Группа авторов

Список книг автора Группа авторов

    An Interpretation of the Qur'an

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    To followers of Islam, the Qur'an is the literal word of God, revealed through Muhammad, the last of the line of prophets, containing all that is necessary to lead a life of righteousness. This new bilingual edition, approved by Al-Azhar University, the chief center of Islamic and Arabic learning in the world, offers a comprehensive and accurate rendering of the Qur'an into modern English. The clear, rigorous translation, one of the only English translations available by a native Arabic speaker, is laid out here in dual column format directly opposing the Arabic text to allow the reader to make careful verse by verse comparisons. • approved by Al-Azhar University, Cairo • easy-to-read translation into modern English • index of surahs (chapters)• English and Arabic headers • verse numbers within text in English and Arabic • explanatory footnotes in English

    Against Health

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    You see someone smoking a cigarette and say,“Smoking is bad for your health,” when what you mean is, “You are a bad person because you smoke.” You encounter someone whose body size you deem excessive, and say, “Obesity is bad for your health,” when what you mean is, “You are lazy, unsightly, or weak of will.” You see a woman bottle-feeding an infant and say,“Breastfeeding is better for that child’s health,” when what you mean is that the woman must be a bad parent. You see the smokers, the overeaters, the bottle-feeders, and affirm your own health in the process. In these and countless other instances, the perception of your own health depends in part on your value judgments about others, and appealing to health allows for a set of moral assumptions to fly stealthily under the radar. Against Health argues that health is a concept, a norm, and a set of bodily practices whose ideological work is often rendered invisible by the assumption that it is a monolithic, universal good. And, that disparities in the incidence and prevalence of disease are closely linked to disparities in income and social support. To be clear, the book's stand against health is not a stand against the authenticity of people's attempts to ward off suffering. Against Health instead claims that individual strivings for health are, in some instances, rendered more difficult by the ways in which health is culturally configured and socially sustained.The book intervenes into current political debates about health in two ways. First, Against Health compellingly unpacks the divergent cultural meanings of health and explores the ideologies involved in its construction. Second, the authors present strategies for moving forward. They ask, what new possibilities and alliances arise? What new forms of activism or coalition can we create? What are our prospects for well-being? In short, what have we got if we ain't got health? Against Health ultimately argues that the conversations doctors, patients, politicians, activists, consumers, and policymakers have about health are enriched by recognizing that, when talking about health, they are not all talking about the same thing. And, that articulating the disparate valences of “health” can lead to deeper, more productive, and indeed more healthy interactions about our bodies.


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    The global financial crisis showed deep problems with mainstream economic predictions. At the same time, it showed the vulnerability of the world’s richest countries and the enormous potential of some poorer ones. China, India, Brazil and other countries are growing faster than Europe or America and they have weathered the crisis better. Will they be new world leaders? And is their growth due to following conventional economic guidelines or instead to strong state leadership and sometimes protectionism? These issues are basic not only to the question of which countries will grow in coming decades but to likely conflicts over global trade policy, currency standards, and economic cooperation. Contributors include: Immanuel Wallerstein, David Harvey, Saskia Sassen, James Kenneth Galbraith, Manuel Castells, Nancy Fraser, Rogers Brubaker, David Held, Mary Kaldor, Vadim Volkov, Giovanni Arrighi, Beverly Silver, and Fernando Coronil.The three volumes can purchased individually or as a set.

