Es un libro que propone aplicar en la vida persona una de las herramientas más poderosas de las empresas: la planeación. El autor se pregunta ¿por qué si en el mundo de los negocios es tan importante planear lo lo hacemos con nuestra propia vida? A partir de ahí presenta un proceso y una metodología profesionales enfocados a la creación de un proyecto de vida.
Bailar es algo más que aprender unos pasos. La danza no se reduce únicamente a aspectos físicos y, sin embargo, el cuerpo es el instrumento del bailarín. Conservarlo sano, reconocer a tiempo las sobrecargas y prevenir las lesiones son condiciones imprescindibles para bailar durante mucho tiempo y sin molestias. Ya sea en el ballet clásico, el hip hop o el jazz, la salsa, el claqué o el baile moderno, la medicina de la danza proporciona conocimientos esenciales a los bailarines de todo tipo, que estos sabrán aprovechar. Ya sea en la clase, durante el entrenamiento o en los ensayos cotidianos, los bailarines y los teóricos de la danza consideran que los conocimientos de la medicina, el análisis de los movimientos y las ciencias deportivas representan la base para el comportamiento responsable y la interacción diaria en esta disciplina. El conocimiento de los aspectos físicos facilita también un acceso amplio a los procesos de percepción, cada vez más importantes en la práctica contemporánea de la danza. Esta obra proporciona al bailarín un conocimiento práctico y comprensible de la medicina, el análisis del movimiento, las ciencias del deporte, la dinámica espiral y la osteopatía.
Public Opinion is a critical assessment of functional democratic government, especially of the irrational and often self-serving social perceptions that influence individual behavior and prevent optimal societal cohesion. The detailed descriptions of the cognitive limitations people face in comprehending their sociopolitical and cultural environments turn Public Opinion into the irreplaceable book in the fields of media studies, political science and social psychology.
"Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors and Architects" in 10 volumes is a series of artist biographies written by 16th-century Italian painter and architect Giorgio Vasari, which is considered one of the most influential and most-read work of the older literature of art, as well as the first important book on art history. The title is often abridged to just the Vite or the Lives. As the first Italian art historian, Vasari initiated the genre of an encyclopedia of artistic biographies that continues today. The book contains the biographies of many important Italian artists, including a sketch of Vasari's autobiography, and is also adopted as a sort of classical reference guide for their names.
United States Department of Defense
Does Vladimir Putin truly hate America? Do the people he presides over truly hate America? This book analyzes modern anti-Americanism in Russia during the era of Vladimir Putin. The main objective of this book is to evaluate Vladimir Putin's anti-Americanism and the domestic political implications of Putinist anti-Americanism within Russia. Contents: Putin's Evolving Anti-Americanism Putin's Hybrid-authoritarian Machine Implications of Russians' Anti-Americanism Putin's Early History Early Life and College Into the Shadows: Putin in the KGB and the Case for a Long Term Cognitive Predisposition Yeltsin Era Putin in the Aftermath of Collapse Russia and the West in the 1990s: U.S. As an Inadvertent Contributor to PutinistAnti-americanism NATO Balkans Economic Collapse and the Absence of U.S. Aid Putin: A Sudden Thrust Into the Limelight Putin's Short-lived Premiership and Acting Presidency Crisis in Chechnya Presidential Election of 2000 Putin's First Presidency Integrate Into or With the West… or Neither? The Attacks of 9/11 and the Aftermath Brotherly Love: Putin and Bush Iraq and a Sudden Turn Against America? Putin's Second Presidency Shift From the West America Inadvertently Plays Into Putin's Hand The Future of U.S. Unilateralism Western Turn by Former Constituent States Critical Reciprocity? Attack on Those Who Criticize Him President to Puppet Master and Back Again: Putin's Recent Premiership and Return to the Presidency Georgia The Obama-Medvedev Reset: Short Lived or DOA? Russian Anti-Americanism: The Man, the Machine, and the Nation The Russian Connection: Anti-Americanism and the Putin-state-polity Link Anti-Americanism's Role in the Future of Russian–American Relations Most Recent Events How Can America Cope?
Das Leben ist nicht, wie oft angenommen wird, aus einem Konkurrenzkampf heraus entstanden, sondern aus Kooperation, Austausch, Zusammenschluss. Aber wo wir auch hinschauen: wir ziehen gegen das «kleine Leben» in den Krieg und zerstören die lebensnotwendige Vielfalt. Auch nützliche Bakterien werden als Feinde betrachtet und mit scharfem Geschütz bekämpft. Dabei wissen wir heute, dass Mikroorganismen, oder kürzer gesagt, Mikroben, nützlich sind und es gut wäre, mit den kleinen Lebewesen Frieden zu schließen, denn sie sind in jeder Hinsicht unsere Verbündeten.
A Diplomat in Japan, subtitled «The inner history of the critical years in the evolution of Japan when the ports were opened and the monarchy restored, recorded by a diplomatist who took an active part in the events of the time, with an account of his personal experiences during that period» is a book by Ernest Mason Satow, British scholar, diplomat and Japanologist, based mainly on his diaries. The book describes the years 1862-1869 when Japan was changing from rule by the Tokugawa shogunate to the restoration of Imperial rule.
The Brontë Family, with special reference to Patrick Branwell Brontë is a biography of the most famous literary family consisting of three sisters Charlotte, Emily, and Anne and their brother Branwell who was a painter. The book is a response to Elizabeth Gaskell's controversial «Life of Charlotte Brontë,» which was rejected by family members and friends. It provides a general overview of the life of the sisters and Branwell, with special focus on Branwell and some interesting details on how he influenced his sisters' books.
Ernst Karl Abbe geboren in Eisenach, Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach und gestorben in Jena, Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach, deutscher Physiker, Statistiker, Optiker, Industrieller und Sozialreformer, schuf zusammen mit Carl Zeiß und Otto Schott die Grundlagen der modernen Optik und entwickelte viele optische Instrumente. Seit 1899 war er Alleininhaber der Firma Carl Zeiss und war maßgeblich an der Gründung des Unternehmens Jenaer Glaswerk Schott & Gen (heute Schott AG) beteiligt. Dieses E-Book enthält die gesammelten Abhandlungen, Vorträge, Reden und Schriften.