The Tales of Haunted Nights (Gothic Horror: Bulwer-Lytton-Series). Эдвард Бульвер-Литтон


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The Tales of Haunted Nights (Gothic Horror: Bulwer-Lytton-Series)

Год выпуска 0

isbn 4064066383831

Автор произведения Эдвард Бульвер-Литтон

Жанр Языкознание


Издательство Bookwire

This meticulously edited and formatted collection is designed to whet your appetite for the supernatural and occult fiction of Edward Bulwer-Lytton, the master storyteller: Zanoni A Strange Story The Coming Race Falkland Zicci (Prequel to Zanoni) The Haunted and the Haunters, or The House and the Brain The Incantation