Зарубежные детективы

Различные книги в жанре Зарубежные детективы

Victorian Villainy

Michael Kurland

Among the world’s great fictional villains Professor James Moriarty stands alone. Doctor Fu Manchu, Hannibal Lecter, Count Dracula, Iago, Voldemort, Darth Vader, Bill Sikes, Inspector Javert, and the Wicked Witch of the West all have their fans, all have their place in popular fiction. But for every one who can tell you whose life Iago made miserable, fifty honor that Professor James Moriarty was the particular nemesis of Sherlock Holmes. But just how evil was he? These stories by Michael Kurland explore an alternate possibility: that Moriarty wasn’t evil at all, that his villainy was less along the lines of Fu Manchu and more like Robin Hood or Simon Templar. And the reason for Sherlock Holmes’ characterization of him as “the Napoleon of crime” was that the professor was one of the few men he’d ever met who was smarter than he—and he couldn’t stand it!

The Third Ghost Story Megapack

Мэри Элизабет Брэддон

The Third Ghost Story Megapack selects 26 more choice hauntings for your reading pleasure. Included this time are: <P> THE DEAD AND THE COUNTESS, by Gertrude Atherton<BR> THE CEDAR CLOSET, by Lafcadio Hearn<BR> THE WRAITH OF BARNJUM, by F. Anstey<BR> THE JOLLY CORNER, by Henry James<BR> THE ROLL-CALL OF THE REEF, by A. T. Quiller-Couch<BR> THE BOWMEN, by Arthur Machen<BR> OMAN, By Leopold Kompert<BR> THE MIDDLE TOE OF THE RIGHT FOOT, by Ambrose Bierce<BR> THE TOLL-HOUSE, by W.W. Jacobs<BR> THE HAUNTED COVE, by Sir George Douglas<BR> THE GHOST OF LORD CLARENCEUX, by Arnold Bennett <BR> THE HAUNTED AUTOMATON, by W. C. Morrow<BR> THE GHOSTS AT GRANTLEY, by Leonard Kip<BR> THE SPECTRE COOK OF BANGLETOP, by John Kendrick Bangs<BR> THE SUPERSTITIOUS MAN’S STORY, by Thomas Hardy<BR> THE SPECTRE BRIDEGROOM, by William Hunt<BR> THE SPECTRE IN THE CART, by Thomas Nelson Page<BR> THE TALE OF THE PORCELAIN-GOD, by Lafcadio Hearn<BR> THE BELL IN THE FOG, by Gertrude Atherton<BR> THE HAUNTING OF WHITE GATES, by G. M. Robins<BR> THE SHADOW ON THE BLIND, by Mrs. Alfred (Louisa) Baldwin<BR> NO. 5 BRANCH LINE: THE ENGINEER, by Amelia Ann Blanford Edwards<BR> THE SHADOW IN THE CORNER, by Mary Elizabeth Braddon<BR> THE SECRET CHAMBER, by Margaret Oliphant<BR> THE UPPER BERTH, by F. Marion Crawford<BR> MR. GRAY'S STRANGE STORY, by Louisa Murray <P> And don't forget to search this ebook store for «Wildside Megapack» for more entries in this and other series, covering everything from science fiction and fantasy to classic literature and pulp fiction, from mysteries and westerns to children's literature – and much, much more!

