Историческая литература

Различные книги в жанре Историческая литература


Геннадий Гусев

Книга «Не ведая сомнений» состоит из трёх взаимосвязанных между собой повестей. Весь период описания приходится на 80-е годы.Главный герой – офицер, Николай Иванов. Служба его начинается в Прибалтийском военном округе в танковых войсках.Затем судьба Николая бросает в Афганистан, следом – в Чернобыль. События, изложенные в книге реальны, интересны, впечатлительны.

Где натайский император?

Леонид Истомин

Краткий и важный отрывок из истории древнейшего натайского народа. В нем содержится ответ на главный вопрос: почему пала Натайская империя?

Легенда о феодосийском менгире

Владимир Валентинович Андрианов

Художественный рассказ об истории загадочного камня-менгира, созданного древними каменотёсами 3000 лет назад и попавшего в Феодосию неизвестными путями.

Книга I. Тиль Гаримму

Андрей Корбут

Захватывающая сага из жизни Древней Ассирии 6-го века до нашей эры, когда ассирийцы наводили ужас на всех жителей Востока: от Передней Азии и Египта до Закавказья и Индии. Читатель погружается в удивительный, загадочный мир, где действуют прекрасно выписанные герои, связанные стремительно развивающимся сюжетом. Несомненным достоинством Хроник является то, что ни в деталях, ни в общей композиции художественное произведение не вступает в конфликт с научно-историческими сведениями, дошедшими до нас о том времени. Звукорежиссер – Эмиль Сатбаков Обложка – Павел Кунгурцев

Racconto di un deficiente

Владислав Шерман

Вы когда-нибудь слышали об итальянских войнах? Жестокая борьба за наследство, закулисные интриги, грандиозные сражения, благородные рыцари и могущественные армии – всё это основополагающие явления в любом средневековом конфликте. Но данная история не об этом – она о жизни простого деревенского парня, заслуженно снискавшего славу придурка. Падёт ли юноша от меча случайного наёмника или сможет адаптироваться к новым для себя условиям? Об этом вы и узнаете в книге «Racconto di un deficiente». Книга содержит нецензурную брань.

Celebrate People's History!

Группа авторов

Over 150,000 total posters from the CPH project have been printed and distributed, generating a broad audience. These posters have adorned activists’, students’, and artists’ walls, offices, and refrigerators since 1998. This collection will become the conversation piece of choice for all those familiar with the project. International in scope, the posters cover revolution, racial justice, women's rights, queer liberation, labor struggles, and creative activism and organizing. An ideal primer on alternative history and the milestones of political dissidence. Each of the 80 artists have individual followings who we will target. Some in the art world, many in the activist, indie graphic design, and student organizing scenes. Promotion coordinated with FP’s other graphic debut, Who is Ana Mendieta?

Point of Honor

Robert N. Macomber

Robert Macomber's Honor series of naval fiction follows the life and career of Peter Wake in the U.S. Navy during the tumultuous years from 1863 to 1901. Point of Honor is the second in the series and winner of the John Esten Cook Literary Award for Best Work in Southern Fiction. The year is 1864. Peter Wake, U.S.N., assisted by his indomitable Irish bosun, Sean Rork, is at the helm of the schooner St. James, a larger ship than his first command in At the Edge of Honor . Wake's remarkable ability to make things happen continues as he searches for army deserters in the Dry Tortugas, discovers an old nemesis during a standoff with the French Navy on the coast of Mexico, starts a drunken tavern riot in Key West, and confronts incompetent Federal army officers during an invasion of upper Florida. Along the way, Wake's personal life takes a new tack when he risks reputation for love by returning to the arms of his forbidden sweet-heart, the daughter of a Confederate zealot. Key West provides a unique setting for them to prove that their love is strong enough to overcome the insanity of the war. And through it all, even when surrounded by the swirling confusion of danger and political intrigue, Peter Wake maintains his dedication to balance on the point of honor[/i]. < < Previous in seriesNext in series > > See all of the books in this series

Nobody's Hero

Frank Laumer

In December 1835, eight officers and one hundred men of the U.S. Army under the command of Brevet Major Francis Langhorne Dade set out from Fort Brooke at Tampa Bay, Florida, to march north a hundred miles to reinforce Fort King (present-day Ocala). On the sixth day, halfway to their destination, they were attacked by Seminole Indians. By four o'clock in the afternoon, only three wounded soldiers survived what came to be known as the Dade Massacre. Only two of those men managed to struggle fifty miles back to Fort Brooke. One of them—wounded in the shoulder and hip, a bullet in one lung—was Private Ransom Clark. It is the story of great duplicity, not on the part of Seminole Indians, but of the politicians and officers who sent the men of Dade's command to their death. The Dade Massacre was the pretext the U.S. government needed to begin the Second Seminole War, the longest and most expensive Indian war in American history.
In 1839 Ransom Clark wrote a brief account of his ordeal, entitled The Surprising Adventures of Ransom Clark, Among the Indians in Florida . Although he promised to later supply an entire account, he didn't live long enough to do so, succumbing to his grave wounds. In Nobody's Hero , Frank Laumer completes Clark's story.

The River Is Home

Patrick D. Smith

Award winning Florida novelist Patrick Smith's first novel, The River Is Home revolves around a Mississippi family's struggle to cope with changes in their rural environment. Poor in material possessions, Skeeter's kinfolk are rich in their appreciation of their beautiful natural surroundings. The river on which they live—with its food supply, steamboats, and floods—figures strongly in their lives as the source of life, change, and death. Though their life is a simple one, it's filled with friendship, loyalty, love, and compassion.