Kohvikud keset tänavat. Viini šnitsel sidruniga. Roosad kastaniõied, pargid ja „tupsupuu“. Hofburgi majesteetlik arhitektuur ja Stephansdomi katedraali gootika. Tõllad vanalinna tänavatel, hobustel kakakotid saba all. Puitistmetega punavalged trammid. Käesuudlused ja ballid. Akadeemilised tiitlid. Kristlik kultuuriruum ja vana hea saksa keel.Kui erinev Tallinnast 1700 kilomeetri kaugusel Austrias olla saab?Minu sõprus Viiniga – suurlinnaga, mis on parajalt väike, et olla Eesti moodi, ja piisavalt suur, et olla täiesti teistmoodi – on kestnud 17 aastat. Mul on kakskeelne poeg, õpetan ülikoolis eesti keelt ja mu kirglik hobi on muusika. Olen Viini filharmoonikute lummuses, kuigi ise klassikat ei mängi.Viin on justkui peene käega skulptor, mis paljude kohtumiste ja kultuuriseikade kaudu mulle mõned omadused lisanud ja mõned ära võtnud, voolinud mind oma näo järgi, puudutanud veidi siit, veidi sealt. Vahel ärritanud, vahel paitanud, aga kokkuvõttes teinud minust rohkem eestlase, kui ma eales olnud olen.
Dawes is very well-known and respected in literary (and academic) circles.Dawes is a mentor of Marlon James's and also works closely on various collaborations with Colin Channer, Chris Abani, etc.Though stylistically different, Bivouac shares themes with Marlon James's Man Booker Prize winning novel, A Brief History of Seven Killings.Dawes's debut novel, She's Gone (Akashic), won a Hurston/Wright Legacy Award for Best First Novel; Dawes has also won numerous poetry prizes and an Emmy Award for LiveHopeLove.comDawes is the coeditor of the critically-acclaimed African Poetry Book Fund's annual boxsets (published by Akashic)Dawes is the Glenna Luschei editor of Prairie Schooner at the University of Nebraska, where he is a Chancellor's Professor of English, a faculty member of Cave Canem, and a teacher in the Pacific MFA Program in Oregon. Dawes was elected (in 2018) a chancellor of the Academy of American Poets.
"Someone is cutting off victims' fingers in New Delhi and vampires and lycans are suspects in this ambitious mix of detection and the supernatural from Singh."–Publishers Weekly"Sajan Dayal, a Delhi detective, pursues a serial (though nonlethal) collector of human fingers. Dayal's team encounters would-be vampires and werewolves, plus a woman named Razia who may or may not be centuries old."–Publishers Weekly, Spring 2016 Announcements"An intriguing mix of history, myth and the realities of contemporary New Delhi…Astonishing and satisfying."–Reviewing the Evidence"Superbly gothic…The novel is a compelling one and certain to be a great addition to courses on detective fiction and noir, especially given its focus on a city that has not necessarily or traditionally been attached to mystery and mayhem. Singh is giving places like Los Angeles and San Francisco a run for their money in this re-envisioning of the urban noir."–Asian American Literature Fans"Necropolis is a ravishing beauty of prose that is as sumptuous as it is gripping…Imagine a cocktail of V.S. Naipaul, Agatha Christie, Elmore Leonard, and E.M. Forster, and you have the essence of this haunting and ferociously charming novel."–Ken Bruen, author of Green Hell"I tore though Necropolis with great pleasure and a fair measure of unease. It's a grisly, wonderfully written novel that interweaves disparate genres and styles into a whole that satisfies thoroughly. As fine a crime novel as I've read in the last year."–Scott Phillips, author of The Ice Harvest"Avtar Singh's Necropolis is an ode to ancient, medieval, and Old Delhi, a romantic ballad that cuts across time, if not place, and melds features of classic detective fiction with those of the hard-boiled and roman noir in a style that is exquisitely the author's."–Sumana Mukherjee, MintNecropolis follows Sajan Dayal, a detective in pursuit of a serial (though nonlethal) collector of fingers. He encounters would-be vampires and werewolves, and a woman named Razia who may or may not be centuries old. Guided by Singh's gorgeous and masterful writing, the novel peels back layers of a city in thrall to its past, hostage to its present, and bitterly divided as to its future. Delhi went from being an imperial capital to provincial backwater in a few centuries: the journey back to exploding commercial metropolis has been compressed into a few decades. Combining elements of crime, fantasy, and noir, Necropolis tackles the questions of origin, ownership, and class that such a revolution inevitably raises. The world of Delhi, the sweep of its history–its grandeur, grimness, and criminality–all of it comes alive in Necropolis.
