Polymeric Sensors and Actuators. Johannes Fink Karl

Техническая литература.

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Polymeric Sensors and Actuators

Год выпуска 0

isbn 9781118547700

Автор произведения Johannes Fink Karl

Жанр Техническая литература


Издательство John Wiley & Sons Limited

This book covers in-depth the various polymers that are used for sensors and actuators from the vantage point of organic chemistry. Since many chemists may not be familiar with the physics and operational specifics of sensors, the book has a general chapter dealing with the overall physics and basic principles of sensors. Also included are methods of fabrication, as well as information on smart textiles, actuators, and the processing of data. The range of sensors covered include humidity, temperature, chemical, mechanical, optical, electrode, electronic nose, switchable devices, biosensors, and others.