This is the business book we have been waiting for. Whilst we watch in horror as the consultants, the gurus and the management experts interfere with our jobs and lives with no apparent benefit, along comes this latest book from Geoff Burch that confirms that all our fears were true.This waspish, funny and often downright vicious expose of everything from marketing to HRM and even change management leaves no stone unturned and no taboo untrampled.But this is no mere hatchet job. Writing on the Wall exposes the stupidity of fashionable management fads, but by stripping the subject to the bone, the true secrets are uncovered. By facing the stark truth of poor products, difficult customers and mutinous staff, Burch is able to show, with bizarre examples such as the child with the squashed head, and hard hitting advice such as «smile or sling your hook», just how we can make success inevitable.
An insider's look at the Jim Beam brand, from a 7th generation Master Distiller Written by the 7th generation Beam family member and Master Distiller, Frederick Booker Noe III, Beam, Straight Up is the first book to be written by a Beam, the family behind the 217-year whiskey dynasty and makers of one of the world's best-selling bourbons. This book features family history and the evolution of bourbon, including Fred's storied youth «growing up Beam» in Bardstown, Kentucky; his transition from the bottling line to renowned global bourbon ambassador; and his valuable business insights on how to maintain and grow a revered brand. Includes details of Fred Noe's life on the road, spreading the bourbon gospel Describes Fred's journey to becoming the face of one of America's most iconic brands Shares a simple primer on how bourbon is made Offers cocktail and food recipes For anyone wanting a behind the scenes look at Jim Beam, and an understanding of the bourbon industry, Beam, Straight Up will detail the family business, and its role in helping to shape it.
The proven model that offers powerful and elegant strategies for leaders How Great Leaders Think: the Art of Reframing uses compelling, contemporary examples to show how more complex thinking is the key to better leadership. Leaders who understand what's going on around them see what they need to do to achieve the results they want. Bolman and Deal's influential four-frame model of leadership and organizations—developed in their bestselling book, Reframing Organizations: Artistry Choice and Leadership—offers leaders an accessible guide for understanding four major aspects of organizational life: structure, people, politics, and culture. Tapping into the complexity enables leaders to decode the messy world in which they live, see more options, tell better stories, and find strategies that are more effective. Case examples of leaders like Jeff Bezos at Amazon, Howard Schultz at Starbucks, Tony Hsieh at Zappos, Ursula Burns at Xerox, and the late Steve Jobs at Apple provide concrete lessons that readers can put to use in their own leadership. The book's lessons include: How to use structural tools to organize teams and organizations for better results How to build motivation and morale by aligning organizations and people How to map the terrain and build a power base to navigate the political dynamics in organizations How to develop a leadership story that shapes culture, provides direction, and inspires commitment to excellence
Silver Medal Winner, Success and Motivation, 2012 Axiom Business Book Awards An essential guide for mastering failure in order to achieve your goals Success is often just a moment—a goal fulfilled, soon to be replaced with new goals. But failure is the ambitious person's constant companion, often dogging us for months, years or even decades before we finally reach our aim. In the groundbreaking book Why People Fail, Siimon Reynolds, one of the world's most successful entrepreneurs, explores the main causes of failure, in any field, and reveals solutions for overcoming them and creating a successful personal and professional life. Why People Fail offers strategies and ideas for defeating the sixteen most common failure habits such as destructive thinking, low productivity, stress, fixed mindset, lack of daily rituals, and more. Outlines the common habits that lead to failure and shows how to overcome them Features dozens of tips and exercises to help increase business and personal success Written by Siimon Reynolds, an internationally recognized expert on high performance and business excellence Many people have changed their lives by mastering just one of the timeless principles in this book. Master five or ten and your life will rocket to a totally new level.
A detailed guide to profiting from trend reversals using the technical analysis of price action The key to being a successful trader is finding a system that works and sticking with it. Author Al Brooks has done just that. By simplifying his trading system and trading only 5-minute price charts he's found a way to capture profits regardless of market direction or economic climate. His first book, Reading Price Charts Bar by Bar, offered an informative examination of his system, but it didn't allow him to get into the real nuts and bolts of the approach. Now, with this new series of books, Brooks takes you step by step through the entire process. By breaking down his trading system into its simplest pieces: institutional piggybacking or trend trading, trading ranges, and transitions or reversals (the focus of this book), this three book series offers access to Brooks' successful methodology. Trading Price Action Reversals reveals the various types of reversals found in today's markets and then takes the time to discuss the specific characteristics of these reversals, so that you can use them in your everyday trading endeavors. While price action analysis works on all time frames, there are different techniques that you can use in trading intraday, daily, weekly and monthly charts. This, among many other issues, is also addressed throughout these pages. Offers insights on how to handle volatility and sharp reversals Covers the concept of using options when trading certain charts Examines how to deal with the emotions that come along with trading Other books in the series include Trading Price Action Trends and Trading Price Action Trading Ranges If you're looking to make the most of your time in today's markets the trading insights found in Trading Price Action Reversals will help you achieve this goal.
A practical guide to profiting from institutional trading trends The key to being a successful trader is finding a system that works and sticking with it. Author Al Brooks has done just that. By simplifying his trading system and trading only 5-minute price charts he's found a way to capture profits regardless of market direction or economic climate. His first book, Reading Price Charts Bar by Bar, offered an informative examination of his system, but it didn't allow him to get into the real nuts and bolts of the approach. Now, with this new series of books, Brooks takes you step by step through the entire process. By breaking down his trading system into its simplest pieces: institutional piggybacking or trend trading (the topic of this particular book in the series), trading ranges, and transitions or reversals, this three book series offers access to Brooks' successful methodology. Price Action Trends Bar by Bar describes in detail what individual bars and combinations of bars can tell a trader about what institutions are doing. This is critical because the key to making money in trading is to piggyback institutions and you cannot do that unless you understand what the charts are telling you about their behavior. This book will allow you to see what type of trend is unfolding, so can use techniques that are specific to that type of trend to place the right trades. Discusses how to profit from institutional trading trends using technical analysis Outlines a detailed and original trading approach developed over the author's successful career as an independent trader Other books in the series include Price Action Trading Ranges Bar by Bar and Price Action Reversals Bar by Bar If you're looking to make the most of your time in today's markets the trading insights found in Price Action Trends Bar by Bar will help you achieve this goal.
