The first book of the Metaphysics of Evil is a collection of reflections generated by the inner crisis of the defeated soul. Like Oedipus at Colonus, the defeated soul has to find its sense after he grasps the inexorable force of the destiny. The profoundness he had reached through his extreme experiences brought him to a greater understanding and an occult empathy towards the existence. He is in permanently dialog with his Higher state of consciousness, and he transcends the time and space, while he is personifying different characters which are touched by the great damnation, Hamlet, Job, Orpheus and Cain. Far from trying to provide answers, the poems are recordings of a free inner dialogue similar to a jam session of musicians coming from different musical traditions. Behind the different interpretations there is the celebration of the unified field, the aura of an expression pushed to the extreme, still kept into the register of human culture.