From New York Times bestselling author Sabrina Jeffries comes a sparkling new series about an oft-widowed mother’s grown children, who blaze through society in their quest for the truth about their fathers . . . and in the process find that love just might conquer all . . . A series of stepfathers and a difficult childhood have left Fletcher “Grey” Pryde, 5th Duke of Greycourt, with a guarded heart, enviable wealth, and the undeserved reputation of a rogue. Grey’s focus on expanding his dukedom allows him little time to find a wife. But when his mother is widowed yet again and he meets the charmingly unconventional woman managing his stepfather’s funeral, he’s shocked to discover how much they have in common. Still, Grey isn’t interested in love, no matter how pretty, or delightfully outspoken, the lady . . . Beatrice Wolfe gave up on romance long ago, and the arrogant Duke of Greycourt with his rakish reputation isn’t exactly changing her mind. Then Grey agrees to assist his grief-stricken mother with her latest “project”: schooling spirited, unfashionable Beatrice for her debut. Now that Beatrice is seeing through Grey’s charms to his wounded heart, she’s having trouble keeping him at arm’s length. But once Grey starts digging into her family’s secrets, she must decide whether her loyalties lie with her family . . . or with the man whose lessons capture her heart . . . “Anyone who loves romance must read Sabrina Jeffries!” —Lisa Kleypas, New York Times bestselling author
Книга является продолжением серии публикаций «Западные славяне Южной Балтики и средневековье Европы». Приведено описание расположения и конструктивных особенностей городищ и крепостей западных славян междуречья Эльбы и Одера, Заале и Одера, острова Рюген второй половины первого и начала второго тысячелетия. Содержатся сведения саксонских монахов об исторических событиях, связанных с городищами и крепостями, о пантеоне богов дохристианской религии, нравах и обычаях западных славян.
То, что происходит на Земле сегодня, началось не вчера. К сегодняшнему итогу привела человечество непрерывная цепь событий, начиная от, так называемой, «эпохи просвещения», и заканчивая «пандемией». В цикле «Властелин» автор под «микроскопом», с хронологической точностью рассматривает значимые исторические события, знаменитых персонажей и выявляет их роль в реальной истории. Главный герой первой книги цикла – граф Сен-Жермен. Это самый влиятельный персонаж в истории современной цивилизации и наиболее "забытый" официальной наукой.
Katja H., Tochter eines ehemaligen ranghohen DDR-Offiziers, blickt auf ihr gleichermaßen turbulentes wie schillerndes Leben zurück. Als Nesthäkchen wächst sie recht behütet im Kreis ihrer Familie auf, was einerseits viele Privilegien, andererseits aber auch manche Zwänge für die Heranwachsende mit sich bringt. Im DDR-Familienidyll zeigen sich erste Risse und Spannungen, die sich nach der Wende maßgeblich verschärfen. Ausgerechnet der Vater, der bis zu seinem Tod an die Idee von einer besseren Welt glaubt, legt die Probleme sowohl in der Familie als auch im politischen System vor und nach der Wende unverblümt, ja mitunter schonungslos in einer Familienchronik dar. Katja, beim Mauerfall 1989 gerade mal zwanzig, genießt die neue, grenzenlose Freiheit in vollen Zügen. Bis auch sie nach bewegten Jahren in der Schweiz die hässliche Kehrseite des Kapitalismus kennenlernt: Eine irre Talfahrt zwischen New Yorker High Society, Endlos-Sommer auf Ibiza und ernüchterndem Berliner Arbeitsalltag beginnt. Und natürlich ist dies auch eine Geschichte über die Liebe – über ihren Zauber, aber auch über ihre alles vernichtende Zerstörungskraft.
