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    Gathering Together

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    Concerned to think intentionally about liturgy in Baptist life and thought, this book aims to address the practices of Christian worship in a theological light, examining how each brings individual Christian believers and communities of faith to a greater understanding and embodiment of the gospel. In this mode, worship becomes a seamless garment that forms disciples of Christ and opens out toward the world. In short, theology, worship, and mission all intersect in the liturgical life of the body of Christ. In addition to theological engagement with liturgical practices, Gathering Together links reflection to praxis by offering sample patterns as a guide for reenvisioning the shape of Baptist (and other free church) worship.

    Pentecostal and Holiness Statements on War and Peace

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    Many Pentecostal groups have forgotten their legacy of war resistance and doctrinal history opposing killing. To rectify this loss, we have catalogued Holiness and Pentecostal denominational statements on war and peace. Numerous Holiness groups and virtually all early Pentecostal groups had some form of pacifist statement against war. This antiwar collection gives us an almost uniform picture of the early Pentecostal movement as largely pacifist in orientation. The commonality of these statements across both Holiness and Pentecostal movements is evidence they are a continuous group and not two separate movements. While their early doctrines opposed killing, many named in this book are now widely considered to be stalwarts of the Religious Right, or at least staunch supporters of Christian participation in war. Our hope is that this book will frame the official position of early Pentecostals on war and peace, and encourage Pentecostals today to reflect on their antiwar heritage.

    In an Inescapable Network of Mutuality

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    The scholarship on Martin Luther King Jr. has too often cast him in the image of the Southern black preacher and the American Gandhi, while ignoring or trivializing his global connections and significance. This groundbreaking work, written by scholars, religious leaders, and activists of different backgrounds, addresses this glaring pattern of neglect in King studies. King is treated here as both a global figure and a forerunner of much of what is currently associated with contemporary globalization theory and praxis. The contributors to this volume agree that King must be understood not only as a thinker, visionary, and social change agent in his own historical context, but also in terms of his meaning for the different generations who still appeal to him as an authority, inspiration, and model of exemplary service to humanity. The task of engaging King both in context and beyond context is fulfilled in remarkable ways in this volume, without doing essential violence to this phenomenal figure.

    Bury the Dead

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    Bury the Dead is a collection of personal encounters with death: stories of Alzheimer's, AIDS, cancer, hospice, suicide, murder, systemic violence, genocide, and war. In this book a teenager tenderly washes her mother's body, a community organizer cries outrage over his blood-soaked comrade, a father builds a coffin for his infant son, martyrs are honored by a former political prisoner, a young scholar's experiences in Palestine shape her reading of the Exodus narrative, and a community of gardeners plant trees at urban-core murder sites. Drawing from sources such as the peace movement, the Catholic Worker, and Occupy, these stories make connections between medicine delivery, labor picket lines, and PICC-lines; between jazz funeral secondlines and the front lines of countless struggles. Part pastoral theology, part movement history, this book powerfully demonstrates that resisting the power of death is at the heart of Christian discipleship, and that in a culture that fears death, we will only find resurrection in facing it.

    Reading Minjung Theology in the Twenty-First Century

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    This edited volume brings Ahn Byung-Mu's minjung theology into dialogue with twenty-first-century readers. Ahn Byung-Mu was one of the pioneers of Korean minjung theology. The centerpiece of his minjung theology is focused on the Greek word ochlos, understood as the divested, marginalized, powerless people.
    Part 1 introduces readers to his life and theological legacy. Part 2 includes four important writings of Ahn Byung-Mu: «Jesus and Minjung in the Gospel of Mark,» «Minjung Theology in the Gospel of Mark,» «The Transmitters of Jesus Event Tradition,» and «Minjok, Minjung, and Church.» Part 3 contains a collection of articles from international scholars who evaluate and engage Ahn's ochlos/minjung theology in their own fields and formulate critical readings of minjung theology. Responses include postcolonial, black theology, and feminist perspectives.

