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    Urban Sustainability in the Arctic

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    Urban Sustainability in the Arctic advances our understanding of cities in the far north by applying elements of the international standard for urban sustainability (ISO 37120) to numerous Arctic cities. In delivering rich material about northern cities in Alaska, Canada, and Russia, the book examines how well the ISO 37120 measures sustainability and how well it applies in northern conditions. In doing so, it links the Arctic cities into a broader conversation about urban sustainability more generally.

    The SAGE Handbook of Responsible Management Learning and Education

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    Reflecting the rapid rise in popularity of recent initiatives such as the UN Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), this handbook exhaustively covers a variety of responsible management, learning and education topics, and provides an invaluable roadmap for this fast-developing field. Covering various perspectives on the topic, right through to contexts, methods, outcomes and beyond, this volume will be an invaluable integrative resource for practitioners and researchers alike, and is designed to serve a range of communities that deal with topics related to sustainability, responsibility and ethics in management learning and education.<br />

    Methodologies for Effectively Assessing Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)

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    Finding the right criteria to use when judging Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) is essential if it is to stand up to criticism from those concerned about the importance of evidence-based medicine. This edited volume highlights how CAM requires different research tools and techniques from conventional medicine, and examines effective methodologies for accurately assessing CAM. Addressing a problem which is often cited as the reason for a failure to appreciate the potential in CAM approaches to patient care, experts from a wide array of CAM modalities suggest the most effective research methodology for each particular therapy and illustrate how a lack of adherence to that methodology produces a less effective assessment. Disciplines covered include Traditional Chinese Medicine, homeopathy, herbal medicine, craniosacral therapy, qigong and yoga. Providing direction in research and the best criteria to appropriately assess each discipline, this book highlights and responds to the issues underlying research in CAM. It will be of interest to anyone involved in CAM research, in addition to CAM practitioners and students, western medical practitioners looking to include CAM in their treatments, and anyone studying research design and methodology.

    Been There. Done That. Try This!

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    If you only buy one book to improve your life this year, make it this one. Temple Grandin, Liane Holliday Willey, Anita Lesko, Stephen M. Shore, and many other Aspie mentors, offer their personal guidance on coping with the daily stressors that Aspies have identified as being the most significant, in order of urgency – anxiety, self-esteem, change, meltdowns, depression, friendship, love, and much, much more. Based on years of personal experience, this book is packed with advice from Aspie mentors who have all been there and done that! World expert Dr. Tony Attwood rounds up each chapter with professional analysis and extensive recommendations. He includes essential information on destructive strategies that may look attractive, but that have counter-productive effects. Including full color artwork from Aspie artists showing visually how they interpret each stressor, this is THE inspirational guide to life for young adults, the newly diagnosed, and as a life-long reference for anyone on the spectrum – written by Aspies for Aspies.

    Antlers of Water

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    The first ever collection of contemporary Scottish writing on nature and landscape, Antlers of Water showcases the diversity and radicalism of new Scottish nature writing today.
    Edited, curated and introduced by the award-winning Kathleen Jamie, and featuring prose, poetry and photography, this inspiring collection takes us from walking to wild swimming, from red deer to pigeons and wasps, from remote islands to back gardens.
    With contributions from Amy Liptrot, Malachy Tallack, Chitra Ramaswamy, Jim Crumley, Amanda Thomson, Karine Polwart and many more, Antlers of Water urges us to renegotiate our relationship with the more-than-human world, in writing which is by turns celebratory, radical and political.

    Communities and Place

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    Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people have established gathering spaces to find acceptance, form social networks, and unify to resist oppression. Framing the emergence of queer enclaves in reference to place, this volume explores the physical and symbolic spaces of LGBTQ Americans. Authors provide an overview of the concept of “place” and its role in informing identity formation and community building. The book also includes interactive project prompts, providing opportunities to practically apply topics and theories discussed in the chapters.

    Bureaucracy, Work and Violence

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    Work played a central role in Nazi ideology and propaganda, and even today there remain some who still emphasize the supposedly positive aspects of the regime’s labor policies, ignoring the horrific and inhumane conditions they produced. This definitive volume provides, for the first time, a systematic study of the Reich Ministry of Labor and its implementation of National Socialist work doctrine. In detailed and illuminating chapters, contributors scrutinize political maneuvering, ministerial operations, relations between party and administration, and individual officials’ actions to reveal the surprising extent to which administrative apparatuses were involved in the Nazi regime and its crimes.

    Коллекция лучших физминуток для 5-11 классов

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    Предлагаемое пособие поможет учителю организовать моменты оздоровления на уроках. Физминутки не только создают условия для снятия физической и психологической перегрузки учащихся, но и поднимают их настроение. Такая нейтрализация интенсификации учебного процесса позволит заметно повысить эффективность урока и минимизировать риски для здоровья учеников.

    Справочное руководство по оценке затрат в горной промышленности

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    Справочное руководство раскрывает теоретические и практические аспекты оценки капитальных и операционных затрат применительно к проектам освоения месторождений твердых полезных ископаемых на всех стадиях от концептуальной проработки до рабочего проектирования. Охватывает практически все способы и процессы горного производства, переработки извлекаемого сырья, операции по обращению с отходами производства по основным видам рудных и нерудных полезных ископаемых. Дает представление о специфике и тенденциях рынков минерального сырья. Учитывает вопросы экологической и социальной безопасности. Издание будет полезным для широкого круга специалистов различного профиля, в частности, горных инженеров, управленческого персонала горно-металлургических компаний, членов проектных и исследовательских групп, специализирующихся на экономической оценке эффективности горных проектов, профессиональных оценщиков, научных сотрудников, преподавателей, аспирантов и студентов отраслевых вузов.

    Entrepreneur's Toolkit

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    The New Manager's Guide and Mentor. The Harvard Business Essentials series provides comprehensive advice, personal coaching, background information, and guidance on the most relevant topics in business. Drawing on rich content from Harvard Business School Publishing and other sources, these concise guides are carefully crafted to provide a highly practical resource for readers with all levels of experience and will prove especially valuable for the new manager. To assure quality and accuracy, a specialized content adviser from a world-class business school closely reviews each volume. Whether you are a new manager seeking to expand your skills or a seasoned professional looking to broaden your knowledge base, these solution-oriented books put reliable answers at your fingertips.