Enslaved West Indian women had few opportunities to record their stories for posterity. Yet from their dusty footprints and the umpteen small clues they left for us to unravel, there’s no question that they earned their place in history. Pick any Caribbean island and you’ll find race, skin colour and rank interacting with gender in a unique and often volatile way. In A Kick in the Belly, Stella Dadzie follows the evidence, and finds women played a distinctly female role in the development of a culture of slave resistance – a role that was not just central, but downright dynamic.From the coffle-line to the Great House, enslaved women found ways of fighting back that beggar belief. Whether responding to the horrendous conditions of plantation life, the sadistic vagaries of their captors or the ‘peculiar burdens of their sex’, their collective sanity relied on a highly subversive adaptation of the values and cultures they smuggled with them naked from different parts of Africa. By sustaining or adapting remembered cultural practices, they ensured that the lives of chattel slaves retained both meaning and purpose. A Kick in the Belly makes clear that their subtle acts of insubordination and their conscious acts of rebellion came to undermine the very fabric and survival of West Indian slavery.
Britain has scarcely begun to come to terms with its recent upheavals, from the crisis over Brexit to the collapse of Labour’s ‘red wall’. What can explain such momentous shifts?In this essential work, Tom Hazeldine excavates the history of a divided country: North and South, industry versus finance, Whitehall and the left-behind. Only by fully registering these deep-seated tensions, he argues, can we make sense of the present moment.Hazeldine tracks the North-South divide over the longue durée, from the formation of an English state rooted in London and the south-east; the Industrial Revolution and the rise of provincial trade unions and the Labour party; the dashed hopes for regional economic renewal in the post-war years; the sharply contrasting fates of northern manufacturing and the City of London under Thatcher and New Labour; to the continuing repercussions of financial crisis and austerity. The Northern Question is set to transform our understanding of the politics of Westminster – its purpose, according to Hazeldine, to stand English history on its head.
Massasoit Sachem, or Ousamequin (1581–1661), was the sachem or leader of the Wampanoag confederacy. “Massasoit” means “Great Sachem.”<P> This novel was not intended as a true recreation of Pilgram-era history; instead, it is the author’s attempt to reconcile apparently conflicting historical facts and to explain an otherwise inexplicable situation concerning Native Americans and European settlers. At the time of the Pilgrims, all Native Americans—not excepting those of New England—had suffered repeated outrage at the hands of white men, and in no case had they been given any cause to love the invaders of their country or to welcome their presence. Why, then, did the powerful Massasoit permit a white invasion of his territory that he could so easily have crushed?<P> Clearly a strong friendship existed from the very first between him and Edward Winslow, and Winslow seems to have exercised a great influence over the New England sachem. What was the origin of this friendship? The Narragansetts, while submitting to Massasoit’s authority, were always in sullen opposition to it. Why? It is to answer these questions that Kirk Monroe constructed this tale, and he advances a convincing theory through it.
Encircled by an impenetrable thorn forest live the Alali, a tribe of primitive, Stone-Age giants with strange laws more savage than those of the jungle. Within the vast thorn boma also are the various tribes of the Minunians—eighteen-inch people with a high order of civilization, living in their complex, beehive like homes, fighting their savage wars on a miniature scale.<P> Tarzan is captured by the Alali and makes his escape, but he is taken prisoner in one of the numerous battles of the little warlike people. Even his enormous strength and vitality quail beneath the tasks the Minunians set him, and he has to use all his jungle cunning to save his life and prove his eventual friendship for the courageous pygmy tribes.
This is Emil Ludwig’s 1941 book, “The Germans: Double History of A Nation”. A history of the German people rather than of Germany itself, this fascinating volume offers a unique insight into the spirit and personality of the Germans, and is highly recommended for those with an interest in European history. Contents include: “The Dreams of World Domination, from Charlemange to Gutenberg (800–1500)”, “Struggle for the Creed, from Luther to Kepler (1500–1650)”, “Schism of State and Spirit, from the Great Elector to Goethe (1650–1800)”, “World-Citizens and Nationalists, from Beethoven to Bismarck”, etc. Emil Ludwig (1881–1948) was a German writer famous for his biographies of great historical figures. Many classic books such as this are becoming increasingly rare and expensive. It is with this in mind that we are republishing this volume now in an affordable, modern, high-quality edition complete with a specially commissioned new biography of the author.
…потому что так всё и было…Сначала к этому эпиграфу относишься с недоверием, удивляешься авторской самоуверенности: ну откуда же тебе, человеку, живущему в 21-м веке, знать, как оно было в 12-м?!. Но… Книга содержит нецензурную брань.