The Second Ghost Story MEGAPACK®

M.R. James

"The Second Ghost Story Megapack" selects 25 more choice haunts for your reading pleasure. Included this time are:<P> THE SIGNAL-MAN, by Charles Dickens<BR> THE SOUL OF THE GREAT BELL, by Lafcadio Hearn<BR> PRESENT AT A HANGING, by Ambrose Bierce<BR> CANON ALBERIC’S SCRAP-BOOK by M. R. James<BR> THE MASS OF SHADOWS, by Anatole France<BR> THE SILENT WTHE MAN WHO WENT TOO FAR, by E.F. Benson<BR> THE THING AT NOLAN, by Ambrose Bierce<BR> THE PHANTOM ’RICKSHAW, by Rudyard Kipling<BR> THE RIVAL GHOSTS by Brander Matthews<BR> THE INTERVAL, by Vincent O’Sullivan<BR> A GHOST, by Guy De Maupassant<BR> A COLD GREETING, by Ambrose Bierce<BR> THE TURN OF THE SCREW, by Henry James<BR> THE SHADOWS ON THE WALL, by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman<BR> THE MESSENGER, by Robert W. Chambers<BR> THE BEAST WITH FIVE FINGERS, by W. F. Harvey<BR> WHAT WAS IT?, by Fitz-James O’Brien<BR> THE SHELL OF SENSE, by Olivia Howard Dunbar<BR> THE WOMAN AT SEVEN BROTHERS, by Wilbur Daniel Steele<BR> AT THE GATE, by Myla Jo Closser<BR> LIGEIA, by Edgar Allan Poe<BR> THE HAUNTED ORCHARD, by Richard Le Gallienne<BR> KERFOL, by Edith Wharton<BR> THE WIND IN THE ROSE-BUSH, by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman<BR> THE STORY OF MING-Y, by Lafcadio Hearn<P> And don't forget to search this ebook store for more entries in Wildside's MEGAPACK® series, with more than 300 volumes covering everything from science fiction & fantasy to classic literature and pulp fiction, from mysteries to westerns to children's literature – and much, much more!

The Ghost Story Megapack

Джером К. Джером

Hours of great reading await, with ghostly tales from some of the 19th and 20th century's most renowned authors. Here is the lineup: <P> AT CHRIGHTON ABBEY, by Mary Elizabeth Braddon<BR> THE HAUNTED MILL, by Jerome K. Jerome<BR> THE GHOST CLUB, by John Kendrick Bangs<BR> THE SHADOWS OF THE DEAD, by Louis Becke<BR> THE ROOM IN THE TOWER, by E. F. Benson<BR> THE HAUNTED AND THE HAUNTERS, by Lord Edward Bulwer-Lytton<BR> THE MIDDLE BEDROOM, by H. de Vere Stacpoole<BR> THE DRUMMER GHOST, by John William DeForest<BR> MISS JÉROMETTE AND THE CLERGYMAN, by Wilkie Collins<BR> THE SPECTRE BRIDE, by William Harrison Ainsworth<BR> THE TAPESTRIED CHAMBER; or, The Lady in the Square, by Sir Walter Scott<BR> THE OLD NURSE’S STORY, by Elizabeth Gaskell<BR> THE JUDGE’S HOUSE, by Bram Stoker<BR> AT THE END OF THE PASSAGE, by Rudyard Kipling<BR> THE WITHERED ARM, by Thomas Hardy<BR> JOHN CHARRINGTON’S WEDDING, by Edith Nesbit<BR> THE MAN OF SCIENCE, by Jerome K. Jerome<BR> WHAT DID MISS DARRINGTON SEE? by Emma B. Cobb<BR> A GHOST STORY, by Mark Twain<BR> THE SOUL OF ROSE DÉDÉ, by M.E.M. Davis<BR> THE HOUSE OF THE NIGHTMARE, by Edward Lucas White<BR> REALITY OR DELUSION? by Mrs Henry Wood<BR> FISHER’S GHOST, by John Lang<BR> THROUGH THE IVORY GATE, by Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews<BR> THE COLD EMBRACE, by Mary Elizabeth Braddon<BR> <P> And don't forget to check out all the other volumes in the «Megapack» series! Search on «Wildside Megapack» in your favorite ebook store to see the complete list…covering adventure stories, military, fantasy, ghost stories, westerns, mysteries, and much more!

