A unique graphical guide for using architectural terminology to jump-start the design process This design studio companion presents architectural terms with special emphasis on using these terms to generate design ideas. It highlights the architectural thinking behind the terminology and helps readers gain a thorough understanding of space and form. Featuring double-page spreads with over 190 illustrated entries, the book fully explores, analyzes, and cross-references key elements and techniques used in architecture and interior design. Each entry first defines the common meaning of the term, then goes on to discuss in detail its generative possibilities. Scenarios involving the use of a design principle, or the way it might be experienced, further aid students in developing strategies for their own design. In addition, Language of Space and Form: Divides entries into five categories for quick access to concepts, including process and generation, organization and ordering, operation and experience, objects and assemblies, and representation and communication Addresses studio practice from the ground up, encouraging readers to develop creativity and critical thinking as they develop a design process Offers supplemental online learning resources, including exercises that correspond to the book A must-have reference for professionals and students in architecture and interior design, Language of Space and Form is destined to become a classic introduction to design thinking.
The Power of Evidence to Create Design Excellence This practical, accessible book—for design professionals and students alike—is about design excellence and how to achieve it. The authors propose an evidence-based design approach that builds on design ingenuity with the use of research in ways that enhance opportunities to innovate. They show the power of research data to both reveal new design opportunities and convince stakeholders of the value of extraordinary work. A guide for all designers who want to earn their place as their clients' trusted advisor and who aspire to create places of beauty and purpose, the book demonstrates: An approach to applying evidence to design that neither turns designers into scientists nor requires large-firm resources The wide range of types of evidence that can be applicable to design and where to look for it Direct, practical application of the evidence-based design approaches in use today Provides tools to distinguish strong evidence that can improve design decisions from misleading assertions resulting from weak research Benefits of evidence-based design, including improved human and building performance Two featured case studies illustrate the theory and practice of evidence-based design. The work of the authors' 2005–2007 AIA College of Fellows Benjamin Latrobe Research Fellowship provided an empirical foundation for this book, and addresses the use of rigorous research methods to understand relationships between design choices and health outcomes. The California Academy of Sciences, designed by Renzo Piano Building Workshop, Chong Partners Architecture, and Arup, provides transparent evidence that enhances building technology performance in the context of a powerful design expression. In-depth interviews and case studies are clustered around three research categories: modeling, simulation, and data mining; social and behavioral science and the physical and natural sciences; and including cutting-edge use of neuroscience to understand human response to physical environments. The twenty-two featured thought leaders include: William Mitchell, MIT Media Lab; Fred Gage, Salk Institute; Phil Bernstein, Autodesk; Sheila Kennedy, Kennedy & Violich; James Timberlake, KieranTimberlake; William and Chris Sharples, SHoP Architects; Vivian Loftness, Carnegie Mellon University; John Zeisel, Hearthstone; Paco Underhill, Envirosell; Susan Ubbelohde and George Loisos, Loisos+Ubbelohde Architecture-Energy; Chris Luebkeman, Arup; Martin Fischer, Stanford University CIFE; and Kevin Powell, GSA.
The complete guide to portfolio development for interior designers It's a widely known fact that interior designers need a strong visual presence in the form of a well-crafted, professional-looking portfolio. Surprisingly, however, many interior designers aren't equipped with the expertise required to organize and unify their work in a fashion that optimally conveys their talents and skills. Portfolios for Interior Designers helps demystify the process by guiding the reader toward mastery in assembling a winning portfolio. It delivers essential step-by-step instruction presented in a manner that shows interior designers how to properly and effectively display their designs. This book also includes: Color and black-and-white illustrations showing portfolio elements and options Graphic design concepts necessary for portfolio development Specific information for the design of digital portfolios Supplemental teaching resources that direct readers to a companion Web site Useful tips on the ways that popular graphics software applications can be best implemented for certain portfolio elements Samples of cover letters and resumes, along with discussion of job search procedures With the aid of real-world examples, Portfolios for Interior Designers examines how a portfolio can be used as an effective tool for communicating with clients and other professionals. A much-needed guide, this book eliminates the uncertainty surrounding portfolio development so that interior designers can showcase their abilities success-fully—and land the next job.
