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    The Secrets of Facilitation

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    The Secrets of Facilitation delivers a clear vision of facilitation excellence and reveals the specific techniques effective facilitators use to produce consistent, repeatable results with groups. Author Michael Wilkinson has trained thousands of managers, mediators, analysts, and consultants around the world to apply the power of SMART (Structured Meeting And Relating Techniques) facilitation to achieve amazing results with teams and task forces. He shows how anyone can use these proven group techniques in conflict resolution, consulting, managing, presenting, teaching, planning, selling, and other professional as well as personal situations.

    Risk and Security Management

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    Learn to measure risk and develop a plan to protect employees and company interests by applying the advice and tools in Risk and Security Management: Protecting People and Sites Worldwide. In a world concerned with global terrorism, instability of emerging markets, and hazardous commercial operations, this book shines as a relevant and timely text with a plan you can easily apply to your organization. Find a series of strategic to granular level policies, systems, and concepts which identify and address risk, enabling business to occur in a manner which best protects you and your company.

    Valuation for M&A

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    Determine a company's value, what drives it, and how to enhance value during a M&A Valuation for M&A lays out the steps for measuring and managing value creation in non-publicly traded entities, and helps investors, executives, and their advisors determine the optimum strategy to enhance both market value and strategic value and maximize return on investment. As a starting point in planning for a transaction, it is helpful to compute fair market value, which represents a “floor” value for the seller since it by definition represents a value agreed upon by any hypothetical willing and able buyer and seller. But for M&A, it is more important to compute investment value, which is the value of the target company to a strategic buyer (and which can vary with each prospective buyer). Prepare for the sale and acquisition of a firm Identify, quantify, and qualify the synergies that increase value to strategic buyers Get access to new chapters on fairness opinions and professional service firms Find a discussion of Roger Grabowski's writings on cost of capital, cross-border M&A, private cost of capital, intangible capital, and asset vs. stock transactions Inside, all the necessary tools you need to build and measure private company value is just a page away!

    An Introduction to Banking

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    A practical primer to the modern banking operation Introduction to Banking, Second Edition is a comprehensive and jargon-free guide to the banking operation. Written at the foundational level, this book provides a broad overview of banking to give you an all-around understanding that allows you to put your specialty work into context within the larger picture of your organization. With a specific focus on risk components, this second edition covers all key elements with new chapters on reputational risk, credit risk, stress testing and customer service, including an updated chapter on sustainability. Practical material includes important topics such as the yield curve, trading and hedging, asset liability management, loan origination, product marketing, reputational risk and regulatory capital. This book gives you the context you need to understand how modern banks are run, and the key points operation at all levels. Learn the critical elements of a well-structured banking operation Examine the risk components inherent in banking Understand operational topics including sustainability and stress testing Explore service-end areas including product marketing and customer service Banks continue to be the heart of the modern economy, despite the global financial crisis —they have however become more complex. Multiple layers and a myriad of functions contribute to the running of today's banks, and it's critical for new and aspiring bankers to understand the full breadth of the operation and where their work fits in. Introduction to Banking, Second Edition provides an accessible yet complete primer, with emphasis on the areas that have become central to sustainable banking operation.

    Audit and Accounting Guide

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    With all the recent changes in state and local government audit and accounting, including changes to some of the more complex areas such as pensions and post-employment benefits other than pensions (OPEB), accountants and financial managers can't afford to be without the most current guidance. This authoritative guide provides complete coverage of audit and accounting considerations critical for both preparers and auditors. This edition includes two new schedules: Governmental Employer Participation in Single-Employer Plans: Illustrative Schedule of Pension Amounts and Report; and, Illustrative Notes to Schedule of Employer Allocations and Schedule of Pension Amounts. It also provides insights, comparisons, and best practices for financial reporting and the financial reporting entity, revenue and expense recognition, capital asset accounting, the elements of net position, accounting for fair value, municipal securities offerings, tax abatements and much more.

