With decreases in lengths of hospital stay and increases in alternatives to inpatient treatments, the field of hospital psychiatry has changed dramatically over the past 20 years. As the first comprehensive guide to be published in more than a decade, the Textbook of Hospital Psychiatry is a compilation of the latest trends, issues, and developments in the field. The textbook, written by 70 national experts and clinical specialists, covers a wide range of clinical and administrative topics that are central to today's practice of hospital psychiatry.This is the only textbook on the market today that provides information for psychiatric hospital clinicians and administrators in a single all-inclusive volume. It covers information not generally available in other textbooks and medical journals, touching on a variety of cutting-edge issues, such as safety improvement, use of seclusion and restraint, suicide prevention, and culturally competent psychiatric care.The book's 35 chapters are divided into four parts: Part I, Inpatient Practice – focuses on specialty psychiatric units (e.g., acute stabilization unit, eating disorders unit, forensic unit, child unit), including the many psychopharmacological and psychosocial treatments used within each. This section also touches on specialized treatment for patients with co-occurring problems, such as substance abuse, developmental disabilities, and legal difficulties. Part II, Special Clinical Issues – covers clinical issues from the perspective of different populations (consumers, families, suicidal patients). This section also examines the recent trend toward patient-centered care. Part III, The Continuum of Care – addresses psychiatric services within the community, such as rehabilitation programs, day hospitals, and emergency services. It discusses the importance of understanding hospital-based treatment within the broader perspective of patients' lives. Part IV, Structure and Infrastructure – focuses on such often-overlooked topics as financing of care, risk management, electronic medical records, and the actual architecture of psychiatric hospitals, as well as the roles of psychiatric hospital administrators, psychiatric nurses, and psychiatrists and psychologists. An invaluable resource for both clinicians and administrators, as well as a comprehensive teaching tool for residents, the Textbook of Hospital Psychiatry is a must-have for all professionals who work in psychiatric settings.
A growing body of clinical and experimental evidence shows that neurocognitive dysfunction is a fundamental – yet frequently ignored or misidentified – component of bipolar disorder. The first comprehensive book of its kind, Cognitive Dysfunction in Bipolar Disorder: A Guide for Clinicians compiles the latest data in neuropsychology, neuroimaging, neurogenetics, and functional outcomes research to enable clinicians to more effectively utilize pharmacological and psychotherapeutic techniques in their treatment of bipolar disorder.This volume outlines and demystifies current knowledge about neuropsychological functioning in bipolar disorder in a reader-friendly, easy-to-understand guide for practitioners. Its 12 chapters, written by 23 internationally-renowned expert contributors, examine such topics as attentional and executive functioning, neuroimaging and genetic correlates of cognitive functioning, pharmacological strategies, bipolar disorder in pediatric patients, and cognition across the life span.The book also comes with the added benefit of A review of neurocognitive domains, examples of their operation in everyday life, the neuroanatomical regions with which they are associated, and common tests used to assess their function Summarized data from large-scale clinical trials, including the National Institute of Mental Health Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness (CATIE) study Take-home points at the end of each chapter summarizing main concepts and «clinical pearls» Case studies and illustrative examples depicting the application of specific neurocognitive principles Using relevant applications from cognitive neuroscience, Cognitive Dysfunction in Bipolar Disorder provides clinicians with a comprehensive overview of astounding breakthroughs in the assessment and treatment of patients with bipolar disorder. It plows new ground in the mental health industry, correcting distortions and laying the foundation for future clinical research in this rapidly expanding field.
