«Все для женщины» – самый популярный прикладной женский журнал, призванный облегчить и украсить жизнь своих читательниц. Дает оригинальные, но простые и актуальные советы по всем сторонам жизни современной женщины. Предлагает читательницам опыт других женщин и лучших экспертов. Журнал вдохновляет женщин, делая их жизнь насыщенной и комфортной. Более 100 идей в каждом номере.
Журнал «Нептун» выпускается с 2000 года и является одним из лидеров в группе изданий о подводном мире. Издание отличается уникальными авторскими материалами, высочайшим качеством печати и многообразием тем, связанных с океаном. В журнале публикуются работы лучших подводных фотографов, авторитетных ученых, известных исследователей, водолазных специалистов, технических дайверов. С 2010 года издается «Нептун. Водолазный проект», – специализированный журнал о водолазном и спасательном деле. «Нептун. Водолазный проект» стал информационной площадкой для общения профессионалов в подводной индустрии. Журнал публикует материалы по спасательным операциям, внедрению новейших технологий в подводно-технические работы, комментарии экспертов по нормативным и правовым вопросам. В номере: Обзор событий Календарь соревнований по подводному спорту на 2021 год Путешествия Счастье домашнего дайвинга. Неожиданные преимущества Подводное фото и видео Выбираем цветовую температуру и чистим «снег». Обработка подводных фотографий Живое море Невероятные животные. Знакомьтесь: дендрогастер Подводная археология От «зеркальца» к «витражу», или Осколки эпохи. Стекло из коллекции музея корабля «Vasa» и многое другое
There is not a single industry which will not be transformed by machine learning and Internet of Things (IoT). IoT and machine learning have altogether changed the technological scenario by letting the user monitor and control things based on the prediction made by machine learning algorithms. There has been substantial progress in the usage of platforms, technologies and applications that are based on these technologies. These breakthrough technologies affect not just the software perspective of the industry, but they cut across areas like smart cities, smart healthcare, smart retail, smart monitoring, control, and others. Because of these “game changers,” governments, along with top companies around the world, are investing heavily in its research and development. Keeping pace with the latest trends, endless research, and new developments is paramount to innovate systems that are not only user-friendly but also speak to the growing needs and demands of society. This volume is focused on saving energy at different levels of design and automation including the concept of machine learning automation and prediction modeling. It also deals with the design and analysis for IoT-enabled systems including energy saving aspects at different level of operation. The editors and contributors also cover the fundamental concepts of IoT and machine learning, including the latest research, technological developments, and practical applications. Valuable as a learning tool for beginners in this area as well as a daily reference for engineers and scientists working in the area of IoT and machine technology, this is a must-have for any library.
Today, as cities undergo rapid and dynamic transformations, riddled with uncertainties about the future, the roles of urban planning and urban planners lie in one of these new crossroad moments. Climate change, urban migration, social inclusion, health emergencies and financial and economic crises have elevated urbanization to newer heights of complexity that can only be tackled by integrating a multitude of scenarios, strategies and discourses, in order to create an urban future that is resilient and sustainable. Urban planners have come up with transition proposals and concepts that they hope will be able to respond to cities' challenges and ultimately allow them to adapt and make the transition into more robust urban areas. This book presents and discusses various urban transition strategies, action plans and programs that have been proposed or even conducted in different countries all over the world. Different countries require different strategies, but they all have the same goal in mind, each of them trying to address urban complexities and cope with the rapid pace at which the world is evolving.
MODERN FINANCE, MANAGEMENT INNOVATION & ECONOMIC GROWTH SET Coordinated by Faten Ben Bouheni Financial operations depend on potential value creation, the nature of the shareholder base, the level of development of the company and its growth prospects. They result from different commercial and financial strategies that must integrate the interest of the capital holders, the influence and strategy of the group in the initiative and the structure of the offer. This book examines how, in practice, a company's capital is structured, taking into account the interests of various stakeholders. The performance of valuation methods, which serve investors in their decision-making and financial arrangements, is developed in detail. Depending on the contexts present in the control market, the methods of stock market and transactional comparables, discounted cash flows and the patrimonial approach, will be favored to assess the value of a company's shares. Performance of Valuation Methods in Financial Transactions is an in-depth analysis of equity transactions and is aimed at students and corporate finance professionals.