How well do you know your prescribed English novel? Do you understand its contents and structure? Are you ready to write your exams? This study work guide has been compiled to help learners study The Mark, the prescribed novel for Grade 10 Home Language. It has been compiled to the requirements of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) and all important aspects relating to the novel have been covered – in accessible language.
Remember! This guide cannot be used on its own as it refers to the prescribed text throughout.
What makes our study work guides different?
This study work guide forms part of a series. As the name suggests, this is not only a guide in which the novel is discussed, but also a workbook in which learners can make notes. This provides for easy revision for exams and tests and keeps valuable notes from going astray.
The content of this study work guide
• Background information on the plot and author. • A discussion of literary elements in context. • A chapter by chapter discussion of plot development, symbols, and themes, with definitions of useful words and questions (with space for learners’ answers provided). • Formal assessment activities. • Enrichment activities. • A removable answer section.
All study work guides in this series have been compiled according to CAPS requirements. This study work guide supplements the prescribed text The Mark for Grade 10 Home Language.
From the serious to the lighthearted, this book presents a snapshot of what smart young South Africans think about living in South Africa today. From black tax, whitesplaining and colourism, all the way to hip hop and kinky sex, it is provocative, fearlessly honest and often very funny. Shaka Sisulu tackles being black and privileged, Simphiwe Dana pleads for mother tongue education, Yolisa Qunta shares lessons learnt from taking the taxi, while David Kau, Loyiso Gola and Sivuyile Ngesi provide comic relief. Writing What We Like will spark debates in workplaces, in bars, and around the dinner table – both ekasi and in the suburbs – for some time to come.
Best Books Studiewerkgids: Verskuns vir Eerste Addisionele Taal Hoe goed ken jy jou voorgeskrewe poësiebloemlesing? Verstaan jy die inhoud en struktuur? Is jy reg om eksamen te skryf daaroor? Hierdie studiewerkgids is spesiaal saamgestel om leerders te help om Verskuns vir Eerste Addisionele Taal, die voorgeskrewe poësiebloemlesing vir Graad 12 Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal, ten volle te verstaan en te geniet. Dit voldoen aan die voorskrifte van die Kurrikulum- en assesseringsbeleidsverklaring (KABV) en al die belangrikste aspekte van die poësiebloemlesing word daarin gedek – in taal wat leerders verstaan. Onthou! Die gids kan nie op sy eie gebruik word nie, want daar word die hele tyd na die poësiebloemlesing verwys. Wat maak ons studiewerkgidse anders? Hierdie studiewerkgids is deel van ’n reeks. Soos die naam sê, is dit nie net ’n gids wat inhoud opsom, vertaal en bespreek nie, maar ook ’n werkboek waarin leerders aantekeninge kan maak. Dit maak hersiening vir die eksamen makliker en hou waardevolle notas bymekaar in een boek. Inhoud van hierdie studiewerkgids • Inleiding tot poësie. • Bespreking van elke poëtiese begrip wat in die gedigte voorkom. • Gedigontledings volgens poëtiese begrippe en uiteensetting van die gedig. • Kontekstuele vrae oor elke gedig. • Taalverrykingsaktiwiteite by sommige gedigte. • Engelse vertalings van elke gedig in die poësiebloemlesing. • Ses konsepvraestelle om leerders se kennis te toets en vir eksamens voor te berei. Alle studiewerkgidse in hierdie reeks is saamgestel volgens die KABV-voorskrifte. Hierdie studiewerkgids sluit aan by Verskuns vir Eerste Addisionele Taal, die goedgekeurde voorgeskrewe poësiebloemlesing vir Graad 12 Eerste Addisionele Taal. ’n Volledige antwoordstel is verkrygbaar by
Best Books Studiewerkgids: Onderwêreld
Hoe goed ken jy jou voorgeskrewe roman? Verstaan jy die inhoud en struktuur? Is jy reg om eksamen te skryf daaroor? Hierdie studiewerkgids is spesiaal saamgestel om leerders te help om Onderwêreld, die voorgeskrewe roman vir Graad 12 Afrikaans Huistaal, ten volle te verstaan en te geniet. Dit voldoen aan die voorskrifte van die Kurrikulum- en assesseringsbeleidsverklaring (KABV) en al die belangrikste aspekte van die roman word hierin gedek – in taal wat leerders verstaan. Onthou! Die gids kan nie op sy eie gebruik word nie, want daar word die hele tyd na die roman verwys.
Wat maak ons studiewerkgidse anders?
Hierdie studiewerkgids is deel van ’n reeks. Soos die naam sê, is dit nie net ’n gids wat inhoud opsom, vertaal en bespreek nie, maar ook ’n werkboek waarin leerders aantekeninge kan maak. Dit maak hersiening vir die eksamen makliker en hou waardevolle notas bymekaar in een boek.
