
Различные книги в жанре Здоровье

Формируем Пищевые Привычки для здоровья

Хейли Помрой

Еда – фундамент нашего здоровья. Если вы хотите чувствовать себя великолепно, меньше болеть, избавиться от лишних килограммов, продлить жизнь и молодость, то пищевые привычки необходимо изменить. Хейли Помрой, диетолог звезд Голливуда, среди ее клиентов Роберт Дауни-мл. и Дженифер Лопес, автор бестселлеров, дает вам четкий план и указывает путь. Когда многочисленные проблемы со здоровьем стали угрожать ее жизни, она поставила себе задачу найти продукты или их сочетания, которые помогут спасти и восстановить здоровье. Она разработала 7 уникальных программ питания, они ускоряют метаболизм и полностью перезагружают весь организм, составила список из 20 суперпродуктов, которые обязательно должны присутствовать в рационе каждого хотя бы раз в неделю. Выберите то, что необходимо и подходит именно вам, и воспользуйтесь самым мощным оружием – правильным питанием.

Fibromyalgia For Dummies

Christine Adamec

The pain you suffer from fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is not in your imagination. FMS is a real medical problem that can be as debilitating and demoralizing as it is mysterious. Fibromyalgia For Dummies, Second Edition, brings you the latest scientific findings on the symptoms and causes of this disease and guides you toward proven, practical steps you can take reduce or eliminate FMS-related pain. This plain-English guide is fully updated with the latest fibromyalgia treatment options, and evaluations of new medications that have shown great promise in reducing pain. You'll discover how to spot an array of symptoms and their possible causes, work with your physician to develop a treatment plan, and manage your pain at home and in the office. You'll learn how to: Identify your FMS trigger points Cope with chronic pain and sleep problems Find medications that work for you Locate a physician who can really help you Make healing lifestyle changes Use hands-on therapies to alleviate pain Find effective over-the-counter and prescription medications Choose among alternative therapies and treatments Reduce the emotional distress caused by FMS Help a child with FMS Featuring moving and inspiring stories from fellow FMS sufferers who share their stories and offer invaluable tips on working your way back to wellness, Fibromyalgia for Dummies, Second Edition offers serious and sensitive guidance to help you overcome FMS and start being yourself again.

Hypoglycemia For Dummies

Cheryl Chow

Hypoglycemia simply means “low blood-sugar,” but without concrete symptoms it’s very hard to diagnose. It is nevertheless a condition that should be watched over carefully. People react differently to low blood sugar as well as to the treatment they receive. Hypoglycemia for Dummies explores this fickle condition and shows you how to manage your blood sugar to feel better. This no-nonsense, plain-English guide lays out the facts you need to maintain a healthy body. It offers expert advice on identifying symptoms, changing lifestyles, and also extensive coverage on diet, exercise, alternative treatments, and the link between low blood sugar and diabetes. This expanded 2nd edition provides: A thorough explanation of hypoglycemia and how it affects your body Exercise routines that lead to a healthier lifestyle Diet suggestions on what to eat and how often A basis for choosing a doctor that’s right for you Vitamins and supplements that treat your symptoms Ways to manage hypoglycemia in the workplace An explanation of how hypoglycemia affects family and friends Methods to de-stress yourself Complete with tips on helping other hypoglycemics and myth-debunking facts about the disease, Hypoglycemia for Dummies is the fast and simple way to learn and treat the condition, with the help of the most up-to-date medical information available. Escape the blood sugar blues and starting feeling better in no time!