Peter Kimani has been nominated for the 2018 Grand Prix des Associations Littéraires, Catégorie Belles-Lettres Nominated for the 2018/2019 People’s Book Prize "This funny, perceptive and ambitious work of historical fiction by a Kenyan poet and novelist explores his country's colonial past and its legacy through the stories of three men involved with the building of a railroad linking Lake Victoria and the Indian Ocean–what the Kikuyu called the 'Iron Snake' and the British called the 'Lunatic Express.'"–New York Times Book Review, Editors' Choice"Kimani has done a game job managing the carpentry of this ambitious novel, bringing great skill to the task of deploying multiple story lines, huge leaps back and forth in time and the withholding and distribution of information…Once Kimani has his plotlines all set, his writing relaxes, and it's here that you can see his raw talent…I have never read a novel about [Kenya] that's so funny, so perceptive, so subversive and so sly."–New York Times Book Review"In his American debut, Kimani illustrates the discordant history of East Indians in Kenya through a fabulously complicated set of intriguing characters and events…Highlighted by its exquisite voice, Kimani's novel is a standout debut."–Publishers Weekly"Kimani's descriptive and inventive prose recounts personal stories of love and tragedy within a context of racial hierarchies and the fallout of colonial rule…Babu's story feels weighted by history in a way that will remind readers of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's work…Kimani's complex novel will leave readers questioning the meanings of citizenship and belonging during an era of significant social upheaval in Kenya's history."–Booklist"African colonialism is confronted in this subtle, multilayered Kenyan tale…Lyrical and powerful…Kimani weaves together a bitter, hurtful past and hopeful present in this rich tale of Kenyan history and culture, the railroad, and the men and women whose lives it profoundly affected…This is a thoughtful story about a country's imperialist past."–Kirkus Reviews"The characters are human, teaching us that even someone who does wrong is not all bad, and Kimani writes with such vivid detail that one can easily visualize the vast scenery. Reminiscent of Iman Verjee's Who Will Catch Us as We Fall, this novel will appeal to readers of historical and literary fiction."–Library JournalSet in the shadow of Kenya's independence from Great Britain, Dance of the Jakaranda reimagines the special circumstances that brought black, brown and white men together to lay the railroad that heralded the birth of the nation.The novel traces the lives and loves of three men–preacher Richard Turnbull, the colonial administrator Ian McDonald, and Indian technician Babu Salim–whose lives intersect when they are implicated in the controversial birth of a child. Years later, when Babu's grandson Rajan–who ekes out a living by singing Babu's epic tales of the railway's construction–accidentally kisses a mysterious stranger in a dark nightclub, the encounter provides the spark to illuminate the three men's shared, murky past.With its riveting multiracial, multicultural cast and diverse literary allusions, Dance of the Jakaranda could well be a story of globalization. Yet the novel is firmly anchored in the African oral storytelling tradition, its language a dreamy, exalted, and earthy mix that creates new thresholds of identity, providing a fresh metaphor for race in contemporary Africa.
One of the Philippine Daily Inquirer's Top 10 Books of 2014A NewPages Book Stand Editor's Pick"Darkly spellbinding…With a keen eye for splendor amid the grotesque, Gamalinda writes with a poet's heart and a philosopher's mind, while enthralling readers with emotional, gritty storytelling."–Booklist"A mesmerizing story full of mystery…intricate…beautiful writing."–Publishers Weekly"It's Gamalinda's best and most accessible novel yet, deserving to be read by as many people as possible."–Philippine Daily Inquirer"It felt so easy to get swept up in this novel. The language is beautiful....a beautifully written book."–NewPages"The wait for Gamalinda's first US based publication was well worth [it]…An indispensable, powerful portrayal of broken families trapped in the centripetal forces of transnational capital and postcolonial politics."–Asian American Literature Fans"Gamalinda…does indeed write fearlessly…in rich, unflinching prose. This storytelling stayed with me…I was compelled to keep reading by the strength of the writing (it's not for nothing that Gamalinda is the recipient of the Philippine National Book Award, a Palanca Memorial Award, and a Philippine Centennial Prize)."–Galatea Ressurects #24"I recommend this book to those with large, giving hearts, who can afford to spend the emotional capital demanded here."–Basso Profundo"The Descartes Highlands is a psychologically taut drama that unravels right in front of you…I guarantee that you will be richly rewarded."–Zachary Mule"Behind Eric Gamalinda's jagged, ice-pick prose is an urgent need to connect and to understand. Are we more than the sum of our histories? What is this accident of being? Why is there anything at all? Written at the edge of a sinkhole and determined to resist its pull, The Descartes Highlands is about nothing less than the whole bewildering dream that is human consciousness."