Inhoud van hierdie studiewerkgids
• ’n Karakterlys. • ’n Bespreking van die tekskenmerke van ’n jeugroman. • Hoofstukopsommimgs, -besprekings en kontekstuele vrae. • Inhoudsvrae per hoofstuk vir eksamenvoorbereiding en informele assessering. • Formele assessering, literêre opstelle en toetse.
Alle studiewerkgidse in hierdie reeks is saamgestel volgens KABV-voorskrifte. Hierdie studiewerkgids sluit aan by Onderwêreld, die goedgekeurde voorgeskrewe roman vir Graad 12 Afrikaans Huistaal. ’n Volledige antwoordstel is verkrygbaar by [HYPERLINK]
Landscapes of Poems is a reader-friendly anthology for Grade 12 Second Additional Language learners, and is based on the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement. It provides learners and educators with insight into Southern African poems as well as a better understanding of others from around the world.
The poems are presented in two sections: • poems from the canon of English poetry, as well as tools to interpret different poetic genres, e.g. ballad, epic, dramatic monologue, lyric, sonnet, ode, elegy and others. • poems from Southern Africa, arranged according to theme.
This anthology comprises • biographical notes on the poets • pre-reading and during-reading guidance • analytical notes on the poems • questions for discussion and written work with an answer key • literary terms, definitions and examples • key words/phrases used in questions, and their meaning • an index of first lines and titles for easy reference • a glossary of words and phrases used in the poems.
Die heel mooiste Afrikaanse liefdesgedigte is ’n versamelbundel van die gewildste en bekendste liefdesgedigte in Afrikaans. Die bundel volg op Die mooiste Afrikaanse liefdesgedigte wat oorspronklik in 1986 verskyn het en in 1992, 2001 en 2010 bygewerk en heruitgegee is. Hierdie bundel word weereens saamgestel deur digter Fanie Olivier en is opnuut bygewerk. Die bundel bevat nie slegs gedigte uit die kanon nie, maar nou ook verse wat sedert 2010 verskyn het. Die digters in Die heel mooiste Afrikaanse liefdesgedigte sluit in: Boerneef, N.P. van Wyk Louw, D.J. Opperman, Elisabeth Eybers, Ingrid Jonker, Breyten Breytenbach, Antjie Krog, Lina Spies, Wilma Stockenström, T.T. Cloete, Daniel Hugo en Philip de Vos. ’n Toeganklike bundel, perfek vir Valentynsdag.
The obvious thing to do with this play is to read it as a text, just as you would if it were a short story or a novel. But it holds other possibilities as well. • It could be read aloud, with four learners taking the different roles while the rest of the class follow along in their books as the audience, or the class could be divided into groups of four to do the play reading in groups so that everyone gets a chance to read aloud. • It could even be staged, with auditions to choose the best cast, who will learn their parts by heart and perform for a wider audience than their classmates, with costumes and props on a set, just as the playwright intended. • The play could also be the source of other activities in the classroom such as improvisation, role play and writing. Drama offers the possibility of enjoyment along with a growth in empathy, teamwork and language skills. We hope that this play will serve you in all those ways.
How well do you know the poems in your prescribed poetry anthology? Do you understand the contents and structure of each poem? Are you ready to write your exams? This study work guide has been compiled to help learners grasp each poem in Vistas of Poems, the prescribed poetry anthology for Grade 11 First Additional Language. The guide has been compiled to the requirements of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) and all important aspects relating to each poem have been covered – in accessible language. Remember! This guide cannot be used on its own as it refers to the poems in the prescribed text throughout. The content of this study work guide • In-depth discussion and application of the structure of each poem and poetry in general. • Explanations and analysis notes. • Notes on the content and context of each poem and contextual questions (with space for learners’ answers). • Complete word explanations within the analysis of each poem. • Thorough analysis according to the title, stanzas and verses. • Formal assessment. • Removable answers to the contextual questions
This study work guide forms part of a series. As the name suggests, this is not only a guide in which the novel is discussed, but also a workbook in which learners can make notes. This provides for easy revision for exams and tests and keeps valuable notes from going astray. The content of this study work guide: • Background information on the plot and author. • A discussion of literary elements in context. • A chapter by chapter discussion of plot development, symbols, and themes, with definitions of useful words and questions (with space for learners’ answers provided). • Formal assessment activities. • Enrichment activities. • A removable answer section.
Hierdie studiewerkgids is deel van ’n reeks. Soos die naam sê, is dit nie net ’n gids wat inhoud opsom, vertaal en bespreek nie, maar ook ’n werkboek waarin leerders aantekeninge kan maak. Dit maak hersiening vir die eksamen makliker en hou waardevolle notas bymekaar in een boek. Inhoud van hierdie studiewerkgids: • ’n Opsomming van die verhaal. • ’n Bespreking van die basiese kenmerke van die roman, aan die hand van die teks. • Agtergrondinligting en annotasies. • Hoofstuk-vir-hoofstuk opsommings, vrae en assesseringstake, met plek vir leerders se antwoorde.