    Cutting Edge Internal Auditing

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    Cutting Edge Internal Auditing provides guidance and knowledge for every internal auditor, encouraging each to pioneer new ground in the development of their professional practices in all risk management, control and governance processes. Serving as an excellent reference guide that develops a pattern of internal auditing now and for the future, this book explores the concept of 'cutting edge' internal auditing as an imaginative adventure: demonstrating how this has influenced and will continue to influence the development of professionalism in internal auditing. Built on the foundations of Jeffrey Ridley's extensive internal auditing experience across the public and private sectors, the author uses his articles and research to explore and develop the motivations, goals and categories of innovation in internal auditing today. It develops and brings up to date an imaginative internal auditing model, created and used by the author in the early 1980s, drawing on research and guidance by The Institute of Internal Auditors Inc., its Research Foundation and the Institute of Internal Auditors – UK and Ireland. Each chapter stands alone by focusing on an individual internal auditing theme, considered from both the perspective of internal auditing and its customers to suggest an appropriate vision as a goal for every internal audit activity. Each chapter also includes self-assessment questions to challenge the readers understanding of its messages. Companion website contains some of the author's training slides and seventy case studies, many written by leading internal audit practitioners, this book creates a vision for future cutting edge internal auditing.

    Sarbanes-Oxley Internal Controls

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    Sarbanes-Oxley Internal Controls: Effective Auditing with AS5, CobiT, and ITIL is essential reading for professionals facing the obstacle of improving internal controls in their businesses. This timely resource provides at-your-fingertips critical compliance and internal audit best practices for today's world of SOx internal controls. Detailed and practical, this introductory handbook will help you to revitalize your business and drive greater performance.

    COSO Enterprise Risk Management

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    Praise for COSO Enterprise Risk Management «COSO ERM is a thoughtful introduction to the challenges of risk management at the enterprise level and contains a wealth of information on dealing with it through the use of the COSO framework. Detailed procedures covering a wide variety of situations are followed by a thorough explanation of how each is deployed. As a project management professional, I appreciate how the author addresses the need for risk management at a project level. His background as someone who 'practices what they preach' and realizes the impact of the Sarbanes-Oxley auditing rules comes through clearly in the book, and it should be mandatory reading for anyone seeking to understand how to tackle their own ERM issues.» –Greg Gomel, PMP, CQM, CSQE, ITIL, Director, Project Management, Insight North America «This volume clearly and comprehensively outlines the usefulness of COSO Enterprise Risk Management guidance. It should provide considerable benefit to those having governance responsibilities in this important area.» –Curtis Verschoor, L & Q Research Professor, School of Accountancy and MISDePaul University, Chicago Transform your company's internal control function into a valuable strategic tool Today's companies are expected to manage a variety of risks that would have been unthinkable a decade ago. More than ever, it is vital to understand the dimensions of risk as well as how to best manage it to gain a competitive advantage. COSO Enterprise Risk Management clearly enables organizations of all types and sizes to understand and better manage their risk environments and make better decisions through use of the COSO ERM framework. A pragmatic guide for integrating ERM with COSO internal controls, this important book: Offers you expert advice on how to carry out internal control responsibilities more efficiently Updates you on the ins and outs of the COSO Report and its emergence as the new platform for understanding all aspects of risk in today's organization Shows you how an effective risk management program, following COSO ERM, can help your organization to better comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Knowledgeably explains how to implement an effective ERM program COSO Enterprise Risk Management is the invaluable working resource that will show you how to identify risks, avoid pitfalls within your corporation, and keep it moving ahead of the competition.

    Accounts Payable Best Practices

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    Have you ever wondered where your processes stand against industry leaders or how you can take your services and organizational procedures to state of the art levels? Are you frustrated because you don't think you have the finanical or human resources needed to employ 'best' practices? This handy resource provides documented strategies and tactics for accounts payable used by several highly admired companies. You'll gain practical knowledge you can turn into «Best» (or Almost Best) Practices as well as examples of practices to avoid. Order your copy today!

    Business Ratios and Formulas

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    A complete appraisal of analytical tools available to managers to assess performance «Steve Bragg has created a useful, relevant guide to applying performance measurements across the organization. His practical explanations and examples should enable managers to apply sophisticated performance measures in a straightforward manner. This book will be a great tool for process improvement. It should be well received by managers, accountants, and consultants.» —Clint Davies, Partner (Principal), Berry, Dunn, McNeil & Parker Business managers require a variety of analytical tools to assess a host of organizational performance standards-from finance, efficiency, capacity, and market share to asset utilization, cash flows, liquidity, and capital structure. Steven Bragg's Business Ratios and Formulas represents a comprehensive resource of nearly 200 operational criteria, allowing managers and auditors to pick and choose the tools they need to best assess their organization's performance. Each cataloged measurement includes a description, an example, and some time-tested troubleshooting. Business Ratios and Formulas proves an authoritative resource for managers wishing to thoroughly assess organizational performance.