Книги о Путешествиях

Различные книги в жанре Книги о Путешествиях

Reading the Gaelic Landscape

John Murray

Following the success of the first edition, this new edition has been expanded and improved with additional images and enhanced drawings. The subject matter has been expanded with the chapter on grammar and pronunciation extended. There are examples of how Gaelic personal names and the human body are used in place-names and many etymological sources have been added to place-name tables. In addition to the generic index, there is now an index of specific place-names. Finally, there’s more to say about hares, bears and boars! Reading the Gaelic Landscape is essential for anyone who is interested in the Scottish Highlands and its native language. It enables people to read and understand place-names in Gaelic, providing insights into landscape character and history. The book enriches the experience of walkers, climbers, sailors, bird watchers and fishers by sketching the named context, where they practise their pursuits. Outdoor enthusiasts need no longer struggle with unfamiliar spellings and words, as they can develop a new perspective of place through an understanding of Gaelic toponymy. The ways Gaelic poets like Sorley MacLean and Duncan Bàn MacIntyre used the named landscape in their work is explored. Names are used to speculate about species extinctions and the history of the Caledonian Forest. Readers learn how place has been defined in Gaelic and how this has been recorded, through a deeper understanding of how native speakers applied their language to the landscape.

Diary of Turkish travel. Trip to Turkey

Galina Kupriyeva

Photobook which includes stories about Turkey and Antalya. Each story is added by photographs to give the reader perception of beauty and marvelous spirit of the nature in these places. This book is for easy, pleasant reading, for those who have already been or wished to travel to Turkey, where near comfortable resorts, old relics and monuments of architecture along with magnificence of Medieval Age exist.#travel #Turkey #adventure

Когда уходит печаль

Екатерина Береславцева

Вместо уютной спаленки – безликое купе для проводников. Вместо домашних пирожков – приевшиеся специалитеты из вагона-ресторана. Вместо семьи и школьных друзей – персонал пассажирского поезда да личный дневник… До недавнего времени такая жизнь «на колёсах» Любочку полностью устраивала. Тем более что собственной квартиры у неё никогда не водилось, а в детстве кочевать из состава в состав вместе с мамой – работником железной дороги – было даже весело. Теперь Люба – взрослая барышня, умеющая обаять и настроить на мирный лад самых ворчливых пассажиров. Вот только велики ли шансы на любовь у той, которая упорно не желает сходить на станции под названием «Личное счастье»? И как примет Любочку жизнь по ту сторону вагонных окон, которая абсолютно не укладывается в рамки железнодорожных графиков и расписаний?

На Верхнем озере

Владимир Дараган

Это сборник рассказов о путешествиях по берегам Верхнего озера – одного из Великих американских озер. Скалы, розовые и черные пляжи, горные реки, водопады, дремучие леса – более 100 фотографий, сделанных во все времена года. Тут также найдете рассказы о поисках агатов, библейских гигантов и др.

Pod słońcem Italii

Frances Mayes

Time Out Cape Town

Editors Out

Time Out Venice

Editors Out

Spooky Maryland

S. E. Schlosser

Pull up a chair or gather round the campfire and get ready for thirty-four creepy tales of ghostly hauntings, eerie happenings, and other strange occurrences in Maryland. Set in the Old Line State’s city streets, rural communities, wooded mountains, and vast shoreline, the stories in this entertaining and compelling collection will have readers looking over their shoulders again and again. Maryland’s folklore is kept alive in these expert retellings by master storyteller S. E. Schlosser and in artist Paul Hoffman’s evocative illustrations. Set way back near the cold, calm waters of Crisfield, in the quiet rural farmlands of Venton, and in the dark, heavily wooded swamplands of Cambridge, the stories in this entertaining and compelling collection will have you looking over your shoulder again and again. Readers will feel an icy wind on the back of their necks on a warm evening. Whether read around the campfire on a dark and stormy night or from the backseat of the family van on the way to grandma’s, this is a collection to treasure.

Grandparents Minnesota Style

Mike Link

Popular format: Adventure’s Grandparents with Style books have been steady, consistent sellers for more than nine years. Market: Grandparents who want to play an instrumental part in their grandchildren's healthy development Color photographs, detailed descriptions and tips on making each and every stop a bonding experience Reader experience: “With this book, I can share the best of Minnesota with my grandchildren, ages 2 and up, and teach them the valuable lessons I’ve learned in life.”