A comprehensive guide to what’s what and what works in complementary medicine, this expert guide cuts through the jargon and gives you the facts about the alternatives. Whether you are interested in maintaining your general well-being or relieving the symptoms of a specific complaint, this book outlines all of the therapies available to you – from acupuncture through healing foods to yoga and massage – and tells you what each treatment is most effective for, how to go about finding a practitioner and what to expect from a consultation. Topics covered in Complementary Medicine For Dummies include: Old Dogs – New Tricks: From Ancient Roots to Modern Practice Turning to the Pros for Your Health Diagnosis Reading the Body (Self-Diagnosis) Uncovering Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Revealing Ayurveda’s ‘Science of Life’ Balancing Health With Tibetan Medicine Purifying the Body with Japanese Medicine Dipping Your Toes Into Nature Cure Getting to the Point of Acupuncture Homing in on Homeopathy Unearthing Herbal Medicine Nibbling on Nutritional Medicine Diving into Naturopathy Opening Up with Osteopathy Getting to the Crunch with Chiropractic Moving with Bodywork Therapies Enjoying Massage Therapies Relaxing with Breathing, Relaxation, and Meditation Scenting Out Aromatherapy and Flower and Tree Remedies Connecting with Healing Therapies Getting Your Head Around Psychological Therapies Feeling the Buss of Energy Medicine Having a Go with Creative Therapies Ten Complementary Medicine Tips for Healthy Living Ten Superfoods for Great Health Ten Great Herbal Remedies Appendix A: A-Z of Therapies ~
Look to this book for advice, techniques, and strategies to help people stay vigorous and healthy as they grow older. People are becoming increasingly knowledgeable about managing their health as they age. Healthy Aging For Dummies explains how people can embark on a healthy lifestyle that will enable them to feel young, both mentally and physically, even as they’re getting older. It covers tips and advice on choosing the ideal physician; starting an exercise program; learning to meditate; taking the right vitamins and herbs; dealing with or preventing heart disease, cancer, and dementia; replacing negative thinking with positive thinking; and building memory and learning skills.
Whether you have been living with type 1 diabetes for some time, or you have just discovered that your child is diabetic, there’s a lot you need to know about the new developments in treating, controlling, and living with this disease. Type 1 Diabetes For Dummies, explains everything you need to know and do to make living with type 1 diabetes easier and healthier. This reassuring, plain-English guide helps you understand and mange the disease with tips on working with your doctor, administering insulin, developing a diet an exercise plan, and coping with illness and travel. You’ll find out about the latest technologies of blood glucose monitoring and insulin delivery, and get a handle on everything you need to do to keep yourself or your child healthy, active, and feeling good. Discover how to: Overcome short-term complications Eat a diabetes-friendly diet Use exercise to help control type 1 diabetes Handle school, work, and other activities Help your child maintain a high quality of life Prevent long-term complications Be healthier than your friends who don’t have diabetes Deal with the emotional and psychological effects of the disease Choose an insulin pump for yourself or your child Calculate insulin dosages Anyone can live a long, healthy, and productive life with type 1 diabetes. Small Type 1 Diabetes For Dummies delivers every drop of information you need to make sure that you or your child can do just that.
Автор книги – Сергей Матвеев – философ, лингвист, много лет посвятил изучению различных эзотерических практик, в том числе и рэйки – древнейшему японскому искусству исцеления при помощи рук. Рэйки учит управлять внутренней тонкой энергией, передавать ее другим людям, чтобы исцелять, снимать боль, настраивать организм на здоровье и позитивное восприятие мира. Это очень сильная практика, но она доступна абсолютно всем людям. Книга Сергея Матвеева – это практический курс рэйки для начинающих. Даны упражнения, конкретные советы по проведению сеанса рэйки для оздоровления и лечения, а также сакральные символы рэйки, которые усиливают течение энергии. Бонус книги – иллюстрации и схемы годового курса рэйки, которые помогут максимально быстро овладеть энергией и направить ее на благо себе и близким. Данное издание не является учебником по медицине. Все лечебные процедуры должны быть согласованы с лечащим врачом.
