Историческая литература

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Οι Ναπολεόντειοι Πόλεμοι

History Nerds

Μία διερεύνηση των συναρπαστικών πολέμων της ναπολεόντειας εποχής. Η Γαλλική Επανάσταση των τελών της δεκαετίας του 1790 αποτέλεσε ένα από τα κρισιμότερα γεγονότα της ευρωπαϊκής ιστορίας. Ήταν μία καθοριστική στιγμή – ένα κοσμοϊστορικό γεγονός που εγκαινίασε μία καινούρια, εντελώς διαφορετική εποχή για τον κόσμο. Αλίμονο, όλες αυτές οι αλλαγές έχουν υψηλό τίμημα. Στον απόηχο της Επανάστασης, ακολούθησε μία σειρά συγκρούσεων μεγάλης κλίμακας, οι οποίες είναι γενικά γνωστές ως Ναπολεόντειοι Πόλεμοι. Το μέγεθος και η αγριότητά τους, και η απώλεια ζωών που προκάλεσαν, δεν είχαν προηγούμενο μέχρι εκείνη τη στιγμή, και έδειξαν στον κόσμο που παρακολουθούσε, ότι η αλλαγή χιλίων ετών ιστορίας μπορεί να είναι άγρια, βάρβαρη, και ταραχώδης.

Il Suffira D'Un Duc

Bianca Blythe

Elle doit se marier… Et il va lui trouver un époux. Une amusante comédie historique. Quand la mère de Margaret Carberry la force à l’accompagner à l’étage lors d’un bal, Margaret ne s’imagine pas que ce soit pour l’attacher sur un lit et fermer la porte à double tour. Hélas, la mère de Margaret a pris l’initiative de déclarer la réputation de sa fille compromise – que Margaret ait envie ou non de recourir à de telles stratégies pour piéger un futur mari. Jasper Tierney, duc de Jevington, est surpris de tomber nez-à-nez avec une jeune femme à moitié dévêtue étendue sur son lit. Il est encore plus stupéfait de découvrir son identité. Margaret Carberry a la réputation d’être une incorrigible collet monté, pas une séductrice, quelle que soit la façon dont sa peau nue sur sa literie tente Jasper. Quand Margaret déclare ne pas vouloir accepter les manœuvres de sa mère et souhaiter trouver un mari par elle-même, Jasper promet de lui apporter son aide, de peur que la mère de Margaret ne concocte une autre méthode pour la placer dans une situation compromettante. Jasper est certain d’une chose : il n’a aucune envie de se marier. Tandis que Jasper travaille à unir Margaret à un duc de ses amis, la perspective d’un mariage forcé avec elle perd de son ignominie initiale. Peut-être a-t-il manqué l’occasion de trouver le bonheur ?

Historia Del Pueblo Zaza

Olivier Aymar

El pueblo zaza es uno de los primeros habitantes de Anatolia (actual Turquía) o Asia Menor y Mesopotamia. Hoy en día este pueblo autóctona es un gran olvidado de la historia. ¿Quiénes son los zazas? ¿En qué región del mundo se hallan? ¿Cuál ha sido su evolución histórica? A pesar de numerosas dificultades para reconocer su etnicidad, el pueblo zaza ha podido salvaguardar un elemento primordial que prueba su existencia: su lengua, el zazaki. Analizando las civilizaciones antiguas de la región, aparecen similitudes entre los zazas y los sumerios, los hattis/hititas, los luvitas y los hurritas.