Knock 'Em Dead

Rhonda Pollero

New York Times bestselling author Janet Evanovich praised bestselling author Rhonda Pollero's first mystery Knock Off as «a great read with plenty of attitude!» Now paralegal Finley Anderson Tanner (F.A.T. to her enemies) is back for another sizzling adventure under the West Palm Beach sun. . .Finley knows it can't be good news when she's awakened at 5:40 a.m. by someone knocking on her door. Her hunch proves correct. Finley's pal Jane is hysterical and clad only in a negligee. It all started when Jane went out on a blind date the previous night with a hunk named Paolo–and ended when she woke up next to his corpse. Finley knows Jane wouldn't hurt a fly, especially one with a zipper. Too bad the police don't agree. . . Having survived her own ordeal of questioning and criminally bad coffee at the local cop shop, Finley's got to post bail and hire an attorney for Jane. But with most of her cash tied up in credit card debt, she knows she has to do the unthinkable: hit her mother up for money. As if attempting to thaw out the Ice Queen isn't hard enough, there's the unthinkable, part II: resisting McGarrity. Yes, dangerously sexy P.I. Liam McGarrity has offered his services. . .for a discounted rate. To prove her theory that Jane and Paolo were drugged by the real killer, Finley will have to buckle down and work with Liam. She'll just have to remind herself that she already has the perfect boyfriend in her FedEx pilot Patrick. But this case is booby-trapped with more serious pitfalls than wicked temptation. For starters, there's the fact that two knives were used to kill Paolo. Then there's a suspicious string of robberies. And when someone tries to run Finley's car off the road, she's got to act quick to find a killer who wants to see her underground. . . Praise for Bestselling Author Rhonda Pollero: "A great read with plenty of attitude!"–Janet Evanovich «Rhonda Pollero will take you on a fun, fascinating journey. You won't want to miss her!» –Nora Roberts «Certain to be a runway hit.» – Booklist «Rhonda Pollero delivers a snappy heroine who pops off the page and a clever mystery. Don't miss this great story!» –Leanne Banks «[A] fun mystery debut.» – Publishers Weekly «Rhonda Pollero's humor and compelling mystery will keep you turning the pages!» –Tess Gerritsen «A lovable and unique heroine. . .Finley's story is a page-turner and a great start to a new series.» – Romance Reviews Today "Rhonda has penned a winner with Knock Off. It's a fabulous start to a new mystery series. Amazing twists and turns are woven between humor, fashion, and romance." –Onceuponaromance.net «This book made me laugh, and at the same time had me reading well past my bedtime.» – Coffee Time Romance

Kurja loomus

Luca D’Andrea

„Kurja loomus” on põnevusromaan, mille sündmustik leiab aset väikeses Põhja-Itaalia mägikülas. New Yorgist pärit filmirežissöör Jeremiah Salinger kolib ajutiselt sinna koos oma naise Annelisega, kes on külakeses üles kasvanud. Salinger väntab mägedes dokumentaalfilmi, mille võtete käigus ta satub kohutavasse õnnetusse. Ainsa ellujäänuna piinab teda Koletise sisin, mida ta üha jälle kuuleb. Et oma üleelamisi unustada, pühendub Salinger aastatetaguse kuritöö uurimisele, mis pandi toime lähedalasuvas Bletterbachi kanjonis. Kolm noort inimest tapeti elajalikul moel ühel 1985. aasta ööl, mil ümbruskonnas möllas metsik torm. Mõrvar on siiani leidmata ja keegi külaelanikest ei soovi seda lugu meenutada. Võib-olla sellepärast, et ainuüksi mõte metsikusest, millega kolm noorukit tapeti, tekitaks neis õudusvärinaid, aga võib-olla ka sellepärast, et neil kõigil on põhjust midagi varjata. Kohalike ja abikaasa Annelise vastupanust hoolimata jõuab Salinger uurimise käigus tõele üha lähemale, kuni päevavalgele tuleb enneolematu hirmutav tegelikkus.““Kurja loomus” jääb tükiks ajaks meelde. Hirmus, õudne, aga väga hästi kirjutatud. Sellised raamatud tõstavad põnevike lati väga kõrgele. Ja mitte lihtsalt põnevike, sest siin oli peale põnevuse veel ka krimi, õudust ning müstikat.” Castorbakar““Kurja loomus” on üks neist põnevikest, millest saaks ka ilma krimiloota päris korraliku romaani – juba enne mainisin, et küla pakub raamatuks ainest ilma mõrvadetagi.” Manni lugemisblogi““Kurja loomus” on meisterlik romaan. Iga element alates atmosfäärist kuni ideaalse tempoga süžeeni oli minu arvates geniaalne.” Raamatukäpp““Kurja loomus” on pööraselt endassehaarav põnevusromaan.” Hyperebaaktiivne

