Андрей Тихомиров

Список книг автора Андрей Тихомиров


    Андрей Тихомиров

    古代哲学涵盖了近千年的历史。 它起源于公元前一世纪中期的古希腊,并在公元六世纪让位于另一种-罗马帝国崩溃后的中世纪哲学。 古代哲学的一个显着特征是形成了一种新的精神表达方式,这种方式已经在第一批古代哲学家中获得了连贯的逻辑形式,其特点是对世界的理性理解。 这就是古代哲学与东方智慧的显着不同之处。

    The concept of a mega world

    Андрей Тихомиров

    Mega world is an infinite world of space, it includes planets, star complexes, galaxies, metagalactics. This is a world of huge scales and speeds. The distance in the mega world is measured in astronomical units, light years, parsecs. The lifetime of space objects is estimated in millions and billions of years.

    Ancient Philosophy

    Андрей Тихомиров

    Ancient philosophy covers almost a thousand-year period of history. It originated in ancient Greece in the middle of the I millennium BC and gave way to another – medieval philosophy after the collapse of the Roman Empire – by the VI century AD. A distinctive feature of ancient philosophy is the formation of a new way of spiritual expression, which already among the first ancient philosophers acquired a coherent logical form and is characterized by a rational comprehension of the world. This is how ancient philosophy differs significantly from Eastern wisdom.


    Андрей Тихомиров

    人类和其他生物,包括植物,以各种方式相互交流关于自己和周围世界的信息,包括通过大脑。 如果我们定义大脑的本质,我们也必须谈论意识的概念。 意识是哲学、社会学和心理学的基本概念之一,是指人类在思想中完美再现现实的能力。 意识是社会发展的人固有的最高形式的心理反思,与言语相关,这是目标设定活动的理想方面。 它以两种形式执行:个人(个人)和公共。

    Structural levels and systemic organization of matter

    Андрей Тихомиров

    Since ancient times, man has been trying to know the fundamental principle of the world, what everything consists of. Previously, atoms were considered such a basis. Then it turned out that atoms and even atomic nuclei are divisible. At the turn of the XIX—XX centuries. radical changes have taken place in the natural science picture of the world caused by the latest scientific discoveries in the field of physics and affected its fundamental ideas. As a result of scientific discoveries, the traditional ideas of classical physics about the atomic structure of matter were refuted.

    Каковы доходы автора книг?

    Андрей Тихомиров

    Всего издано книг (с 2012 года, когда была издана первая книга в LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing «Промышленность Южного Урала в годы нэпа и предвоенных пятилеток» – по нынешнее время): 2124.

    Hogy nézett ki valójában Jézus Krisztus?

    Андрей Тихомиров

    A kereszténység elképzelhetetlen központi alakja – Jézus Krisztus, a Megváltó – nélkül. A Jézus a héber Yeshua név görög átírása, amely a Yehoshua rövidítése, azaz „Jehova segítsége” vagy „Megváltó”. A „Krisztus” szó a héber „mashiach” (felkent) szó görög fordítása, szó szerint jelentése „olívaolajjal felkent”.

    Cum arăta cu adevărat Isus Hristos?

    Андрей Тихомиров

    Creștinismul nu poate fi imaginat fără figura sa centrală – Iisus Hristos, Mântuitorul. Isus este transcrierea greacă a numelui ebraic Yeshua, prescurtare pentru Yehoshua, adică „ajutorul lui Iehova” sau „Mântuitorul”. Cuvântul „Hristos” este traducerea greacă a cuvântului ebraic „mashiach” (uns), însemnând literal „uns cu ulei de măsline”.

    Како је Исус Христ заиста изгледао?

    Андрей Тихомиров

    Хришћанство је немогуће замислити без његове централне фигуре – Исуса Христа, Спаситеља. Исус је грчка транскрипција хебрејског имена Јешуа, скраћеног од Јехошуа, што значи „Јеховина помоћ“ или „Спаситељ“. Реч „Христос“ је грчки превод хебрејске речи „машиах“ (помазаник), што дословно значи „помазан маслиновим уљем“.

    Is Christianity a branch of Zoroastrianism?

    Андрей Тихомиров

    Magi, or magicians, were called Zoroastrian priests, in Persian mopeds. "When Jesus was born in Bethlehem in the days of King Herod, the magi came to Jerusalem from the east," says the Gospel of Matthew. From the east – from Parthia (Iran), where the main religion at that time was Zoroastrianism. They carried out a sacred mission, seeking to expand the influence of their religion among the Jews to fight against Rome. It is believed that by offering the newborn Jesus gold, frankincense and myrrh, the magi honored him as a king, high priest and sacrifice.