Queens Wild is a murder mystery set on the borderland between the Golden State and the Silver State, a land of vistas – shifting sand, mirage and illusion. <br><br>It is 1993, with a millennium of new things looming on the horizon. New dreamers are out on old trails looking for something, prospecting.<br><br>But an abandoned Sierra gold mine is about to pay out more than expected to some greenhorns seeking a new life in the New West.
The floating exploration rig, Olympian, is drilling for oil. It has a crew of 80 tough, no-nonsense oilmen capable of handling anything . So they think. But Scott Reef #8 isn't just a jinx – it will prove to be one hole too many.<br><br>There's something down there apart from sea and mud that seems to think they're here for fun. The rules of Its game are simple – play or die; the prize for winning – Olympian.<br><br>The only one on board who understands the situation is the toolpusher, Del Presswood. With each new event the whelp is coming to know him, enabling it to stay one step ahead, ensuring his warnings about the dangers are ignored.<br><br>If Del doesn't do something, and fast, he is going to lose the rig and his entire crew. For their sakes, this is one game he has to win. But time is running out!
Eight years ago, Robbie Stallings, an eleven-year old Asperger child, was abducted by an unidentified assailant while riding his bicycle home with his brothers along a stretch of deserted road near his home in Dickenson, North Dakota. His mother, claiming to have a psychic link with the boy, seeks the help of Rick Mallory, a high profile detective whose exploits have been sensationalized in the New York Herald Gazette by the famous crime reporter Moe Berg. Mallory takes the case, but where does he start to look for clues eight years after the fact? He retains a vague recollection of the young reporter who covered the case on television. It was none other than Melissa Compton, the anchor of the top-rated television news magazine Tunnel Vision. The book opens with Mallory visiting her at 30 Rock. The sexual tension between the protagonists is craftily woven into a mystery that leads them across the country, from New York to Montana, and ultimately into each other's arms.
Lee Crocker is an international trader who spends most of his days in the USSR where he hopes to put together the mega deal that could only be pulled off in Russia.<br><br>He knows the odds against success are high but he finds himself involved in an unbelievable multi-billion deal that involves the U.S.Government and the Russian military. <br><br>But he never contemplated getting involved in murder.
Young handsome psychologist Dr Howard's life takes a permanent and dark twist when a young sexy and troubled salesgirl who seems to always attract blood and violence walks into his office and begins to spin her intriguing and secret childhood secret. Dr Howard notices it seems to match perfectly the story of another of his client's dark childhood secrets. He decides to unite the two long lost friends against his better wishes, and that's where the he finds himself an unsuspecting ingredient in a new and intriguing mystery standing in the shadows of yet more MURDER!
Ta viibis vetevallas.Raskusjõudu ei olnud, tõstejõudu ei olnud. Kurssi ei olnud. Orientiire ei olnud. Järgmised ujumisliigutused võisid ühtviisi vabalt viia teda sügavikku või veepinnale või avamerre.Sam Berger jäi paigale, hõljus suures tühjuses ja iga ujumisliigutus võis viia teda surmale lähemale.Sam Bergerit kahtlustatakse mõrvas, mida ta ei ole toime pannud, ja tema partner Molly Blom on koomas. Berger põgeneb saarestikku ja ootab kaitsepolitsei juhtkonnalt korraldusi. Peale politsei ajab teda taga ka Carsten, kaitsepolitsei raudvara, kes on poolt vahetanud ja töötab nüüd terroristide heaks. Stockholmi ähvardab terrorioht ja tagaotsitav mõrvar – kes on pealegi röövinud ühe tüdruku – võib pääseda. Kas Berger on lahendus või osa probleemist?„Vetevald“ on Arne Dahli menukate romaanide „Piirimaa“ ja „Sisemaa“ järg, rahvusvahelise haardega kriminaalromaan, kus autor näitab taas oma meisterlikkust.