Evaluating and treating patients with violent ideations and behaviors can be frustrating, anxiety-provoking, and even dangerous, as errors in judgment can lead to disastrous consequences. Fortunately, there is the Textbook of Violence Assessment and Management, the first and only comprehensive textbook on assessing the potentially violent patient for mental health clinicians on the front lines of patient care. Uniquely qualified to produce this comprehensive volume, the editors have assembled a distinguished roster of contributors who, in 28 practical chapters, combine evidence-based medicine with expert opinion to address the topic of patient violence in all its diversity of presentation and expression. Dr. Simon is Director of the Program in Psychiatry and Law at Georgetown University School of Medicine, as well as the author or co-author of more than two dozen books. Dr. Tardiff, Professor of Psychiatry and Public Health at the Payne Whitney Clinic, The New York Hospital – Cornell Medical Center, is the author of The Concise Guide to Assessment and Management of Violent Patients, an introduction to aggression management now in its second edition.Violence is both endemic to our society and epidemic in our age. Skilled assessment and management of violence is therefore critical for mental health professionals involved in patient care. The Textbook of Violence Assessment and Management includes many features designed to instruct and support these clinicians. For example: It is the first comprehensive textbook to take the mental health professional from evaluation and assessment to treatment and management of patients who are or may become violent. The 28 chapters address the diversity of clinical settings, patient demographics, psychopathology and treatment modalities, making this work useful as both a textbook and a reference that clinicians can consult as needed for particular cases. End-of-chapter «Key Points» highlight the most important concepts and conclusions, allowing students to review and consolidate their learning and practicing professionals to locate critical information quickly. Clinical case examples abound, providing rich and nuanced perspectives on patient behavior, evaluation and management. The textbook includes a separate chapter on evaluating patients from different cultures, a competency that becomes more crucial as patient populations become more diverse. Increasing numbers of veterans are diagnosed with PTSD and traumatic brain injury. Campus tragedies such as Virginia Tech are fresh in our collective memory. This text is both timely and necessary – not just for mental health professionals and their patients, but for the families and communities whose safety depends upon competent professional judgment.
A major benchmark in the understanding of psychiatric illness in children and adolescents, Developmental Psychopathology and Wellness reports on progress in identifying genetic and environmental influences on emotional-behavioral disorders. A team of 22 international authorities presents work that changes the way child psychiatry and clinical psychology are conceptualized, debunking misconceptions about depression, antisocial behavior, and other conditions to enhance our understanding of the causes of child psychopathology – and improve the ways we treat these disorders. Coverage of basic principles describes the influence of genomic medicine, as explained by trailblazers in the field who demonstrate the importance of the developmental perspective. Chapters on gene-environment interaction review the important concepts of personality and temperament, cognition, and sex – including findings from molecular genetic investigations on adolescent cognition, temperament, and brain function. Disorder-based examples show how emotional-behavioral illness and wellness attest to the interaction of genetic and environmental factors over time, providing new insight into the study of anxious depression, ADHD, autism, and antisocial personality disorders. And in considering how we can bridge the gap between research and clinical applications, Dr. Hudziak describes his family-based gene-environment approach as a means of better understanding etiopathology and treatment. Among the other significant contributions: Thomas Achenbach focuses on the importance of culture in understanding the genetic and environmental impact on children, with insights into measuring these sources of influence. Joan Kaufman reports on her seminal work on the genetic and environmental modifiers of risk and resilience in child abuse, relating maltreatment to other forms of environmental risk, genetic mediation, and reactivity. D. I. Boomsma describes the genetic architecture of childhood worry, presenting data from an extraordinary sample of 30,000 twin pairs. Frank Verhulst draws on a 14-year study to detail the advantages of the developmental perspective in understanding antisocial behavior. Stephen Faraone offers guidelines for moving beyond statistics to document the functional significance of DNA variants associated with psychopathology. As the contributors ably demonstrate, these new approaches to the care and treatment of at-risk children are applicable to daily practice, teaching, and research. Developmental Psychopathology and Wellness shows that these psychopathologies are not a matter of nature versus nurture or genes versus environment, but rather an intertwining web of them all.