    Handsome Nanda

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    Nanda has it all: youth, money, good looks and a kittenish wife who fulfills his sexual and emotional needs. He also has the Buddha, a dispassionate man of immense insight and self-containment, for an older brother. When Nanda is made a reluctant recruit to the Buddha's order of monks, he is forced to confront his all-too-human enslavement to his erotic and romantic desires. Dating from the second century CE, Ashva·ghosha’s Handsome Nanda portrays its hero’s spiritual makeover with compassion, psychological profundity, and great poetic skill.Co-published by New York University Press and the JJC FoundationFor more on this title and other titles in the Clay Sanskrit series, please visit http://www.claysanskritlibrary.org


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    Bajo el título de Enotradulengua. Vino, lengua y traducción, se recogen en este libro 18 trabajos elaborados por integrantes del GIRTraduvino y por otros investigadores de España y de fuera, entre los que se encuentran los ya habi-tuales colaboradores, como son Cristinane Nord y Pierre Lerat. La temática de este libro versa sobre la traducción, las ontologías, la historia del conocimiento enológico, la lengua de la vid y el vino, el enoturismo y sobre varios de los géneros más característicos del ámbito: las etiquetas, las notas de cata y el anuncio impreso. También incluye un novedoso trabajo sobre la traducción de las metáforas de las notas de cata a la lengua de signos española. La lengua de la vid y el vino se aborda desde la diacronía, la sincronía y la dialectología.

    Travelling Concepts: New Fictionality Studies

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    This volume is co-edited by the director of the Freiburg graduate school «Factual and Fictional Narration» (GRK 1767, Freiburg/Germany) and the director of the Aarhus Centre for Fictionality Studies (University of Aarhus, DK). The collection of essays re-examines the much discussed fact―fiction distinction in light of the current burgeoning of research on fictionality. It provides a forum for ongoing work on fictionality from France, Germany and Denmark and Sweden. By placing discussions of the notion of fictionality in one volume, the editors hope to initiate exchange between the different traditions represented in the essays und to help the task of translating the available concepts and terminologies so they can travel between different models and theoretical frameworks.

    Innovations- und Wissensmanagement in der Praxis: Konzepte, Forschungsergebnisse und Fallstudien

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    Die Schriftenreihe Innovatives Wissensmanagement stellt der Wissenschaft sowie der Wirtschaftspraxis aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse, innovative Lösungsansätze sowie Fallstudien in der Schnittmenge der Disziplinen Innovations- und Wissensmanagement zur Verfügung.

    Poesía y traducción en el siglo xix hispánico

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    Desde distintas perspectivas críticas este libro analiza aspectos específicos de la traducción poética, así como los elementos interculturales de la traducción y la recepción de la poesía en el siglo XIX. Los exotismos literarios, la influencia del haiku, los problemas traductológicos al chino, la teleología de la traducción poética indígena mexicana, la recepción y traducción de Rosalía de Castro en Italia y las traducciones en prensa de Giosuè Carducci, son, junto con la atención prestada a la labor traductológica de Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo, Teodoro Llorent, Enrique Díez-Canedo y Fernando Fortún, Guillermo Belmonte Müller, José Zorrilla, Juan Valera y la visión traductológica de Longfellow, los exhaustivos trabajos presentados en este libro.

    Ruralism and Literature in Romania

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    Ruralism and Literature in Romania proposes a series of academic studies of rural literature and cultural portrayals of peasantry. The topics range from re-readings of canonical works to ideological readings of modern Romanian literature, rural novels of the Romanian socialist realism and post-communist literary trends centred around rural life. The three sections of the volume, «The Novel,» «Literary Criticism and Social Action,» and «Poetry» focus on the intervention of the nineteenth and twentieth-century cultural elites in the discussions of peasantry, on the role of ideology in portraying the peasant during the interwar period and postwar literature, and on off-centre topics such as zoopoetics and artificial intelligence in the rural literature.

    Traducción e Interpretación: entre investigación y didáctica

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    Este volumen, dirigido a docentes, investigadores y estudiantes en el ámbito de la Traducción e Interpretación, es el resultado de las experiencias didácticas, profesionales y de investigación de los autores de los dieciséis capítulos que lo componen. Su objetivo es acercar la teoría a la práctica con una temática muy amplia, que incluye el análisis lingüístico, la autotraducción, la traducción de lenguas de especialidad y la traducción audiovisual. Cuenta también con tres capítulos dedicados a la interpretación que ofrecen una visión panorámica de la misma y que centran su atención en la interpretación como proceso, producto y profesión.