Исторические приключения

Различные книги в жанре Исторические приключения


Steve Aylett

'Beerlight was a blown circuit, where to kill a man was less a murder than a mannerism … Crime was the new and only artform.'<br> <br> A book with its own nervous system, Slaughtermatic follows Dante Cubit through the streets of Beerlight as he hunts for a crime mentor, tangling with Chief Henry Blince and the hitman Brute Parker on the way.<br> <br> Real satire amid the bomb zombies, scary clowns and needle bars of the city. Gun karma navigated. Hassle with the locals, breaking our man in half.<br> <br> After robbing a bank with the aid of a painkiller-guzzling, trigger-happy Kid and attempting to escape by killing his own recent-past self, Dante soon realises that there is no escape from a trap that expands with you.

Окаянное время. Россия в XVII – середине XVIII века

Борис Керженцев

Книга современного историка и писателя Бориса Керженцева посвящена переломному столетию 1650–1750 гг., когда на руинах Московского государства рождалась Российская империя. За эти сто лет изменился до неузнаваемости облик страны. Произошла самая настоящая революция в духовной, экономической и социальной сферах. Основные приметы эпохи: церковный Раскол и возникновение старообрядчества, утверждение крепостного права и крестьянские войны, тотальное обмирщение культуры, усиление западноевропейского влияния и подавление национальной самобытности русского народа. Так называемая эпоха преобразований была временем, когда гражданское противостояние в России достигло наибольшего накала. В трактовке официальной историографии произошедшие перемены всегда было принято представлять как трудный, но необходимый переход от «варварства» к «просвещению». Между тем в народной среде отторжение социальных и духовных нововведений было столь сильным, что произвело на свет учение о реформированной России – как о «государстве антихриста»…

Cave of Little Faces

Aída Besançon Spencer

When a sudden mysterious letter summons city minister Jo Archer from New Jersey to the Caribbean, she is plunged into a world of possibilities so large and obstacles so great she could gain or lose everything she holds dear. In this contemporary adventure novel full of challenge, mystery, romance, grace, plot twists, and ultimate enlightenment, Jo's search for her identity echoes the true story struggles of two victims who became victors: Joseph, deliverer of famine-struck Israel, and Enrique, liberator of the oppressed Taino people, from whom Jo is directly descended. As Jo confronts her own life-threatening and life-changing quest, she realizes she is «walking in every forgotten, undervalued, and marginalized woman's dream»–a chance to become the leader whom God destined her to be, amidst the highest adventure of her life.

Good Blood

K. C. Pastore

According to Rosemary Luce, 1968 Mahoningtown, Pennsylvania, was as true as the movie's exaggerations–a flash of technicolored bliss. But under the falling soot of train engines and steel mill stacks her vibrant Italian-American community is riddled with morbid secrets. Eleven-year-old Rosie's curiosity in a mysterious group of men precipitates her discovery of the Italian Mafia. When she gets caught in the Mafia's path she learns that her honorable and honest family has incestuous Mafia ties. And, the golden age of the mob is coming to a self-detonating end. Her struggle to rescue her family from its generational curse begins to blur her own distinctions between corruption and justice, good and evil, sin and saving. In her journey, she discovers the power of friendship, the consequences of evil, and the hard decisions that come with unconditional love.

НЕЗАПЛАНИРОВАННОЕ ПУТЕШЕСТВИЕ. Книга первая. Таинственный шар

Светлана Шнайдер

Друзей, отправляющихся на отдых, засасывает в странную зависшую в воздухе сферу. Очнувшись, они понимают, что оказались в прошлом. Но это далеко не самое странное, что произойде с ними в последствии. Итак, пристегните ремни и отправляйтесь в увлекательное путешествие вместе с героями.

Величайшее танковое сражение 1941

Алексей Исаев

Эта трагедия до сих пор остается одной из самых темных и загадочных страниц отечественной истории. Эта грандиозная битва была гораздо более масштабной, чем знаменитое танковое сражение под Прохоровкой. В июне 1941 года в районе Дубно восьми сотням танков и САУ 1-й танковой группы фон Клейста противостояли пять механизированных корпусов Красной Армии, насчитывающие более 2800 единиц бронетехники, в том числе 340 новейших КВ и Т-34. Если бы эти две танковые армады просто столкнулись на поле подходящих размеров подобно рыцарской коннице, исход битвы был предрешен. Однако в реальности наши мехкорпуса потеряли под Дубно большую часть танков и уже через неделю начали отступление к старой границе. Как такое могло случиться? Почему, несмотря на подавляющее численное превосходство, советский контрудар не достиг цели? В чем причины сокрушительного поражения Красной Армии? Эта книга, основанная на недавно рассекреченных документах как отечественных, так и зарубежных архивов, впервые представляет не только советскую, но и немецкую точку зрения на величайшее танковое сражение Второй Мировой.