As more patients seek information about family risks of psychiatric illness – an interest likely to increase as gene-identification studies are publicized – most psychiatrists agree it is their role to discuss these issues but admit they are ill-prepared to do so. Psychiatric Genetics addresses that need as the first book to focus on clinical applications of genetics in psychiatry. It covers issues involved in genetic counseling, the interpretation of familial and genetic information for clinical use, information regarding risks associated with specific psychiatric disorders, risk/benefit considerations related to medication use during pregnancy, and the ethical and social implications of psychiatric genetic knowledge and research – including the prospects for genetic testing.While other books have been written for the genetics community, this volume is addressed to practitioners: a clinically relevant resource that can help them understand the often bewildering flood of information about genetics – information difficult to interpret, let alone integrate into practice – and enable them to respond to patients' requests to predict the risk of recurrence of psychiatric illness or provide information about reproductive and pregnancy-related issues. Experts from psychiatry, genetic epidemiology, molecular genetics, genetic counseling, cognitive psychology, and ethics focus on issues that have received little attention elsewhere yet are of increasing importance to clinicians. Written at a level that assumes no particular expertise in genetics, the book features these immediately applicable benefits: It offers a framework for understanding and critically evaluating the psychiatric genetic research literature, enabling clinicians to better understand the meaning and limitations of genetic discoveries when patients raise questions about media reports. It provides a resource for clinicians who would like more information about the role and content of genetic counseling, outlining a typical counseling session while demonstrating how risks are estimated and discussed. It summarizes genetic aspects of major psychiatric conditions – from childhood-onset disorders through psychotic, mood, and anxiety disorders to dementia – as well as neuropsychiatric manifestations of other genetic disorders. It alerts clinicians to risk/benefit considerations related to medication use during pregnancy. It covers the ethical, legal, and social implications of genetic research and counseling, illustrating the dilemmas that arise with new advances. Whether used as a clinical guide, reference, or ancillary text, this book sets the standard for the application of psychiatric genetic knowledge in everyday practice. Psychiatrists, mental health clinicians, and genetic counselors will find it an essential resource for all patient encounters in which genetic issues arise.
Cultural diversity has always been a fact of life, nowhere more so than in the unique melting pot of U.S. society. Respecting and understanding that diversity is an important – and challenging – goals. Culture and Psychotherapy: A Guide to Clinical Practice brings us closer to that goal by offering a fresh perspective on how to bring an understanding of cultural diversity to the practice of psychotherapy to improve treatment outcomes.This remarkable work presents the nuts and bolts of incorporating culture into therapy, in a way that is immediately useful and practical. Illustrated by numerous case studies that demonstrate issues, techniques, and recommendations, the topics in this wide-ranging volume focus not on specific race or ethnicity but instead on culture. Introduction – Summarizes the influence of culture (an abstract concept defined as an entity apart from race, ethnicity, or minority) on the practice and process of psychotherapy while offering a broadened definition of psychotherapy as a special practice involving a designated healer (or therapist) and identified client (or patient) to solve a client's problem or promote a client's mental health Case Presentations and Analysis – Illustrates distinctive cultural issues and overtones within psychotherapy, such as the traditional Japanese respect for authority figures, the Native American concept of spirit songs, the clash of modern values with traditional Islamic codes, and the effects of the conflict between Eastern values of dependence and group harmony and Western values of independence and autonomy Specific Issues in Therapy – Discusses lessons from folk healing, the cultural aspects of the therapist-patient relationship, and the giving and receiving of medication as part of therapy Treating Special Populations – Presents issues and trauma faced by African Americans, Hispanic veterans, Southeast Asian refugees, adolescents, and the ethnic minority elderly Special Models of Therapy – Shows the interplay between cultural issues and specific models of therapy, including marital therapy for intercultural couples and group therapy with multiethnic members The relevance of cultural diversity will only grow stronger in the coming years as our definition of community expands to embrace global – not just local – issues. With its balanced combination of clinical guidance and conceptual discussion highlighted by fascinating case studies, this volume, authored by national and international experts, offers psychotherapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, psychiatric residents, psychiatric nurses, and mental health social workers – both in the U.S. and abroad – an expansive focus and richness of content unmatched elsewhere in the literature.
