Tired of the same old tourist traps? Whether you’re a visitor or a local looking for something different, Kansas Off the Beaten Path shows you the Sunflower State with new perspectives on timeless destinations and introduces you to those you never knew existed. Attend a “twine party” in Cawker City to make the world’s largest ball of twine (almost nine tons). Go on a retreat to the Dominican Sisters’ Heartland Farm and try your hand at organic gardening and holistic healing Sample some of the twenty-eight wines produced at Smoky Hill Vineyards and Winery in Salina. So if you’ve “been there, done that” one too many times, get off the main road and venture Off the Beaten Path.
Lakkamatult saan sõnumeid, mis algavad küsimusega „Oled sa elus?“. Kui taas kord selge, et mind polegi vahepeal paljaks röövitud, orjaks müüdud ega organite turul värskeks kaubaks parseldatud, järgneb tavapärane „Kas tuled juba tagasi? Kas on juba kõrini?“. Mis mõttes?Mehhikos on kultuure ja keeli ju rohkem kui terves Euroopas kokku. Siin saab nautida päikesetõusu paradiisirannal, varjuda seniidis paistva päikese eest vihmametsade lopsakusse ja jälgida viimaste päikesekiirte kadumist lumiste mäetippude taha. Igaks lõunasöögiks saab proovida midagi täiesti uut. Siinsete inimeste soojus, heatahtlikkus ja avatus pole mind lakanud üllatamast; tänu neile taipan viimaks kodu ja pere sügavamat tähendust.Nagu tõelises telenovela’s, lasen ma end kaasa viia rikaste tuultel ja säraval elukeerisel, ent ühel hetkel leian end rahatuna ja passita tänavalt. Paar nädalat pooltuttava diivanil, juhuslik võimalus asendada koolis õpetajat ja üks toimumata jäänud pimekohting avavad mu silmad ja südame uutele horisontidele.Kõrini? Ei, kõrini mul veel pole.
The Namib Desert extends as a narrow strip more than 1.800 km along the Atlantic coast, from Port Nolloth in South Africa through Namibia and up to the town of Namibe in Angola. This book is about a thrilling expedition crossing the multifarious Namib Desert visiting mystical places: prohibited diamond areas, ghost towns, ship wrecks, endless dune regions, virgin beaches, idiosyncratic fluvial topographies. A unique fauna and flora invites the reader to explore both new dimensions of the desert and enables encounters with the local population. An interesting journey that simultaneously provides a retrospective view of the times of explorers, colonisation and civil wars.
Феномен под названием «Новая Женщина» мало известен российским читателям, хотя имеет столетнюю историю и отчетливо проявляется в современной жизни. Сюжет книги основан на подлинном событии – в 1894 году американка родом из России впервые в мире совершила кругосветное путешествие на велосипеде. Пускаясь в дальний путь на новом по тем временам средстве передвижения, Мэри объявляет себя новой женщиной в надежде прославиться и разбогатеть. Рискованное путешествие в одиночку длиной почти в пару лет изменит ее представления о мире и поможет узнать себя. События развиваются стремительно, однако динамичное повествование рассчитано на неспешное чтение. Это книга-калейдоскоп, которая предлагает вдумчивому читателю достроить подлинные связи между репортажами начинающей журналистки Мэри и свидетельствами знавших ее людей. Многослойный, увлекательный текст рассчитан на широкий круг читателей.
Из простого фокуса с летающей батарейкой получилась в конце концов пилотируемая летающая машина с великолепными характеристиками. Парень, который взялся довести её до Луны, был простым программистом и многого не знал о политике и небесной механике. Жизнь порой такая непредсказуемая!
Olavi Antonsi kassidel on huvitav elu. Sügisel astuvad nad autosse ja sõidavad väärikalt aknast välja vahtides läbi kogu Euroopa: ühelt Läänemere saarelt ühele Atlandi ookeani saarele. Kevadel ootab ees sama teekond, ikka Tenerifelt tagasi Saaremaale.Kuidas Olavi sellise eluni jõudis? (Ja mis kassid asjast arvavad? Ja miks keeldusid kassid kuunariga ookeanile seilama minemast?)Olin raamatut toimetades Olavi mõtteviisi, (enese)iroonia ja jutuoskuse lummuses. Mõnusalt voolavate lugude taga on aga inimene oma õppetundidega. Mõni inimene lihtsalt peab oma elu raskeks elama. Seeasemel et suunduda palgatööle, hakkas Olavi Tenerife päikese käes jalgratast leiutama ja Ameerikat avastama. Aimas tuulesuundi, trükkis kaarte, jauras vene turistide ja hispaania ametnikega, tegi kõikvõimalikke vigu ja muutis maailma põnevamaks.PS. „Võtkem end kokku, olgem targad!“ laulis Olavi kunagi lapstähena Eesti kõige hirmsamate telesaadete sekka valitud „Kollase maski“ lavastuses. Mis on tarkus ja kuidas end kokku võtta? Kassid ehk teavad.
