Исторические приключения

Различные книги в жанре Исторические приключения

Крах плана Шлиффена. 1914 г.

Максим Оськин

Планируя Первую мировую войну, германские милитаристы делали ставку на блицкриг – молниеносную войну. Быстрый разгром континентальных противников – Франции и России – предполагал и означал выигрыш войны. Непосредственным выражением идеи блицкрига в собственно военном отношении стал так называемый «План Шлиффена», составленный в германском Большом Генеральном штабе и принятый политическим руководством Германии. Всего за шесть недель немцы в союзе с австро-венграми намеревались разгромить и вывести из войны Францию, после чего обрушиться всеми силами на Россию и, следовательно, одержать победу в конфликте, не допуская его длительного разрастания. Новая книга М.В. Оськина рассказывает о том, как русская армия в 1914 г. сорвала немецкие планы и не допустила разгрома Франции.

Переосмысление. Историческое попурри

Анатолий Терещенко

Книга написана с целью показа переоценки некоторых устоявшихся в сознании современников исторических событий и явлений. Понятие правды у каждого свое. Нет пророка без порока. Истина где-то посередине, она вечна и однозначна. Эта книга и есть попытка подобраться к ней. А жанр короткого повествования может заинтересовать пытливого читателя.

Выстрел в Вене

Виталий Волков

«Выстрел в Вене» – остросюжетный роман о невероятной истории спасения практически святого человека во время Второй мировой войны, за которую приходится платить по счетам его сыну уже в XXI веке. Внук советского офицера ищет в Вене встречи со знаменитым музыкантом из Аргентины. Но почему на ту же встречу стремится успеть старый немецкий антифашист? О цене свободы писали многие. А есть ли цена у святости? В серии «Твёрдый переплёт» издаются книги номинантов (участников) литературного конкурса имени Ф.М. Достоевского, проводимого Московской городской организацией Союза писателей России совместно с НП «Литературная Республика».

Red Star, Crescent Moon: A Muslim-Jewish Love Story

Robert A. Rosenstone

This book mixes contemporary and the historical worlds in a bold tale of clashing cultures. The love story between a Muslim and a Jew, documentary film director Aisha and historian Benjamin, is set in modern Spain against the vibrant and colorful background of a film festival, the location shoot of a Hollywood epic, the seductive intentions of a movie megastar, and the violent actions of terrorists who wish to reclaim that country for Islam. Telling its story in multiple voices, Red Star, Crescent Moon confronts major cultural and political dilemmas of our time, creating a world of characters caught in webs of historical misunderstandings which leads to violence. <br><br>&quot;For those of us who have followed Robert Rosenstone&#39;s writing career, Red Star, Crescent Moon hits a new peak: a novel with deep historical roots that is also filled with action, romance, and intricate plotting.&quot;<br>-Louis Breger, author, Freud: Darkness in the Midst of Light<br><br>&quot;Red Star, Crescent Moon: is not just about the kaleidoscope of history and politics and pop culture: it&#39;s about what being human means in the face of terror.&quot; <br>-Leslie Brody, author Red Star Sister<br><br>&quot;Like all great love stories, Red Star, Crescent Moon takes place at the dangerous intersection of passion and all that threatens to destroy it.&quot;<br>-James Goodman, author Stories of Scottsboro

The 8ight: Desperate Hour

Maxine Boone's McClendon

They&#39;re back! Fabian, Demi, Luke, Pepper, Jude, Tess, Emmitt, and little Silvia have had their families slaughtered, were held against their will by an evil, powerful organization in search of the secret of their wondrous and unique abilities, and discovered their ties to one another. The 8ight have survived the impossible and escaped the Company. Or have they?<br><br>Determined to stay free at any cost, the 8ight struggle to remain off the Company&#39;s radar as they hone their abilities for the inevitable moment when they are found. Reconnecting with their past lives, enduring tragic loss, and discovering that they may not be as unique as they thought, they must learn to rely on each other more than ever for the Company is never more than one step behind.