Controlling Cholesterol For Dummies

Carol Rinzler Ann

Need to get your cholesterol in check? You’ll find the latest information about cholesterol, including treatments, drug information, and dietary advice, in Controlling Cholesterol For Dummies, 2nd Edition, an easy-to-understand guide to cholesterol control. You’ll learn how to lower your numbers and maintain healthy cholesterol levels. You’ll also find out how to eat and exercise properly, use vitamins and supplements, and quit unhealthy habits. You’ll find out cholesterol’s positive functions and why too much can be a bad thing. You can also assess your cholesterol risk by taking your age, sex, ethnicity, and family history into consideration. Find out what you need to ask your doctor about stress tests, ECBT, and angiograms to check for plaque buildup. Design a cholesterol-crushing diet and understand which foods can help you lower your numbers. Find out how smoking, alcohol, exercise, excess weight, supplements, and prescription medications affect your cholesterol levels. Find out how to: Assess your cholesterol risk Understand the benefits and risks associated with cholesterol Design and adhere to a cholesterol-lowering diet Avoid dangerous drugs Reduce your risk of heart attack Choose fats and fibers correctly Check for plaque buildup Complete with lists of ten important cholesterol websites, ten nutrition websites, ten cholesterol myths, ten landmarks in cholesterol history, ten foods that raise your cholesterol, and ten foods that lower your cholesterol, Controlling Cholesterol For Dummies, 2nd Edition will help keep your cholesterol levels under control for good!

Postpartum Depression For Dummies

Mary Codey Jo

It's a great blessing when a new mom with postpartum depression (PPD) is fortunate enough to be diagnosed early by a knowledgeable medical practitioner or therapist. But without guidance, it isn't always clear where the boundary between normal baby blues and PPD lies. As with any other illness, the quicker that PPD is identified and treated, the faster the woman will recover. Postpartum Depression For Dummies can help you begin the process of determining what’s going on with you and give you a better idea of where you fall so that you can get yourself into proper treatment right away. The book covers all aspects of PPD, from its history and its origins to its effects on women and their families to the wide variety of treatments available—including conventional Western medicine, psychological therapy, alternative medical treatments, and self-care measures. Postpartum Depression For Dummies reveals: Why some doctors may be hush-hush about PPD How to distinguish between pregnancy hormone changes, «baby blues,» and PPD The difficulties of getting a proper diagnosis The role and importance of a therapist The benefits of medication for depression Alternative treatments with a successful track record How to find the right balance of psychological, medical, and alternative treatment Ways you can help foster recovery The nutrition you need to care for yourself properly How to help your partner help you Postpartum Depression For Dummies also provides the additional resources you need—web sites, organizations, and further reading—to help avoid the unnecessary suffering caused by undiagnosed and untreated PPD and survive and thrive as a new mom.

High Blood Pressure for Dummies

Alan L. Rubin

New info on high blood pressure in women, children, and the elderly The fun and easy way to take charge of hypertension and add years to your life! Are you battling high blood pressure? This updated guide explains all the latest breakthroughs in the detection, treatment, and prevention of high blood pressure, helping you determine whether you're at risk and develop a diet and exercise program to keep your blood pressure at healthy levels. You'll also find new information on protecting your heart, kidneys, and brain and dealing with secondary high blood pressure. Measure your blood pressure properly Develop a successful treatment plan Improve your lifestyle habits Evaluate new drug therapies Find resources and outside support

Acupressure and Reflexology For Dummies

Synthia Andrews

Features healing routines and illustrations to guide you Ease your aches and find relief through the power of touch Searching for alternative treatments for pain? This friendly, do-it-yourself guide introduces you to the basics and benefits of acupressure and reflexology, showing you step by step how to nurture your emotional and physical well-being and that of someone else. You'll see how to target specific body parts to address your ailments and improve your emotional as well as your physical well-being. Understand basic healing principles Relieve your specific aches and pains Boost your immune system Address age-related ailments Find professional help

COPD For Dummies

Meg Schneider

Make your home COPD friendly Your reassuring guide to understanding and managing COPD and getting on with your life Want to know more about COPD? This straightforward guide provides clear information about this progressive disease, explaining how to recognize the warning signs, get diagnosed, and choose the best treatment. You'll see how diet, exercise, and medication affect your symptoms and make your life easier. Discover how to: Know your risk factors Find the right doctors Quit smoking, start exercising, and change your diet Improve your overall health Prepare for emergencies Help loved ones with COPD

Nutrition For Canadians For Dummies

Doug Cook

Contains the latest information from Canada's Food Guide Get the facts on good nutrition, slim down, and feel great Good nutrition is the key to a healthy weight and lifelong good health. But with more and more food choices available in today's grocery stores and restaurants, how do you make sure you and your family are eating right? With information from the latest guidelines and research, this friendly guide is just what you need to make the right food choices every day. Discover how to: Interpret nutrition labels Prepare delicious, healthy meals Keep portion sizes under control Eat smart when eating out Evaluate natural health supplements