Learning the truth about Teddy's past and the culprit responsible for her misery shook my family to the very core. Our once perfect world was now turned upside down, but little did we know moving forth had perilous consequences because we knew. But that's not all that changed. Naively though, once all was said and done, I truly believed life between Teddy and I would become easier, calmer, as would her needs and desires. How wrong was I? Epically wrong. As the days passed, we ought to have grown closer, talked our issues through, but instead, we find ourselves locked in an epic battle of expectations – not just each other but with the forces desperate to drive us apart; including him. Hit after hit, one after another, they just kept coming along with a painful journey of discovery I never saw coming. That then led me to question how clouded is my judgement? 'ARI' To survive, we had to learn to fight the evil surrounding our life, and not each other. Easier said than done when we seemed to argue non-stop. We were slowly imploding, and it was only a matter of time before that explosion erupted, causing more untold damage. 'TEDDY' I still want her…and I'm going to have her.... 'EMMETT'
The early life of a novice is disrupted. So Aramis becomes a warrior for the King of France. During that time of his life Aramis has a secret life of romance and royal intrigues. But his father wants him to return home to become a priest. Paris is where his heart is but family duty is calling him home. There are plots to have him killed. So Aramis must live by outwitting his enemies.
In another world and another time, Lutana is our main character that is changing her world as she is hastily traveling through every civilization in her more than dangerous globe to defeat the menacing and mysterious president of the infamous silver city. She is trying to save her world and its people from the grips of colonialism and imperialism that it has endured for centuries or die trying. She is doing all of this while facing piercing inner conflict and running for her very life at every turn. Marooned amidst danger, mystery and violence she learns her only shot at survival is out smarting and ultimately out doing her enemies. What begins in irrational passion transforms into the need to not only survive but thrive.
By: Elizabeth Rhodes Moffett Musician, Artist, Writer, Photographer & Fisherman.
"Picture Yourself Fishing!" Pacific Northwest Pictorial & Fishing Journal. By: Elizabeth Rhodes Moffett Musician, Artist, Writer, Photographer & Fisherman from Washington State. Perfect for the BnB! Written in 2020 while the world was social distancing. Elizabeth grew up in the beautiful Pacific Northwest fishing and gathering culinary delights. Learn the guarded Smoked Salmon brine along with other secret recipes. This book will take you all over Washington State to some of the most remote places, fishing spots and swimming holes along with beautiful photographs and facts about the rich history of the Pacific Northwest.
Nicht erst seit Arts and Crafts ist das Verhältnis zwischen Kunst und Design Gegenstand kontroverser Diskussio-nen. Das Verhältnis beider Gattungen kann auf eine lange Geschichte unterschiedlicher Positionsbestimmungen, Annäherungen und erneuter Differenzierungen zurück-blicken. Ein Perspektivwechsel ist also dringend geboten. Zitzelspergers Argumentation ist dabei eine historische, die den Berührungs- und Abstoßungspunkten von Kunst und Design seit der Renaissance nachspürt. Den entschei-denden Einschnitt verortet Zitzlsperger gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts und in einer Engführung des Designs mit der neu entstandenen Philosophie des amerikanischen Pragmatismus. Abseits von Ontologie und Produktions-ästhetik eröffnet sich hier ein neuer Horizont, der sich auf die dem Design zugrundeliegende Intentionalität sowie deren praktische Realisierung hin öffnet. PHILIPP ZITZLSPERGER (*1965) ist Professor für Bildwissenschaft und Forschungsdekan am Fachbereich Design der Hochschule Frese-nius University of Applied Sciences und Privatdozent am Institut für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Ava M Lanes, Author and Photographer
Are you the type of person who is captivated by photographs? After all, a photograph is a memory taken by one's heart. «From The Bench» is just that.....photos of benches accompanied by prose that invites inspiration from the heart as well as a chance to ponder and pen. I find much comfort and joy in spending time on a bench; may this book bring you that same sense of well being.
Cutting-Edge Fashion Illustration is the go-to resource and inspiration if you're a budding fashion designer, fashion illustrator or just simply want to learn more illustration techniques. Covers all key areas of illustration using traditional, digital and mixed media methods, offering clear advice on how to manage color, textures, patterns and how to create your own fashion portfolio. Easy to follow step-by-step tutorials demonstrate each of the techniques, followed by a gallery of inspirational images show how to use each technique in your own illustrations. Erica is a fashion illustrator working with key fashion publications in London, UK, one of the world's leading cities of fashion, so her style is very commercial and current!
The only complete guide to photography designed specifically for women who want to improve their photographic skills for both pleasure and profit. With inspirational case studies and examples from professional and semi-pro female photographers, user-friendly technical explanations and image critiques, this book is a practical and useful toolkit for busy girls who enjoy photography. Becoming an accomplished and competent photographer needs to be approached in three stages: Understand your camera and learn how to drive it; Composition – tune in and understand your subject; Post production – share and print. Rather than explain every technical function from the outset, the aim of this book is to demystify the jargon and take you, step by step, back to the basic fundamental principals of photography; first putting you in control of the camera which will, in turn, free up the composition and creativity. The more advanced features of the camera and in-depth processes can be explored once the basic principals are understood. This is a fun, contemporary photography book that will become your essential tool for taking your passion for photography to the next level.
Marx zufolge ist die menschliche Geschichte Fortschritt, der durch Klassenkämpfe vorangetrieben wird. In den Stücken Heiner Müllers verhält es sich fast umgekehrt: Die sich verschärfenden Klassenverhältnisse sind hier ein Motor des möglichen Untergangs der Menschheit. Im 21. Jahrhundert ist der Zusammenhang von Klassenverhältnissen und einer umfassenden Selbstzerstörungstendenz der global kapitalisierten Menschheit aktueller denn je. «Klassengesellschaft reloaded» lotet diese beiden Komplexe – Klassismuskritik und Gattungssuizid – sowie ihr Verhältnis zueinander im Kontext des Werkes von Heiner Müller aus.
Der Band geht auf eine Tagung zurück, die 2019 von der Internationalen Heiner Müller Gesellschaft im Literaturforum im Brecht-Haus in Berlin ausgerichtet wurde, und dokumentiert Vorträge, Gespräche und Diskussionen.
Valery Tscheplanowa trat wie eine Explosion auf die Bühne. «Ich bin Ophelia. Die der Fluss nicht behalten hat. Die Frau am Strick. Die Frau mit den aufgeschnittenen Pulsadern.» Mit diesen Worten fesselte sie 2007 das Publikum im Deutschen Theater Berlin von der ersten Sekunde an. Murmelnd, rufend, schreiend. Seit dieser Inszenierung von Heiner Müllers «Hamletmaschine» in der Regie von Dimiter Gotscheff sind zwölf Jahre vergangen, in denen Valery Tscheplanowa wie ein Irrlicht durch die Stadttheater zog und längst auch ihren Weg zum Film gefunden hat. Es waren trotz beglücken der Momente auch Kämpfe, die sie dort austrug – gegen den Betrieb und für die Kunst.
Dieser reich bebilderte Gesprächsband schildert die Reise einer eigenwilligen Schauspielerin, die 1980 im sowjetischen Kasan beginnt, den Leser durch die Wirren des Systemumbruchs in ein einsames norddeutsches Dorf führt, von russischen Schamanen, hilflosen Intendanten und palästinensischen Macho-Frauen erzählt und mit ihrer Theaterarbeit mit Dimiter Gotscheff und Frank Castorf noch lange nicht endet.