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    Theology—Descent into the Vicious Circles of Death

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    In this succinct, inviting volume, four Balkan theologians probe their contextual ways with the theology of Jurgen Moltmann, whose classic The Crucified God influenced novel theological approaches around the globe, most recently the emerging postwar Christian theology in the Balkans. The authors engage with the prevailing culture of ethnic and religious exclusivism within their context and present us with a range of theologically pertinent issues resulting from a wider discussion on religion and politics. The book offers a fresh and provocative reading of Christian faith that pins its hopes on the person and work of the Crucified and sets the ground for possible contextual contribution of Balkan theology to a World Church. Following Moltmann's invitation to see the Cross, and the crucified Christ, as an inner criterion of all theology, this book sheds theological light on the situation in the Balkans. The Cross of that region can be described as a «Cross of the crossroads,» since different religions, ethnic and national communities, memories, and cultures have always been sources of profound contact but also of deep division and violence. On the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of The Crucified God, this collection can be read as a continuation of Moltmann's theological project, which calls for a courageous descent into «circles of death»–places of spiritual and physical imprisonment, without false comforts and premature hopes.

    Constructing a Relational Cosmology

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    This collection of five essays is both a dialogical engagement with and critical assessment of Nancy R. Howell's book Constructing a Relational Cosmology. The collection includes three essays written from a Whiteheadian process perspective (by Marit A. Trelstad, Kathlyn A. Breazeale, and Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki), one from the perspective of narrative theology (Lisa Stenmark), and one from the Soto Zen Buddhist perspective (Stephanie Kaza). Howell, responding as a Whiteheadian feminist philosopher of religion, takes the critiques and suggestions of her dialogical partners with the utmost seriousness as her foundation for suggesting new directions for ecofeminist thought–an example of what Whiteheadians call «the process of creative transformation.»

    American POW Memoirs from the Revolutionary War through the Vietnam War

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    Fourteen student papers from an undergraduate seminar examine American POW memoirs from the Revolutionary War through the Vietnam War. The focus of the student authors is on how American POWs have constructed narratives of their internments. The papers examine various styles of narration, characterization, and plot construction and how the POW memoirs are framed with introductions, quotations, maps, and illustrations. Overall, these papers suggest that the contexts in which authors write POW memoirs may influence the character of the memoirs they write as much as the attributes of their POW experiences.
    American POW Memoirs is a unique collection of papers. This publication provides an example of how an undergraduate seminar might move from training students in scholarly practice to providing students a first experience as scholarly practitioners.

    Kesher: A Journal of Messianic Judaism

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    Messianic Jewish Theological Institute
    "Teaching and Living a Vision of Jewish Life Renewed in Yeshua"
    Messianic Jewish Theological Institute (MJTI) seeks to be:
    – a prophetic sign of Israel's destiny by exemplifying and advancing Jewish life renewed in Yeshua;
    – a Messianic Jewish school rooted in a contemporary Jewish experience of Yeshua and a Messianic interpretation of Judaism;
    – a vision center for the Messianic Jewish community;
    – a dialogue center for theological encounter between faithful Christians and Jews; and
    – an international learning community born in the Diaspora but oriented to Israel.
    Messianic Jewish Theological Institute P.O. Box 54410 Los Angeles, CA 90054-0410 www.mjti.com www.kesherjournal.com

    A Teacher of the Church

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    This book will deepen your regard for the church's task of didache, the act of teaching Christians. The chapters explore what the writers believe are several key biblical texts and themes for teaching, select doctrines of the church that inform teaching as a ministry, and features of teaching in the Lutheran tradition and its current practice. We authors address these matters with deep commitment to our shared Lutheran tradition, yet also with profound respect for what the Holy Spirit has done across the centuries in other orthodox traditions of the Great Church. Welcome to our conversation, a conversation the church has shared–though not without dispute–for centuries (from Chapter 1).