Mässaja pisarad

Linda Howard

Kirglik armastus on alati pisut metsik…Susan pole kunagi varem kohanud Cord Blackstone’i sugust seksikat meest. Cord on oma suguvõsa must lammas. Tal on Blackstone’idega kana kitkuda – tegemist on sama uhke suguvõsaga, kes kaitses Susanit pärast tema abikaasa surma. Cord ei kohku Blackstone’ide karistamisel tagasi millegi ees, aga mis siis, kui ta hävitab selle käigus naise, kes ei suuda lakata teda armastamast?


Annika Widholm

Clara on hiljuti oma kallima Markuse juurde kolinud, kui teda tabavad müstilised minestamishood. Ta ärkab ootamatutes kohtades ega tea, kuidas ta on sinna sattunud. Pealegi on tal ebameeldiv tunne, et teda jälgitakse. Üha meeleheitlikumalt püüab ta välja uurida, kes tema järele nuhib, ja kardab, et see võib olla kuidagi seotud aasta tagasi perekonda tabanud õnnetu surmaga. Mis Markuse endise naisega tegelikult juhtus? Kuidas saaks Clara võita mehe teismeliste tütarde usalduse, kui nood oma ema igatsevad? Ja miks on üks tubadest alati lukus? Samal ajal peab Clara keskenduma ülikooli lõputöö kirjutamisele. Teadvuse piire käsitlevatest psühholoogiaõpingutest saab viis, kuidas omaenda elus toimuvaga hakkama saada, kuid need viivad ta ka üha sügavamale tundmatusse. Rootslase Annika Widholmi esikromaan „Pööritus“ on haarav psühholoogiline põnevik.

Oodatud laps

Marje Ernits

Politseiuurija Ira Teveri kuues juhtum menuautor Marje ErnitsaltLoo sündmustik areneb väikeses maakonnalinnas, kus inspektor Ira Tever juba aastaid töötab. Tal tuleb koos jaoskonna uue ülemaga lahendada oma kodutrepist alla tõugatud naise surmajuhtum. Vägivallatunnused laibal viitavad nii mõnelegi lähikondsele, kuid faktiliselt pole kedagi süüdistada. Ainsad tunnistajad, kes võiksid juhtumi kohta midagi täpsemalt teada, on lapsed: naise väike poeg ja kõrvalmajas elav teismeline tüdruk, kes laiba leidis. Naabrid pole aga midagi näinud ega kuulnud, vaikivad või siis esitavad juhtunust oma versioone, mis osutuvad ebatõesteks. Nii jääb Irale mulje, nagu oleks noor naine ise teinud kõik selleks, et märkamatuks jääda ning seda ka oma elu viimasel hetkel.Marje Ernitsa populaarsete inspektor Ira Teveri lugude sarjas on varem ilmunud viis raamatut: „Tapjakaev“ (2018), „Jänesehaak“ (2017), „Lask udus (2016), „Mees puukastis“ (2015) ja „Tüdruk mäelt“ (2014).

Echo Lake

Letitia Trent

When 30-something Emily Collins inherits her recently murdered Aunt's house she moves to Heartshorne, Oklahoma, to claim it and confront her family's dark past. After her dead mother begins speaking to her in dreams, Emily stumbles upon a horrible community secret that leads to terrifying revelations about the supernatural pull of Echo Lake.