An expert's guide to exploring business opportunities in the burgeoning Arab marketplace This groundbreaking book reveals the myriad opportunities presented by the Arab World's market of 350 million consumers, who collectively wield the ninth-largest economy in the world. Based on the author's firsthand research, including hundreds of market visits and more than 600 interviews at companies doing business throughout the region, this book shows how globally interconnected and vibrant the Arab markets are. Through a rich blend of data and anecdotal observations, it chronicles how, by respecting the region's culture and religious norms, hundreds of local and multinational companies and entrepreneurs are creating successful businesses in this large and growing marketplace. Hundreds of interviews and illustrative examples peel away stereotypes about Arab consumers to reveal diverse, vibrant and entrepreneurial consumer markets Explains how multinational companies, such as Coca-Cola, Unilever, and Proctor & Gamble, and leading regional companies are working successfully in the Arab nations Shows how Arab entrepreneurs, both men and women, are shaping the regional and global marketplaces Vijay Mahajan, author of two previous award-winning books on emerging markets, is one of the world's most-cited researchers in the business and economics sector As the global marketplace continues to expand, this book offers anyone interested in investing in the Arab world an expert perspective on the boundless business opportunities.
100 ways to tap into social media for a more profitable business In Social Media 101, social media expert and blogger Chris Brogan presents the best practices for growing the value of your social media and social networking marketing efforts. Brogan has spent two years researching what the best businesses are doing with social media and how they're doing it. Now, he presents his findings in a single, comprehensive business guide to social media. You'll learn how to cultivate profitable online relationships, develop your brand, and drive meaningful business. Brogan shows you how to build an effective blog or website for your business, monitor your online reputation and what people are saying about your business online, and create new content to share with your customers. Presents specific strategies, tactics, and tips to improve your business through improved social media and online marketing Looks at social media and the wider online universe from a strictly business perspective If you aren't using the Internet and social media to market your business and stay in touch with your customers, you're already falling behind. The Social Media 100 gives you 100 effective, proven strategies you need to succeed.
The roadmap to success for financial professionals using real-world examples, practical how-to's, and a structured approach to marketing strategy and tactics that covers the basics for beginners and inspires new ideas for marketing pros The Financial Marketing Services Handbook, Second Edition gives sales and marketing practitioners the practical tools and best practices they need both to improve their job performance and their retail and institutional marketing strategies. The FSM Handbook guides marketing and sales professionals working in an industry characterized by cut-throat competition, client mistrust, transformative technologies, and ever-changing regulation, to understand the practical steps they must take to turn these threats into opportunities. Providing invaluable information on how to target, win, and retain profitable customers, the book presents an overview of the basic marketing functions—segmentation, positioning, brand building, situational analyses, and tactical planning—as they relate specifically to the financial services industry. With up-to-date case studies, showing what has worked and, more tellingly, what hasn't, the book demonstrates how to effectively utilize the marketer's toolbox—from advertising and public relations to social media and mobile marketing. Discusses how social media (Twitter, Facebook, blogs, review sites) impact branding and sales Packed with new information on landing pages, email success factors, and smartphone apps Demonstrates how behavioral economics affect marketing strategy Case studies and charts are fully revised and updated The financial industry is under intense pressure to improve profits, retain high-value clients, and maintain brand equity without straining budgets. The first edition has become an industry-standard reference book and The Financial Services Marketing Handbook, Second Edition gives sales and marketing professionals even more of the information they need to stretch value from each marketing dollar.
Plan your path to leadership with insight from real women at the top In Real Women, Real Leadership, twenty-four women leaders describe their personal journeys to the top, providing deep insight and a fascinating perspective on «making it» as a woman in the male-dominated business environment. They discuss their experiences and offer guidance on topics such as balancing family and career, building alliances, mentoring and being mentored, and overcoming obstacles in the business world which is still dominated by men in the senior levels of management. Drawn from a range of industries including higher education, technology, law, the military, politics, the media, and more, these stories provide the details that every ambitious woman needs to know. You'll learn which skills, attributes, and relationships served these women best, how they overcame the obstacles thrown into their paths, and the people they credit as instrumental along the way. A self-assessment chapter helps you discover your own leadership attributes, and determine which skills you need to acquire as you formulate your own personal roadmap to the top. There are many books about women who have been excellent leaders, but Real Women, Real Leadership provides the personal, relatable testimonials from women who have navigated the opportunities and pitfalls of the business world. Each story sheds light on women's unique leadership attributes, and provides guidance for professional women charting their own professional advancement. Learn from women leaders in a diverse range of industries Discover the leadership attributes that make the biggest impact Gain insight into work/life balance, mentors, relationships, and more Discover your leadership strengths and develop a plan forward Studies have shown that companies with three or more women board members dramatically outperform the competition in returns on equity, sales, and invested capital – yet women only claim a tiny percentage of boardroom seats and top executive positions. Why? And why, when they do achieve leadership positions, do women tend to make such outstanding leaders? Real Women, Real Leadership tackles these questions and more from an in-the-trenches perspective to help you become the leader you want to be.