The First Darkness

Mitchell Boone's Gibson

Anshar was one of the first Angels ever created. He was over 12 billion years old. He was created to perform the function of a Gatherer. His kind policed the borders between the lower worlds and they prevented demons, elementals, vampires, and other lesser entities from crossing into the realm of Earth. Anshar and his partner Rodare were also charged with the duty of escorting the souls of select fallen humans from the lower worlds into the Celestial City.<br><br>Anshar had carried out his duty for billions of years, but now, he faced a challenge that even his legendary strength could not overcome. He was dying. Gatherers were subject to a rare kind of malady called The First Darkness. The disease strikes without notice and robs angels of their strength, sanity, and celestial power. The Creator took pity upon Anshar and gave him a chance to overcome the disease.<br><br>Anshar was allowed to enlist the help of Melvina, a beautiful and talented human woman with a rare gift. She did not know of the origins of her power. She did not know why The Creator had chosen her to help an Angel. She believed that helping this powerful celestial stranger was her only way to freedom from a life she longed to escape. As Anshar descended into madness, his plan to cure himself would unleash a plague of death, chaos, and destruction upon the earth. With the help of Melvina, a gifted human Adept, and a crafty Archangel, Anshar would face a colossal battle for his very existence.<br><br>The First Darkness is a sweeping tale of love, celestial magic, destruction, and chaos. This gripping tale of one Angel&#39;s battle for love and resurrection draws the reader into an intensely passionate one-of-a-kind love story that is surely to become a classic in its genre.<br><br>Testimonials<br><br>Fascinating story…filled with suspense waxes with an effortless and beckoning pace; but yet quite arresting…love it. The first spiritual thriller I have read thus far… The scene is set; the tone, color and ambience are all seamlessly woven together for what promises to be a great book. More power to you Dr. G! J. Thompson, Minnesota<br><br>These chapters are extremely thought provoking. The whole concept of there being &#39;Stealers of souls&quot;, the whole maze of this world, so many illusions that stick like superglue to our being, and the path to freedom and compassion after all our lessons have been learnt. What a journey this is, magnificent and awesome and only just begun! Thank you for writing this book! D. Anderson, Baltimore MD<br><br>Keep it coming, Dr. Gibson. Having written some fiction myself, I especially admire your skillful and rich descriptives of the setting (which obviously come from life-experiences). Looking forward to more… Well done. M.P. USA<br><br>Dr. Gibson, as someone mentioned, &quot;a spiritual thriller&quot; is very unique! This book is very exciting. I am hooked, so please keep them coming! Thank you for allowing us to peak into the world that is your soul....J. Davis, London<br><br>Thank you for sharing this, another, magnificent book Dr G. More power to the light…please keep it coming! Also, with each chapter my vocabulary is put to the test; not to mention taking to task my spiritual intelligence…P. Lindsay, San Bernadino<br><br>Even though this book is written as a work of fiction many things in it are true. I have been witness to and partook in the Chorus and it is something you never forget. It is not something you only experience with your mind but with your whole being. It links you to the light of the Creator and is a gift from him/her. Your whole being is moved to an energy that is, all at once, one of peace, deep joy and a feeling of returning home to where you belong. This home is not a physical place but is a state of consciousness and a vibration of the totality of who you are. I came upon the Chorus in a journey to the vast emptiness. An emptiness that was/is alive. There were beings of light in this place they were singing in praise, gratitude and love for the Creator. They sang with every fibre and photon of their being. And I found I was with them and began to &quot;sing&quot; too. It was the most natural thing to do I would not have chosen to do anything else. And I felt the presence of the Creator as a being of vast, golden light who knew who all of us were/are and heard/hears everyone&#39;s song. Some part of me is with them still, singing.<br><br>Thank you for writing this book Dr. Gibson..B. Henderson, London<br><br>Dr. G, this is truly a work of magnificence. It is a soothing balm for my overly-taxed soul. Thank you also for the reminder of the wonderful gift we have been vouchsafed. I look forward to adding the published work to my collection, and sharing it as a gift with friends and family. L. Jansen, Delhi India

The Whirlwind's Ride

Tom Boone's Anderson

In the distant future a man must decide if he wants to marry a crime lords daughter and become an enforcer in galactic organized crime, or should he allow a royal woman to install him in a pleasure palace so he can lead the life of a caged galactic prince while he services humanity&#39;s most powerful and most beautiful women, or should he just go back to his old life of hard partying, excessive drinking, and occasionally fighting dangerous animals in places where modern weapons cannot be used..<br><br>Bob Nesslun, the man who can successfully fight anyone or anything as long as it is trying to kill him, feels he is being pulled in every direction.<br><br>He is humiliated by a female vampire who wants revenge after he made her promise to never harm him. He is pursued by a crime lord&#39;s daughter who wants him as a husband because he is unbeatable in areas where modern weapons cannot be used. He is seduced by an incredibly beautiful royal woman who wants to keep him in a palace that is really a very nice cage.<br><br>Add to the mix that he must deal with the supreme mercenaries of the galaxy that hate humans and the only species of gloride monster that is so dangerous that ghoul hunters are forbidden to hunt them and you have THE WHIRLWIND&#39;S RIDE.

North of Springville

Justin Rowland

The planet had been utterly transformed. Casualties from natural and man made calamities were of a biblical proportion. There were no longer any nations. There were no longer any laws of men. The world had become a wild place.<br><br>Now, two generations later, the descendants of those that survived continue to carry on. Among them is Jedidiah. A man of steadfast faith, he enjoys a communion with his God that few come to know. One who prefers the solitude of the wilderness, he strives to live in peace with others. But when those that he loves are confronted with the horrors of human trafficking, he is forced to employ the skills of war that have been honed by the realities of an unforgiving world. His faith grows and his tactics shine as he endeavors to do what he knows to be right. Their reign of terror must be stopped. And Jedidiah would give his life to stop it.

Тайны драгоценных камней и украшений

Екатерина Варкан

Изделия из драгоценных камней – не просто аксессуары, все они имеют особое значение в жизни своих обладателей. Изумительной красоты кольца, трости, камни, карманные часы, принадлежавшие царям и дворянам, императрицам и фавориткам, известным писателям, не только меняли судьбы хозяев, они творили саму историю! Перед Вами книга об уникальных шедеврах ювелиров и увлекательных историях вокруг знаменитых драгоценностей. Какие трости предпочитал Пушкин? Правда ли, что алмаз «Шах» стал платой за смерть Грибоедова? Что за кольцо подарил Лев Толстой своей жене Софье Андреевне? Какой подарок Александру I сделала Жозефина Богарне? Какова тайна бриллианта «Санси», и что за события связаны с жемчужиной «Перегрина»? На эти и другие вопросы отвечает автор в своей книге.

Decline of the Lawrence Welk Empire

Poe Ballantine

"It&#8217;s impossible not to be charmed by Edgar Donahoe (Publishers Weekly)," and he&#8217;s back for another misguided adventure. When Edgar is expelled from college for drunkenly bellowing expletives from a dorm window at 3:00 am, he hitchhikes to Colorado and trains as a cook. A postcard arrives from Edgar&#8217;s college buddy, Mountain Moses, inviting him to a Caribbean island. Once there Edgar cooks at the local tourist resort and falls in love with Mountain&#8217;s girl, Kate. He becomes embroiled in a love triangle and his troubles multiply as he is stalked by murderous island native Chollie Legion. Even Cinnamon Jim, the medicine man, is no help. Ultimately it takes a hurricane to blow Edgar out of this mess.