This book contributes to understanding research approaches for studying multilingualism in the context of contemporary superdiversity, in environments that are being dramatically transformed by transnational migration and movement of peoples. It explores language in urban contexts: the city as a site for experimentation and creativity in language practices. This involves considering theoretical frameworks in which to examine these practices, but above all, it focuses on how we do, or could do, research into these language practices and their users. What methodologies are we using to understand urban linguistic contexts? What do we want to learn? The chapters explore complex and challenging situations, capturing the evolution of new forms of language practice and changing attitudes to language in the city.
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Stem Cell Research, Second Edition is filled with new procedures and exciting medical breakthroughs, including executive orders from the Obama administration reversing barriers to research imposed under the Bush administration, court rulings impacting NIH funding of research based on human embryonic stem cells, edicts by the Papacy and other religious leaders, and the first success in cloning human stem cells. Stem cell biology is clearly fueling excitement and potential in traditional areas of developmental biology and in the field of regenerative medicine, where they are believed to hold much promise in addressing any number of intractable medical conditions. This updated second edition encyclopedia will expand on information that was given in the first edition and present more than 270 new and updated articles that explore major topics in ways accessible to nonscientists, thus bringing readers up-to-date with where stem cell biology stands today, including new and evolving ethical, religious, legal, social, and political perspectives. This second edition reference work will serve as a universal resource for all public and academic libraries. It is an excellent foundation for anyone who is interested in the subject area of stem cell biology. Key Features: Reader’s Guide, Further Readings, Cross References, Chronology, Resource Guide, Index A Glossary will elucidate stem cell terminology for the nonscientist Statistics and selected reprints of major journal articles that pertain to milestones achieved in stem cell research Documents from Congressional Hearings on stem cells and cloning Reports to the President’s Council on Bioethics, and more
What is to be the church's response to the immigrant? Most immigrants in American society are seeking a better life. They are among the most vulnerable, possessing little and at the mercy of those they work for in the communities where they live. The essays in this book address issues for churches to consider as they seek to better understand how to respond to immigration. The book examines biblical, ethical, theological, and homiletical areas of the topic and includes contributions from experienced pastors, theologians, legal experts, and activists.
With contributions from:
Sarah Ellen Eads Adkins Claudio Carvalhaes Jason W. Crosby Miguel A. De La Torre Rebecca Hensley Robert Hoch Melanie A. Howard Maha Kolko Gerald C. Liu Joy Moore Heidi Neumark Owen K. Ross Lis Valle Michael Waters
В сборнике представлены Примерная основная образовательная программа дошкольного образования, одобренная решением федерального учебно-методического объединения по общему образованию (протокол от 20 мая 2015 г. № 2/15) и рекомендации Федерального института развития образования к Примерной программе. Одобрена решением федерального учебно-методического объединения по общему образованию (протокол от 20 мая 2015 г. № 2/15)
Газета «Энергетика и промышленность России» – ведущее общероссийское издание об электроэнергетике, энергомашиностроении, электротехнике и других отраслях, связанных, с топливно-энергетическим комплексом. Подробности изменений в энергетике, новинки оборудования и технологий, новости регионов, комментарии специалистов, репортажи о самых важных и ярких событиях из жизни энергетиков нашей страны. Для руководителей предприятий и подразделений, технических специалистов. Выходит 2 раза в месяц. Тема номера: Россия в тренде энергетической трансформации. Эпизод 2021. Новая надежда. «Россети Центр» и «Россети Центр и Приволжье»: все обязательства перед потребителями выполнены. Новая эра технологических процессов. Подстелить сейчас соломки в правовой сфере советуют комплаенс-специалисты.
Это полезное и наглядное пособие-плакат с чудесными иллюстрациями поможет ребёнку сделать первые шаги в изучении букв английского алфавита. Несложные слова с русской транскрипцией и переводом, схемы написания букв и правила чтения звуков сделают процесс обучения приятным и простым. Удобный формат книги-плаката: её можно повесить в любом удобном месте, на стену или на холодильник – материал всегда на виду! Может использоваться как в детских учебных заведениях, так и для самостоятельных занятий с детьми в домашней обстановке.
In recent years, anthropologists, historians, and others have been drawn to study the profuse and creative usages of digital media by religious movements. At the same time, scholars of Christian Africa have long been concerned with the history of textual culture, the politics of Bible translation, and the status of the vernacular in Christianity. Students of Islam in Africa have similarly examined politics of knowledge, the transmission of learning in written form, and the influence of new media. Until now, however, these arenas—Christianity and Islam, digital media and “old” media—have been studied separately. Religion, Media, and Marginality in Modern Africa is one of the first volumes to put new media and old media into significant conversation with one another, and also offers a rare comparison between Christianity and Islam in Africa. The contributors find many previously unacknowledged correspondences among different media and between the two faiths. In the process they challenge the technological determinism—the notion that certain types of media generate particular forms of religious expression—that haunts many studies. In evaluating how media usage and religious commitment intersect in the social, cultural, and political landscapes of modern Africa, this collection will contribute to the development of new paradigms for media and religious studies. Contributors: Heike Behrend, Andre Chappatte, Maria Frahm-Arp, David Gordon, Liz Gunner, Bruce S. Hall, Sean Hanretta, Jorg Haustein, Katrien Pype, and Asonzeh Ukah.
Perhaps no figure embodied the ambiguities, colonial fears, and collective imaginations of Kenya’s decolonization era more than Dedan Kimathi, the self-proclaimed field marshal of the rebel forces that took to the forests to fight colonial rule in the 1950s. Kimathi personified many of the contradictions that the Mau Mau rebellion represented: rebel statesman, literate peasant, modern traditionalist. His capture and trial in 1956, and subsequent execution, for many marked the end of the rebellion and turned Kimathi into a patriotic martyr. Dedan Kimathi on Trial unearths a piece of the colonial archive long thought lost, hidden, or destroyed. Its discovery and landmark publication unsettles an already contentious history and prompts fresh examinations of its reverberations in the present. Here, the entire trial transcript is available for the first time. This critical edition also includes provocative contributions from leading Mau Mau scholars reflecting on the meaning of the rich documents offered here and the figure of Kimathi in a much wider field of historical and contemporary concerns. These include the nature of colonial justice; the moral arguments over rebellion, nationalism, and the end of empire; and the complexities of memory and memorialization in contemporary Kenya. Contributors: David Anderson, Simon Gikandi, Nicholas Githuku, Lotte Hughes, and John Lonsdale. Introductory note by Willy Mutunga.
Theologie sucht nach Antworten auf die großen Fragen der Menschheit und der eigenen Lebensgeschichte. TheoLab macht Theologie alltagsrelevant, vermittelt theologische Hintergründe und hilft, sprachfähig zu werden.
Theo: Je drei große Fragen zu den drei Themen Gott, Mensch und Welt werden aus der Sicht des christlichen Glaubens durchdacht. Lab: Statt fertige Antworten zu finden, öffnet sich ein Raum, verschiedene Positionen wahrzunehmen und zu untersuchen.
Kompakt und gut verständlich werden die theologischen Fragen von verschiedenen Standpunkten aus beleuchtet und Hilfen zum Weiterdenken gegeben. Sketchnotes bieten zu jeder Frage eine visuelle Zusammenfassung. Auch Perspektiven für die Jugend- und Gemeindearbeit sind enthalten.
TheoLab ist ein Forschungslabor in Buchform für alle, die leidenschaftliche Glaubens- und Lebensfragen haben, theologische Tiefe gewinnen und diese mit anderen teilen wollen.