Beset by contradictions, somatoform and factitious disorders have an unusually long, rich, and colorful historical and clinical tradition. Yet, some of them have received only limited empirical investigation.This book continues that rich tradition by offering a broad and scholarly synthesis of the current knowledge – and controversies – about somatoform and factitious disorders. Here you'll find up-to-date, clinically focused overviews of these intriguing and often difficult-to-treat disorders.Recognized experts present the latest findings along with insightful recommendations and illustrative case studies on Somatization disorder – The evolution and problems of diagnostic criteria (e.g., its focus on symptom counting), epidemiology, clinical features, etiologic considerations, differential diagnosis (e.g., contrasted with depressive and anxiety disorders), evaluation (use of questionnaires), and treatment considerations (psychotherapy, psychotropic medications). Hypochondriasis – History, clinical features, theoretical models (psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and physiologic), research studies, and practical techniques for treatment (from pharmacotherapy to cognitive behavioral therapy to alternative treatments such as relaxation therapy). Body dysmorphic disorder – History and prevalence, clinical features, treatment (including surgery and nonpsychiatric medical treatment), etiology and pathophysiology (its relationship to obsessive-compulsive, depressive, and eating disorders), and diagnosis and misdiagnosis. Conversion disorder – Diagnostic criteria and clinical subtypes, history and definitions, models of symptom generation, functions served by conversion symptoms, associated features, epidemiology, demographic and disease course, comorbidity, differential diagnosis, and treatment (best done in collaboration with an internist, primary care physician, or neurologist). Factitious disorders (widely known as Munchausen syndrome, its most extreme subtype) – Empirical evidence related to epidemiology and etiology; diagnosis, clinical description, prevalence, and associated costs; limitations of current approaches; the reliability and usefulness of differential diagnoses; comorbidity, etiology, and management. Both concise and thorough, this extensively annotated volume clarifies the issues surrounding these fascinating disorders and offers practical guidance and recommendations, highlighting the pressing need for further research to improve patient care. As such, it will prove compelling reading for practicing psychiatrists and other physicians in any clinical setting who want to better understand the baffling complexities of these distressing disorders.
Constituting nearly 12 percent of the US population, Latinos (a term used interchangeably with the term Hispanic throughout the text) are expected to become the second-largest race ethnic group (after non-Hispanic whites) by 2010. This growth emphasizes the increasing importance of understanding the cultural factors affecting the psychiatric treatment of Latino patients.Integrating culture-specific treatments, such as the services of a folk healer (called a santero in Cuba and a curandero in Mexico), with more traditional interventions, such as medication and case management services, is crucial to achieving successful outcomes for Latino patients.This unique book helps mental health professionals acquire the knowledge, skills, and – most important – the cultural sensitivity necessary for treating Latino patients in the United States. The book can aid clinicians in learning to appreciate the importance of language, culture, religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, and ethnicity in psychiatric evaluation and care.The editors of this insightful, wide-ranging text have structured the work of 20 distinguished contributors into three major sections: Section I, Overview, presents an overview and brief history of Latinos in the United States, including demographic data and statistics on their physical and mental health. Variables include language, religion, geographical origin, class, race, degree of acculturation, gender, education, and sexual orientation. Of particular interest here is practical guidance on conducting culturally sensitive psychiatric evaluations of Latino patients. Section II, Individual Countries, highlights the fascinating differences among the major Latino subgroups in the US, including Colombia, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, and Puerto Rico, and details their distinct characteristics (from cuisine, music, and literature to dialects and traditions) so that clinicians may better understand these patients and incorporate this knowledge into their practices. Section III, Special Issues, discusses today's the pressing realities of Latino life in the United States – such as socioeconomic status, the gender roles of machismo (qualities of the strong, powerful, active man) and marianismo (the qualities of the submissive, obedient woman), and cultural ideals such as familismo (strong loyalty and duty to family) – and how these factors affect treatment. Discussions span women's issues, substance abuse, and violence in Latino populations. Of broad interest to students, residents, and practicing clinicians, this informative volume adds a singularly valuable tool needed to understand, evaluate, and treat Latino patients by viewing their original culture and belief system as integral parts of who they are.
