A Terrorist is trying to detonate 3 nuclear devices he bought from a Russian ex- KGB operative and the CIA is trying to find and eliminate him with the help of a Pilot turned assassin.
A pilot turned assassin after a tragedy in his life. Travels the world undetected and unsuspected and terminates villains that think they are beyond reproach with the help of a Texas Lawman.
In this thrilling sequel to Normans Cay, Phil Harrison, Judy Simpson, Michael Farris and Linda Wilson, once again aboard their luxury boat, Iron Pyrate, embark on an adventure full of suspense, intrigue, corruption and romance.<br><br>The intricate plot of Hidden Agendas begins when the two couples agree to work with Tom Barrens, a member of the Drug Enforcement Agency, to execute a pick-up of drugs off the coast of Florida. Their objective is to end the regime of the Colombian drug lord, Eduardo Fernandez. What begins as a high level drug bust quickly spins out of control because nothing is quite as simple as it seems. A complex money laundering operation, an illegal seizure of drugs and a kidnapping all evolve in strange directions because each participant has his or her personal hidden agenda. <br><br>The suspense continues as the repercussions of nefarious plans spiral upwards all the way to the top .... To the President of the United States of America.
When a commuter plane crashes in a violent storm in the Canadian Rockies, four unlikely passengers must find a way to survive. Each will be tested in ways that can't imagine.<br><br>Their chances seem impossible at the outset. A determined, obsessive boy scout, an arrogant 'Mr. America,' and old Italian deli man with a bad heart and a pretty flight attendant are thrown together on a Canadian mountainside.<br><br>Before they can escape to civilization they must confront bad weather, a wounded grizzly bear, criminal trappers and each other. Their greatest test will be to learn to work together, to become a team, in this case, Troop 402.
There were 8.<br><br>Emmitt, Tess, Luke, Pepper, Fabian, Demi, Jude, and Silvia.<br><br>Eight children, each one with an unknown hidden superhuman ability. When their families are slaughtered and the children are abducted by a powerful and sinister organization for the purpose of unlocking a secret buried deep within their genetic code, they must learn to put aside their differences, discover their amazing shared origins, and develop their unique abilities to escape the torturous confines of the Company. Or face death.
A daring Spanish matador, Rudolph Rodriguez, is in New York and being pursued by killers. He, thereby, becomes accused of murdering his reclusive identical twin brother Roberto. In the fight for his life, Rudy is wounded and meets Pamela, a beautiful young doctor, who is unsure of his true feelings and motives. In an effort to help each other, they fly to El Paso, where Pamela is abducted by the Juarez drug cartel. Rudy vows to do anything necessary to rescue her from their Mexican jungle fortress and win her love or die trying. He must endure overwhelming hardships and heartache to save her, only to lose everything when caught up by the U.S. justice system. Pamela must now let down her defenses and act to save this innocent man from the executioner.
Talcon Star City has been honored as a "Finalist" of the 2012 International Book Awards in the "Fiction: Science Fiction" category. <br><br>Somewhere in the future, the universe is filled with hundreds of wild, weird and completely diverse civilizations existing on a myriad of strange and wonderful planets. But amidst all these brave new worlds, are otherworldly enemies intent on control, no matter what it costs them or the universe, and all courageous people must step forward and band together to stop them. That's the premise of Gary Caplan's brilliantly realized Talcon Star City, a story of bravery, revenge, aliens, and interstellar swashbuckling. <br><br>Caplan first burst onto the literary scene when he became a finalist in the highly prestigious 2010 Indie Excellence Award for his novel Phoenix Rising, which is also the prequel to Talcon Star City. Honing his craft, Caplan continued to write and went on to win the 2011 Indie Excellence Award in fantasy for his novel Return of the Ancient Ones. With Talcon Star City, he's become even more exhilarating a writer, fashioning a science fiction epic that's also thoughtful and realistic. <br><br>Talcon Star City centers on the character of Commodore Robert Sheppard, who, as acting admiral, commands the flagship Phoenix and the 6th fleet. As an esteemed member of the Order of Star Knights, Sheppard is gifted with unusually powerful metaphysical abilities, which he uses to help preserve the hundreds of civilizations in the universe. But there is now unrest in the universe and Sheppard and his other military officials must band together to fight a desperate alien challenge to the peaceful Alliance of Worlds. Lucky for Sheppard, he has his old mentor Garfield, and other allied Star Knights and admirals to help back him up in his fight. But as the plot thickens, the battle escalates. Now Sheppard is facing his old nemesis, the Varlon, who are sworn enemies of the Alliance of Worlds and are intent on expanding their power. But as Sheppard grapples with the evil he already knows, he must also face a group of aliens who are new to him, the fearsome Accads, who have joined with the Varlon and who pose challenging new threats he may be ill-equipped to vanquish. The best hope for the universe is to find the Talcon Star City and gain even more allies against these forces of evil. But time is running out. Can the stalwart heroes win the battle and stop this alien onslaught or is it already too late? <br><br>Caplan's sparkling prose and larger-than-life characters make Talcon Star City an incomparable reading experience. "Sometimes unusual alliances are needed to combat deadly enemies," says Caplan, an idea he boldly and entertainingly illustrates. His vision of the future is filled with startling new powers and technologies, all rendered with dazzling skill and humor, from comet-like projective weapons to particle cannonballs and invisible cloaks. Drawing from his own experiences in the military, Caplan gives his futuristic tale a stunning feeling of authenticity, making the interactions between military forces and aliens as plausible and true-to-life as they are exciting and original. Meant to appeal to fans of both Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek, Talcon Star City seems destined for classic status.
Во Второй мировой войне немецкая авиация (люфтваффе) представляла собой грозного противника. Это было обусловлено не только мастерством летчиков люфтваффе, но и передовыми технологиями, применявшимися в самолетостроении Германии. В книге осуществляется обзор наиболее оригинальных и прорывных в техническом отношении образцов вооружения люфтваффе – реактивных самолетов, самолетов нетрадиционной компоновки, систем вооружения, в том числе управляемых бомб, реактивных снарядов, средств ПВО и вертолетов. Рассматриваются история создания, особенности конструкции, основные технические характеристики и эпизоды боевого применения.
В 1726 году заработал первенец алтайской металлургии – Колывано-Воскресенский завод Акинфия Демидова. На нем выплавляли черную медь, и не только… Ушлые приказчики наладили на заводе втайне от хозяина выплавку серебра и даже золота. Одну крупную партию левого товара им реализовать не удалось, и она пролежала в горной пещере четверть тысячелетия. Перипетии поиска этой партии самопального серебра и золота в наши дни, кровавые разборки в борьбе за обладание ею и положены в основу романа.
Что же тут удивительного – найти человеческую голову в прериях Техаса? Ровно ничего, если она без волос. Это означает только то, что какой-нибудь несчастный: траппер, путешественник или охотник за дикими лошадьми – был убит команчами, а затем обезглавлен и оскальпирован. Но эта голова – живая! В очередной том «Мастеров приключений» включен роман «Смертельный выстрел», одна из захватывающих дух и несправедливо забытых вершин на карте творческих побед Томаса Майн Рида. Эта история по праву достойна занять место рядом с такими шедеврами, как «Всадник без головы» или «Оцеола, вождь семинолов». Роман публикуется в новом полном переводе, выполненном по переработанному самим автором изданию.