Mike Bond

A «captivating story of three friends on opposing sides of a betrayal…Bond tells his story in a crisp, propulsive prose that darts from sentence to sentence… He also has a sharp ear for dialogue and a knack for character development… Themes of the destructiveness of greed, both private and corporate; the sacredness of nature; and the primeval ways of mankind lend weight to… a well-paced tale with intricate story lines.» – KIRKUS
Two hunters and their guide find a crashed cocaine plane in the Montana wilderness. Each has a reason to steal the cocaine – who will?
The two who do steal it soon find themselves hunted by the Mexican cocaine cartel, the DEA, Las Vegas killers, their guide, and the police of several states.
Zack, a former NFL star now a TV sports icon, owes two million to some nasty people in Vegas. Steve, a Wall Street broker, may have lost all of his and Zack’s investments. Curt, their guide, a half-Cheyenne mountain man, is trying to save his ranch from an energy company takeover.
Diego is an executioner for the cocaine cartel. María Christina, a Harvard grad and Yale MBA, runs the cartel. Whitney Castro is a black girl from the Denver slums, now a brilliant DEA agent. Kenny Stauffenberg is an easy-going Montana sheriff who never gives up a hunt.
From the frozen peaks of Montana to the heights of Wall Street, the slums of Denver and the million-dollar tables at Vegas, SNOW is an electric portrait of today’s American culture, the invisible line between good and evil, and what people will do in their frantic search for love and freedom.

Mike Bond Bound

Mike Bond

MIKE BOND BOUND is the e-Book bundling of three Mike Bond thrillers: HOLY WAR – HOUSE OF JAGUAR – THE LAST SAVANNA
The Battle of Beirut is worse than Hell, an irrational maelstrom of implacable hatreds and inconceivable suffering, of screaming bombs and exploding shells, crashing buildings, sniper battles, and deadly ambushes. Neill, a war correspondent on a secret mission for Britain’s MI6 intelligence agency, is trying to find Mohammed, a Hezbollah terrorist leader who may be willing to stop the slaughter and destruction.
André, a French commando, is also looking for Mohammed, to kill him in revenge for the death of his brother, blown up with over 400 US Marines and French paratroopers by Hezbollah. For Rosa, a remorseless and passionate Palestinian guerrilla, Mohammed is one of the few hopes left for her people, and she will give her life to protect him. And for lovely Anne-Marie, André is the only one who can rescue her from Hell.
Based on Bond’s own experiences in Lebanon, Syria and the Middle East, Holy War has been praised for its portrayal of battle and its journalistic and political realism, and for its evocative descriptions of men and women caught in a deadly crossfire.
“Bond does it again – A gripping tale of passion, hostage-taking and war, set against a war-ravaged Beirut.” − Evening News
“A profound tale of war…Literally impossible to stop reading.” − British Armed Forces Broadcasting
Shot down over the jungle with a planeload of marijuana, Vietnam War hero Joe Murphy gets caught up in the brutal Guatemalan Civil War when he witnesses an attack on a Mayan village by the Guatemalan Army and its CIA “advisors”. Badly injured, he escapes on a nightmare trek through the jungle, hunted by the Army, the CIA, and death squads.
Healed by guerrilla doctor Dona Villalobos, he falls in love with her and tries to save her from the War’s widening horror of insanity, tragedy, and death. Caught in the crucible of violence and love, he learns the peaks and depths the human heart can reach, and what humans will do for, and to,each other.
Based on the author’s own experiences as one of the last foreign correspondents left alive in Guatemala after over 100 journalists had been killed by Army death squads.

With Africa's last elephants dying under the poachers' guns, Kenya rancher and former SAS officer Ian MacAdam leads a commando squad against them. Pursuing the poachers through jungled mountains and searing deserts he battles thirst, solitude, terror and lethal animals, only to find that the poachers have kidnapped a young archaeologist, Rebecca Hecht, whom he once loved and bitterly lost. McAdam embarks upon a desperate trek to save not only Rebecca but his own soul in an Africa torn apart by wars, overpopulation, and the slaughter of its last wildlife. Based on the author's experiences pursuing elephant poachers in the wilds of East Africa.
“Mike Bond’s THE LAST SAVANNA is shot through with images of the natural world at its most fearsome and most merciful. With his weapons, man is a conqueror – without them he is a fugitive in an alien land. Bond touches on the vast and eerie depths that lie under the thin crust of civilization and the base instinct within man to survive – instincts that surpass materialism. A thoroughly enjoyable read that comes highly recommended.” (Nottingham Observer)
Bestselling author, advisor to the US and foreign governments, human rights and war correspondent, award-winning poet and international energy expert, Mike Bond has lived and worked in over thirty countries on six continents. His works have been translated into many languages and have been praised by critics on both sides of the Atlantic for their intricate plots, fascinating characters, extraordinary settings, and explosive pace.