    Life Amid the Principalities

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    "We are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness" (Eph 6:12). So Paul warns his Ephesian readers. And yet Paul also says that these principalities and powers were created in and for Christ (Col 1:16) and cannot separate us from the love of God (Rom 8:38). What are the principalities and powers of our time? How do we understand them as created, fallen, and disarmed? How does the Christian today engage these powers? These are the questions speakers and participants addressed at the 2014 Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology.

    Psalm 15

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    Psalm 15 begins with two related questions: «LORD, who may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may live on your holy hill?» (v. 1). These are questions worthy of our consideration as Christian business professionals seeking to integrate our faith and our work. The psalmist answers the questions with the following description: «He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from his heart and has no slander on his tongue, who does his neighbor no wrong and casts no slur on his fellowman, who despises a vile man but honors those who fear the LORD, who keeps his oath even when it hurts, who lends his money without usury and does not accept a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things will never be shaken» (vv. 2-5, NIV).
    Using this psalm as a basis, Southwest Baptist University's College of Business and Computer Science is devoted to educating «Psalm 15 professionals,» who exemplify traits including integrity, service, respect, charity, faithfulness, truthfulness, humility, and perseverance. The devotions in this small volume draw readers' attention to the need for believers to exemplify such character traits. Contributions from the SBU faculty and administration remind us of the necessity to approach life and work with a biblical worldview. This volume is an abbreviated version of another Resource Publications book, A Noble Calling: Devotions and Essays for Business Professionals, also available from Wipf and Stock Publishers (www.wipfandstock.com).

    Solomon was a Businessman

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    Success in today's business environment may seem difficult or elusive for those who desire to conduct themselves with integrity. To be genuinely successful, you need more than just talent; you need wisdom that can help conquer any situation or problem that comes your way. But wisdom that brings us real success is not worldly wisdom; we need godly wisdom to succeed in all aspects of our lives. Unlike success, godly wisdom is not elusive; it is readily accessible through prayer and God's written Word. In the Bible, a treasure trove of godly wisdom is found in the book of Proverbs. Solomon Was a Businessman examines the wisdom of those proverbs from a business perspective and presents devotionals that enlighten and encourage. Written by business professionals and based on real-life experiences, this book can be read over and over to reveal new treasures of godly wisdom as your life experiences and spiritual needs change.

    God and Governing

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    Abortion. Poverty. Pornography. More than thirty years ago evangelical conservatives, moderates, and liberals alike began tackling these and other major social problems head on through concerted political effort. The intervening decades witnessed the rise of groups such as the Moral Majority and the Christian Coalition, which supported numerous politicians and religiously driven policies. Why is it, then, that despite the seemingly great potential of these and other similar groups, the same pervading social problems still persist? How is it that evangelicals have been so ineffective at changing the political and social landscape of the United States in a positive way?
    Based on a conference organized by Trinity Law School, God and Governing brings together theologians, politicians, law professors, and cultural critics in order to examine the root causes of evangelical political failure over the past thirty years. With a foreword by Charles Colson, contributors include David Wells, Paul Marshall, Os Guinness, Patrick Nolan, Vishal Mangalwadi, Dallas Willard, Donald McConnell, and Stephen Kennedy.


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    What role should ambition play in our lives? Our culture generally buys the American Dream that yes, we can fulfill all our aspirations. But to seek personal power and fame in the competitive world of Western culture has a dark side. Ambition can be subtle and enticing, leading to great unhappiness.
    Questions about ambition are more urgent now than they have ever been. What is ambition, exactly, and is it okay to be ambitious? What part does self-esteem play in personal growth and productivity? Can the ego's drive to get ahead and make a name for oneself lead to obsession or a growing narcissism? Does the desire to do one's best constitute ambition, or faithfulness to one's calling? Can personal character and integrity be eroded by too much celebrity and success?
    The writers in this book address these complex questions about ambition in a variety of ways and in wonderfully different voices. The pieces range from personal musings to thought experiments and more formal reflections. With elegance and wisdom, the writers raise and reflect on the question that lies at our most intimate core of being and at the very center of our culture.