"A clear, balanced, and up-to-date guide to dealing with issues arising from the menopause – it couldn't have come at a better time." —Dr Mark Porter, Practising GP, well known Writer and Broadcaster As the variety of treatments to alleviate the physical and psychological symptoms of menopause continues to expand, doctors are encouraging women to take an active role in choosing treatment options for themselves. Understanding Menopause will help you to make these decisions by providing clear, unbiased information about all aspects of menopause, as well as first-person accounts by women of their psychological and sociological menopausal experiences. Written by an expert in women's health, this reader-friendly guide bridges the gap between medical knowledge and everyday life to help you cope with the menopause both physically and mentally. Features women's accounts of what the menopause actually feels like Includes the most up-to-date information on the results of the recent high-profile study into the risks of heart disease and stroke amongst women who have taken HRT Written in an easy-to-understand style by an expert on women's health
Two decades ago, a diagnosis of breast cancer meant only one thing: mastectomy. A revolution in treatment has given those now afflicted a choice of treatment options far beyond this draconian cure-all. Written by a noted health journalist and former patient, Understanding Breast Cancer offers reliable, up-to-date information on today's most effective treatments. With insights and advice from breast cancer patients who experienced different diagnoses and levels of treatment, Joy Ogden candidly shows how an informed and proactive approach can turn a cancer patient into one of a legion of cancer survivors.
Diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at the age of four, John Keeler's life subsequently has been marked by a determination to make it as rich and complete as possible. A wise, personal account of his successful struggles with this life-threatening illness, Living Life with Diabetes details the too often ignored psychological and emotional aspects of the condition. Full of insights for sufferers and their families and friends, Living Life with Diabetes sheds light on relationships with the medical profession and problems often encountered, as well as often overlooked difficulties of living with the disease.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is an extremely common disorder affecting around 20% of the population of Western. Understanding Irritable Bowel Syndrome offers you a comprehensive, review of what is known about IBS and its treatment. Written in easy-to-understand language by an IBS expert, the book contains numerous examples and real-life quotes from sufferers. Simon Darnley not only provides you with strategies for coping with this condition physically, he also deals with the psychological aspects of IBS to help you cope better mentally with the problem. ? Written in an easy-to-understand fashion by an expert in the subject ? Contains numerous examples and real-life quotes from IBS sufferers ? An invaluable guide for anyone suffering from IBS Simon Darnley is a cognitive behavioural therapist (CBT) and researcher with over fifteen years' experience. For seven years he was a tutor in CBT at the Institute of Psychiatry in London and has recently completed a large research trial using cognitive behavioural therapy for IBS. He is also a part-time magician and comedian.
Keep your family safe from tick-borne infections With millions around the world infected-and millions more at risk-Lyme and other tick-related disorders are today's fastest-growing infectious diseases. And while there has been much progress in combating these illnesses, we are a long way from eliminating them. Early treatment is crucial-and there's no better way to get informed and be prepared to deal with these diseases than to read this book. This comprehensive guide tells you everything you need to know to protect yourself and your family from the pain of Lyme, including vital information about the new Lyme disease vaccines. Written by Lyme disease pioneer Karen Vanderhoof-Forschner-cofounder of the Lyme Disease Foundation and a Lyme sufferer herself-this updated and expanded edition provides the latest on the multiple diseases that can be transmitted in a single tick bite and the symptoms that indicate you've been infected. In easy-to-understand language, the author discusses the often controversial issues of diagnosis and treatment of Lyme while reviewing the other tick-borne diseases in North America, such as Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, tularemia, the emerging ehrlichioses, and some that are considered potential biowarfare agents. She offers expert advice on: * Protecting yourself from disease-carrying ticks-and what to do if you find one on your skin * Obtaining the best medical treatment * Accessing online information on vaccines, repellents, and the latest research * Finding self-help and support organizations, state medical complaint boards, products, and related services * Starting a school or business prevention program
Includes information on the latest thyroid treatments Understand and manage your thyroid condition Don't get pushed around by the little gland in your neck. Whether you suffer from an underactive or overactive thyroid, nodules, or a goitre, Thyroid For Dummies has all the jargon-free information you need to get to grips with the problem and expert advice on how to get your condition under control. Discover how to * Tell if you have a thyroid problem * Understand the treatments on offer * Deal with your condition day-to-day * Get the right diet and exercise * Manage thyroid conditions in children and older people