–David Hollander, author of L.I.E."No one writes like Eric Gamalinda, though we wish we all could. The Descartes Highlands, an amazing work of brutal candor girded by a philosopher's calm, entwines our present despair with the horrific pasts we will not escape. One of the most dazzling novelists writing in America today, Eric Gamalinda has an almost classical Greek faith in the redemptive power of art. This novel delivers a commitment to beauty as unflinching as the bleak truths it tells–about globalization, about colonialism, about our human madness–offering in turn what seems our only, paradoxical hope: the pained telling of our story–a gorgeous and bitter feast."–Gina Apostol, author of Gun Dealers' DaughterTwo men, each unaware of the other, share a common family secret: they were sold for adoption by their American father shortly after their births in the Philippines. Three alternating stories interweave the experiences of father Andrew Breszky and the two sons who try to connect and piece together the puzzle of their reckless, impulsive father. One lives in New York and the other grows up in the south of France, later traveling all over Asia as a documentary filmmaker. Both will discover that their relationships somehow echo that of the young man whose history eludes them.Celebrated Filipino writer Eric Gamalinda's international debut novel is a contemporary work of ideas that combines mystery, film noir, and existential philosophy. Highly intricate and written in a style reminiscent of the maverick narrative techniques of such filmmakers as Andrei Tarkovsky and Béla Tarr, and with some of the philosophical underpinnings of Michel Houellebecq or Javier Marías. Named after the region of the moon where Apollo 16 landed in the same year these men were born, The Descartes Highlands demonstrates that for lives marked by unrelieved loneliness, the only hope lies in the redemptive power of love.
Named one of the 20 Greatest New Father's Day Gifts by Advocate.com!"No matter what the country or the language, parents all over the world–loving, frustrated, exhausted parents–know what Adam Mansbach means. Since 2011, his comically obscene picture book has sold more than 1.5 million copies in dozens of languages from Afrikaans to Japanese to Nynorsk. And later this year, his little book will venture into new territory with a Jamaican patois translation: 'Go de R–s to Sleep.'"–The Washington Post/Style Blog"This version of Adam Mansbach's profane, affectionate, and radically honest book will remind whole new audiences about the absurdities of parenting. Just don't read it to the kids."–Advocate.com, The 20 Greatest New Father's Day GiftsPraise for Go the Fuck to Sleep:"A new Bible for weary parents."–New York Times"Incredibly appealing."–NPR"A parenting zeitgeist…A phenomenon that has stunned the publishing world and may just redefine the modern ‘parenting’ market."–Washington Post"Delightfully obscene."–Newsweek"Nothing has driven home a certain truth about my generation, which is approaching the apex of its childbearing years, quite like this deranged book."–New YorkerThe best-selling Go the F*** to Sleep has been translated into over thirty languages worldwide. Now it is finally translated for Jamaican and other Caribbean parents of the world. Given how many West Indians live in the US and Canada, the market for this book should be broad, but focused mainly on areas with a large Caribbean community.Go de Rass to Sleep is a bedtime book for parents who live in the real world, where a few snoozing kitties and cutesy rhymes don’t always send a toddler sailing blissfully off to dreamland. Profane, affectionate, and radically honest, California Book Award–winning author Adam Mansbach's verses perfectly capture the familiar–and unspoken–tribulations of putting your little angel down for the night. In the process, they open up a conversation about parenting, granting us permission to admit our frustrations, and laugh at their absurdity.With illustrations by Ricardo Cortés, Go de Rass to Sleep is beautiful, subversive, and pants-wettingly funny–a book for parents new, old, and expectant. You probably should not read it to your children.
Publicize to major dailies, weeklies, literary publications, alternative publications. Major radio and television push. Very strong fiction debut. Akashic's promotion will have a strong social media component Strong candidate for B&N Discover Program. Promote to a general literary audience, but also to African American and Carirbbean-themed media venues.
Michael and Celia Richardson and their son Jamie, born two years before while Michael was learning Mandarin Chinese in Hong Kong, lived in Peking from January 1972 to January 1974. It was Michael’s first posting as a member of HM Diplomatic Service as Third Secretary at the Office of the British Chargé d’Affaires. This book is a collection of letters written to their families in Britain.
From the comfort of an armchair and with the aid of this new book, the reader can travel to the Breadalbane and Argyll of Duncan Bàn Macintyre; the Skye and Raasay of Sorley Maclean; and the Caithness and Sutherland of Neil M. Gunn. Photographs, maps and place-names linked to key passages in the texts will immerse readers in the landscapes which songs, poems and tales have described and enlivened over the ages.