    Don't Ask, Don't Tell

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    The repeal of the government's policy on homosexual military service, known as Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT), has caused much concern among Christian military service members, especially chaplains, and has led to much debate about the morality of homosexuality, the ideal of free speech, and the role of clergy in public service. Can it be scientifically demonstrated that homosexuality is normal? What has homosexual political activity shown to be their agenda, if any? What does the Bible say about homosexuality? How can chaplains who disagree with the homosexual lifestyle respond to the repeal in a way that retains their prophetic voice, but protects them from prosecution? How can chaplains minister to homosexual service members and their families in a post-DADT military? These are just some of the questions addressed in this important work by a group of scholars and chaplains, many of whom serve or have served in the academy, the military, and the church.

    Just Peace

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    Christian theology and ethics have wrestled with the challenge to apply Jesus's central message of nonviolence to the injustices of this world. Is it not right to defend the persecuted by using violence? Is it unjust if the oppressed defend themselves–if necessary by the use of violence–in order to liberate themselves and to create a more just society? Can we leave the doctrine of the just war behind and shift all our attention toward the way of a just peace?
    In 2011 the World Council of Churches brought to a close the Decade to Overcome Violence, to which the churches committed themselves at the beginning of the century. Just peace has evolved as the new ecumenical paradigm for contemporary Christian ethics. Just peace signals a realistic vision of holistic peace, with justice, which in the concept of shalom is central in the Hebrew Bible as well as in the gospel message of the New Testament.
    This paradigm needs further elaboration. VU University gathered peacebuilding practitioners and experts from different parts of the world (Africa, Latin America, North America, Asia, and Europe) and from different disciplines (anthropology, psychology, social sciences, law, and theology)–voices from across generations and Christian traditions–to promote discussion about the different dimensions of building peace with justice.

    Isaiah and Imperial Context

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    Interpreting Isaiah requires attention to empire. The matrix of the book of Isaiah was the imperial contexts of Assyria, Babylon, and Persia. The community of faith in these eras needed a prophetic vision for life. Not only is the book of Isaiah crafted in light of empire, but current readers cannot help but approach Isaiah in light of imperial realities today. As a neglected area of research, Isaiah and Imperial Context probes how empire can illumine Isaiah through essays that utilize archaeology, history, literary approaches, post-colonialism, and feminism within the various sections of Isaiah. The contributors are Andrew T. Abernethy, Mark G. Brett, Tim Bulkeley, John Goldingay, Christopher B. Hays, Joy Hooker, Malcolm Mac MacDonald, Judith E. McKinlay, Tim Meadowcroft, Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer, and David Ussishkin.

    Fundamentalism and Gender

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    This anthology addresses the topic of «fundamentalism and gender» from inter- and trans-disciplinary perspectives. By referring to three major themes–"Literalism, Religion, and Science," «Nation, State, and Community,» and «Body, Life, and Biopolitics»–the book focuses on the analytical diversification of the term «fundamentalism» and on intersections between religion, gender, sexuality, race, and nation. International scholars in cultural history and theory, religious studies, Christian theologies, Islamic studies, history, social sciences, anthropology, comparative literature, and women and gender studies examine the historical and current specifics of religious as well as of secular forms of fundamentalism. They also take a critical look at the Western discourse about religious fundamentalism and the ambivalent role feminism plays in this context, considering questions such as, Why do all religious fundamentalisms claim normalizing definitions of sexuality, gender roles, and intergender relations? In what way do gender and sexual politics play a role in secular criticism of religious fundamentalism? And how are forms of secular fundamentalism characterized by gender constructs and sexual politics?


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    Servantship is essentially about following our Lord Jesus Christ, the servant Lord, and his mission–it is a life of discipleship to him, patterned after his self-emptying, humility, sacrifice, love, values, and mission. Servantship is humbly valuing others more than yourself, and looking out for the interests and wellbeing of others. Servantship is the cultivation of the same attitude of mind Christ Jesus had: making yourself nothing, being a servant, humbling yourself, and submitting yourself to the will and purposes of the triune God. Since servantship is the imitation of Christ, it involves an unreserved participation in the missio Dei–the Trinitarian mission of God.
    In this pioneering work, sixteen servants describe the four movements of radical servantship. Servantship is the movement 1.from leadership to radical servantship; 2.from shallowness to dynamic theological reflection; 3.from theories to courageous practices; and 4.from forgetfulness to transforming memory.
    Servantship recognizes, in word, thought, and deed, that «whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave–just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.»