Cristiano Parafioriti

The epic story of Ture Di Nardo, known as “Pileri”, a young Sicilian peasant torn away from his family and his woman by the call to arms during the Second World War. Enlisted in the Alpini and part of the Julia Division, he followed the bitter fate of the Italian Army in Russia in what was to be the biggest Italian military defeat of the 20th century. Like a new Ulysses, the young Ture Pileri will have to face terrible trials on the long journey home. With this engaging historical novel, Cristiano Parafioriti brings to light a real story that has been kept in the heart of its protagonist for seventy years. The strength of a man, driven by love, able to resist and react to the defeat of an entire army. Sicily, April 1941. In San Giorgio, a small village in the Nebrodi mountains, live the Di Nardo family, known as the “Pileri”, a humble family that supports itself through agriculture and sheep farming. The head of the family is Zi Peppe, married to Za Nunzia, with whom he has seven children. Ture, the eldest, is twenty years old and has only managed to escape being called up to arms thanks to his father’s connections and can therefore continue to provide for the family. One evening, on his way to fetch water from the trough with his sister Concetta, the latter reveals to him the love interest of his cousin Lina. Ture does not reciprocate the young woman’s feelings, but on that occasion, he is struck by the beauty of Lina’s younger sister, Rosa. A few days later, Ture declares his love for her, and Rosa confesses that she, too, has secretly loved him for more than a year. Their passion immediately blows up, but the joy is short-lived: the war outcome takes a turn for the worse, and a new, irrevocable call to arms arrives. Zi Peppe can do nothing this time. His son must leave for the front. The family loses his strong arms while Rosa the newborn bud of love. Here begins the epic of Ture. Ripped from his family and his woman, enlisted in the Alpini and part of the Julia Division, he followed the bitter fate of the Italian Army in Russia in what was to be the biggest Italian military defeat of the 20th century. Like a new Ulysses, the young Ture Pileri will have to face terrible trials on the long journey home that will end on 23 September 1943. On that night, Ture arrives exhausted on the Nebrodi under Rosa’s house, who runs into his arms. The two lovers, after many adventures, meet again to never leave each other again. A festive procession then escorts the young survivor to San Giorgio, to his family. Unconquered by the war. Unconquered by the Russian winter. Unconquered by the Nazi fascists. Unconquered by the Americans. Ture Pileri can finally embrace the rest of his family and get on with his life. Invictus. Ture Pileri will die in 2018, at the age of 97, surrounded by the love of Rosa and the affection of his large family. A real story, kept in the heart of its protagonist for eighty years. The strength of a man, driven by love, capable to resist and react to the defeat of an entire army.


Xisco Bonilla

Romanzo storico che narra le esperienze dei membri di una famiglia di pescatori greci durante la Prima Guerra Punica. Almices Teópulos, un giovane pescatore, vive con la sua famiglia a Samo, isola del Dodecanneso greco. Il salvataggio casuale di due naufraghi, in pochi anni scatenerà la tragedia nella sua famiglia. L'anno è il 264 a.C., dopo Alessandro Magno, in Grecia, sullo sfondo Cartagine e Roma, le due superpotenze dell'epoca, che si affrontano nella Prima Guerra Punica. In un dramma appassionante i personaggi sono immersi nella guerra che li circonda, combattendo contro padroni, crisi, malattie e contrattempi del destino. Una tela che mostra la vita quotidiana del periodo preromano del Mediterraneo, dalle isole greche a Tiro, Alessandria o Cartagine. Un romanzo che combina l'evoluzione dei personaggi principali con gli eventi storici; il risultato di un'indagine approfondita che viene presentata al lettore in un'epoca tanto sconosciuta quanto affascinante: quel Mediterraneo di Cartaginesi, Romani e pirati, schiavi e liberti. Quanto potrà essere grande?

Secrets Of The Rubicon

Ivo Ragazzini

Once there was a time when Romagna was named Flaminia and the Rubicon was not only a river. When in 49 BCE Julius Caesar arrived he found waiting for him a wooden palisade coloured ruby red where he deployed his legions for several months on that border defended by the legionaries of Pompeo. But who and for what reason was it built, even before Caesar was born, a red line of defence built even to the sea and what would Caesar and his legions do to breach it? Born out of the historical events that have never before been seen, this book will lead you to discover for the first time what the Rubicon really was, what did the legionaries of Caesar do when they decided to attack Rom and many other unpublished news that you never even suspected and will lead, step by step, to discover for the first time: • What was the Rubicon really? • Who and for what reason was it constructed even before the birth of Caesar? • Why have historians never been able to agree about where the Rubicon was? • What plans and strategies did Caesar employ to cross it? • And Pompeo’s legions in its defence? • Had someone made a curse against whoever dared to cross it armed? • Did Caesar and his legions had nightmare from the ‘Malanotte’ before crossing it? • What was Romagna and what did it symbolise in the time of Caesar? • What was the festival of ‘New Years’ that took place in Roma? • What Latin insults did their legions tell each other? And much other unpublished news that you have never suspected. A book that for the first time will cast on the historical darkness left to fall on these events.

Русские отцы Америки

Евгений Николаевич Гусляров

В следующем году исполняется сто лет одной из величайших трагедий в истории нашего Отечества. По воле большевиков 29 сентября 1922 года началось изгнание интеллектуальной элиты из России. Особенно много первых русских отверженных оказалось в Америке. Русские пришельцы изменили жизнь Америки. Наших гениев, коренным образом повлиявших на экономику и духовный облик Америки, сами американцы провозгласили «отцами», родоначальниками первостепенных направлений технической, научной и культурной жизни. Я попробую восстановить подробности участия только немногих великих наших соотечественников в обустройстве Америки, приобретшей с их помощью свой современный облик и нынешнее величие. Примера и этих нескольких достаточно для вывода – нынешнего своего блеска она, Америка, возможно и достигла бы, но без русского вклада она не добилась бы этого так скоро и в таких впечатляющих масштабах. Житейский и научный подвиги этих русских изгнанников в Европе и Америке – ясное тому доказательство.