The all-in-one reference to designing stunning and functional kitchens and baths Designing for today's kitchens and baths requires technical savvy, a keen eye for aesthetics, and perhaps most important of all, the ability to coordinate efforts across many disciplines. Kitchen and Bath Design simplifies these complex decision-making processes with a comprehensive strategy for achieving kitchen and bath designs that successfully integrate beauty and practicality—while meeting client expectations. Fundamental design basics are covered, along with a host of important issues that designers must consider when conceptualizing these specialized rooms, such as ergonomics, codes and safety requirements, proper lighting and ventilation, flooring, cabinetry, countertops, wall surfaces, and more. Some of the topics that appear in this book include: A detailed introduction to construction, plumbing, and electrical basics A systematic approach to incorporating «green,» energy-conscious design An overview of crucial design elements, including pattern, texture, line, form or mass, color, space and light, and sound The latest building codes and manufacturers' guidelines Written by a leading expert in interior design, Kitchen and Bath Design uses three-dimensional drawings and corresponding photographs to deliver valuable information that is critical when it comes to planning, designing, specifying, estimating, building, pricing, or evaluating a kitchen or bathroom. Whether they're working on a new or existing space, professional designers can apply the lessons learned from this current andaccessible resource to masterfully take on all kitchen or bathroom projects—from the simplest to the most highly challenging.
The ultimate guide to the retrofitting of lighting for greater efficiency and performance Retrofitting outdated energy-guzzling lighting components with green energy-saving alternatives is a process that promotes sustainability and offers significant benefits for businesses, contractors, and the community at large. Not only can retrofitting improve the overall quality and functionality of light, it also can make spaces safer, easier and less costly to maintain, and more comfortable to inhabit. From lighting technology to retrofit financial analysis, Lighting Retrofit and Relighting evaluates the latest lighting system types, then demonstrates how to apply them for the greatest functional and cost-saving benefit. This book: Discusses the recent advances in lighting equipment and retrofittable controls, for both interior and outdoor use Explains how to do a lighting audit to identify and evaluate logical retrofit choices Includes case studies of retrofits, illustrating improvements in the quality and efficacy of new lighting Demonstrates how cost savings realized over time can not only pay for new equipment but produce a return on the investment Lighting Retrofit and Relighting serves as an ideal reference for students or professionals—whether they are energy auditors, designers, installers, facilities managers, or manufacturers—by taking a close look at the most current lighting technology illuminating pathways toward a brighter future.
Надевай маску, и выходи из сумрачного леса, вспоминай все свои дерзкие фантазии из детства. Теперь ты герой. Но не оглядывайся на прошлое, ты все равно ему проиграешь, ступай осторожно, и верь в силу случайных встреч, и пусть каждая секунда твоей жизни снова станет особенной. А ведь стал слишком меланхоличным взрослым… (Новелла является частью экспериментального проекта группы Bunraku, чьей музыкой и вдохновлялся автор. И хотя новелла является самостоятельным произведением, читатель может проследить за чувствами автора, используя куар-коды на полях, и решить, насколько музыка ассоциируется с рисунком).
Эта графическая история (комикс) является пародией на популярные раньше произведения о случайном попадании персонажей в другие миры. Падший бог, оказавшийся слишком пацифистских взглядов для своей приемной семьи божественных антропоморфных членистоногих. «Девочка-волшебница», которая слишком стара для своей работы, провалила задание по спасению своего мира. Вскоре оба они, как и другие странные существа, оказываются в месте, куда ведут многие порталы и пространственные «кротовины». И выбраться из него нет никакой возможности. А может, все просто не хотят оттуда выбираться…
Есть в жизни моменты, воспоминания, точки, которые сложно просто пережить и отпустить. Они тяжестью давят, и с этим весом сложнее двигаться вперед. Но и отпустить невозможно, хотя, казалось бы, просто разожми руку. Для этого нужны силы, воля, осознание.
Вашему вниманию предлагается классическая японская манга.