Flug & Bus-Studienreise durch die baltischen Staaten nach Litauen, Lettland und Estland. Landschaften zwischen Meer und Wäldern, Dünen und Flüssen, voll beschaulicher Schönheit, voller Moore und Seen. Wir begegnen dem Zauber des Baltikums durch Eintauchen in Natur und Kultur und lernen außer vielen Sehenswürdigkeiten und den faszinierenden Landschaften auch die wechselvoll verwobene Geschichte dieser drei Lände und deren Bevölkerung kennen. Viele interessante Begegnungen mit Land und Leuten lassen uns diese wunderbare Reise zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis werden. Mit vielen farbigen Bilder reich gestaltete und sehr ansprechende E-Book.
Japan mesmerizes and bewilders the visitor in equal measure, making a top-notch travel guide essential for anyone planning a trip to the land of the rising sun. Rob Goss is an award-winning Japan travel writer who has lived in the country for years. From fast-paced Tokyo to the serene temples and gardens of Kyoto to the booming winter resort of Niseko, Goss shows visitors where to experience the country's rich culinary traditions, pop culture, Samurai heritage, and so much more. Delving beyond the scope of traditional guidebooks, Japan Traveler's Companion showcases the insider's Japan, offering detailed itineraries for each region as well as: Information on the country's 100 most important tourist sights, including 22 UNESCO World Heritage Sites Illustrated introductions to Japanese cuisine, popular culture, and Samurai history A map of each region with suggested walks Tips for getting off the beaten path and finding Japan's lesser-known treasures, such as the contemporary «art island» of Naoshim and Yakushima's breathtaking flora and fauna Engagingly written and richly illustrated with hundreds of color photos, this Japan travel guide is the one book visitors will keep by their side before, during, and long after they complete their journey.
Designed for beginning Korean learners, Practical Korean gives you only what you need—including an essential pronunciation guide and key grammar points. This concise Korean language book is organized into 46 easy lessons that help you grasp everything from names and greetings to casual remarks. It is designed for English speakers traveling to Korea, although it can be used by anyone wishing to learn Korean and acquire a basic working knowledge of conversational Korean in a short period. Engagingly illustrated with manga-style drawings, this volume includes: A basic pronunciation guide Essential vocabulary and practical sentences Information on Korean sentence patterns and critical grammar points A 3,000-word Korean-to-English and English-to-Korean dictionary Native speaker audio recordings to aid pronunciation Even readers without any prior knowledge of Korean will grasp the necessary basics to get conversing and communicating in Korean fast and painlessly!
An introduction to Japanese through authentic, commonly-used sentences. This best-selling Japanese textbook is a user-friendly guide for beginners designed for use in a classroom or self-study. It adopts a very different approach from other Japanese language books—teaching you the underlying sentence structures and patterns of Japanese along with essential vocabulary and phrases so you can attain basic fluency quickly. The emphasis is on acquiring a working knowledge of simple, everyday Japanese sentences. This new edition has been thoroughly updated and expanded to reflect the way Japanese is spoken in Japan today. Manga illustrations have been added to each dialogue along with the latest jargon for the internet, social media, cellphones, and IT, and a bidirectional dictionary is included at the back. Each self-contained lesson presents a simple four-step method: Step 1: Basic Sentences: Each lesson begins with a few simple sentences. Essential vocabulary and phrases are learned within the context of these sentences. Audio recordings by native speakers are in the downloadable audiok. Step 2: Communication Notes: A detailed discussion of each sentence follows to assist you in understanding the underlying structure and how to form new sentences based on the same pattern. Step 3: Everyday Conversations: Authentic dialogues with manga illustrations and native-speaker recordings show you how people communicate naturally in Japan today through simple, everyday interactions. Step 4: Exercises: Several sets of easy exercises help reinforce your understanding of the key points presented in the lesson and review what you have learned so you can move on to the next lesson.