel writing is quite formulaic–for example, it may recount a single heroic journey or go somewhere and talk about sinking in until the visitor is almost like a native–Cannot Stay is different. It is about the kinds of journeys most people take.The individual essays form a collage about travel. The author twice taught abroad as a Fulbright Scholar, first in Thessaloniki, Greece, and subsequently in Lahore, Pakistan. The author received a Bakeless Prize in nonfiction for a book of literary essays.The author teaches nonfiction, including essay, to graduate students in the Wilkes University Low Residency Creative Writing MA/MFA Program.

Bruckmann Wanderführer: Entdeckertouren Fränkische Schweiz. 33 spannende Wanderungen

Bernhard Pabst

Erst abseits ausgetretener Wege kann man die unvergleichbare Vielfalt der Fränkischen und Hersbrucker Schweiz erleben: Kommen Sie mit und entdecken Sie faszinierende Felswelten, geheimnisvolle Höhlen, grandiose Aussichten, verwunschene Täler, wilde Schluchten, glasklare Bäche, ursprüngliche Wälder, artenreiche Trockenrasen und vieles mehr – darunter über 100 Naturwunder, die in keinem anderen Führer beschrieben sind.