Suicide remains all too common in the United States. As the ninth leading cause of death – responsible for 30,000 deaths annually – it is also one of the more preventable causes of deathIncreasingly, mental health clinicians must care for suicidal patients within managed care systems. Managed care's cost-driven focus on rapid assessment and triage, narrowly restrictive hospital admission criteria, and abbreviated inpatient stays have resulted in poorer clinical care and increased opportunities both for adverse outcomes such as suicide and for clinician liability.Bringing together a unique mix of clinicians, authorities, and administrators from private practice and managed care, Treatment of Suicidal Patients in Managed Care offers practical guidance on how to improve care and reduce risk for suicidal patients. Contributors explore a wide range of topics: Hospitalization – Emphasizes the increased importance of the initial assessment when managed care systems shorten or deny hospitalization for suicidal patients and of knowing whom to call within the managed care system. Includes alternative programs from acute residential care to cognitive-behavioral strategies and dialectical behavior therapy for the suicidal patient in crisis Suicide risk among adolescents and the elderly – For adolescents, emphasizes the value of multiple levels of care when admissions are too short and too often followed by distressing and costly readmissions. For the elderly, offers preventive interventions for primary care physicians who are uncomfortable discussing depression and suicidal ideation and intention with their elderly patients Suicide and substance abuse – Details the role of case managers in providing continuity of care in a disorder known to be chronic and relapsing Pharmacotherapy of depression and suicidality – Discusses the effects of managed care and raises questions about the expertise of the prescriber, especially relevant now that more primary care physicians are treating patients with uncomplicated unipolar depression Risk management issues – To counter the perception that managed care companies profit from withholding care, emphasizes the crucial importance today of documenting the reasons for treatment decisions Helping those affected by the aftermath of a suicide – A step-by-step process: 1) anticipating a suicide, 2) announcing or sharing the news of a suicide, 3) assessing those affected by a suicide, and 4) seeing what can be learned from reviewing the patient's treatment This clinical guide will aid understanding of clinical, administrative, and risk management issues relevant to the care of suicidal patients. Psychiatrists, psychologists, nurse clinical specialists, social workers, administrators, and primary care physicians will also rely on it as they cope with the mounting pressures of managed care while maintaining the quality of their care for these vulnerable and patients.
In sharp contrast to the prevailing belief during the past century that schizophrenia inevitably results in a progressive deteriorating clinical course, research since the early 1980s shows that early intervention can significantly improve the long-term outcome of this complex illness. With very early treatment, many affected individuals can achieve an excellent recovery.This research has set off an explosion of interest in – and optimism about – early intervention in what was once thought to be an intractable illness. The work of 19 top experts in the field of schizophrenia research is available in this single, powerful volume that introduces the concept of early intervention and describes the clinical approaches most likely to facilitate the fullest degree of recovery. Contributors review the clinical and epidemiological evidence that supports the importance of comprehensive and optimal treatment during the early stages of schizophrenia – treatment that must encompass emotional, family, and vocational as well as pharmacological needs of affected individuals. This rich overview is organized into three major parts: Early Intervention, Epidemiology, and Natural History of Schizophrenia, which presents an overview of important concepts in early intervention and reviews our current understanding of the outcome from a first episode of schizophrenia, including which features predict the onset of first-episode psychosis Management of the Early Stages of Schizophrenia, which reviews the critical management issues in providing specialized and optimal care to this complex patient group and their families, including meeting the patient's emotional needs Neurobiological Investigations of the Early Stages of Schizophrenia, which describes important specialized topics that contribute to our understanding of the first episode of schizophrenia, including schizophrenia in childhood and adolescence and cognitive dysfunction in the early stages of schizophrenia This ground-breaking volume provides reason for new optimism about the treatment and outcome of schizophrenia. With its dramatically different perspective on the potential long-term outcome of a still-baffling illness, this volume is a must-read for mental health practitioners and educators, psychiatry residents, and family members of affected individuals.