Counseling Practice During Phases of a Pandemic Virus. Mark A. Stebnicki

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Название Counseling Practice During Phases of a Pandemic Virus
Автор произведения Mark A. Stebnicki
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119814191

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9: Pandemic Risk and Resiliency Factors in Children and Adolescents: Considerations for School Counselors Children and Adolescents as Primary and Secondary Survivors Family Dynamics Among the COVID Generation Children and Adolescents as a Vulnerable, At-Risk Group The COVID Generation and Academic Performance in 2020–2021 Reopening Schools During Phases of a Pandemic Virus Talking to Children and Adolescents About Their Stress, Fears, and Anxieties Guidelines for Improving Resiliency Concluding Remarks

      17  Chapter 10: Identifying Risk and Resiliency in Adults During Phases of a Pandemic Virus Disaster Mental Health Response in the COVID Generation Psychiatric Risk Factors and Symptoms Experienced During a Pandemic Virus Making Meaning and Cultivating Resiliency During Phases of a Pandemic Virus Concluding Remarks

      18  Chapter 11: A New Anthem for Coping With Extraordinary Stressful and Traumatic Experiences During Phases of a Pandemic Virus The Psychological Response to COVID-19 Coping With Adversity and Cultivating Resiliency During Phases of a Pandemic Virus Concluding Remarks

      19  Chapter 12: How Do Cultures and Vulnerable Populations Heal During a Pandemic Virus? The Cultural Intake Interview The Soul Wounding of Americans: Cultivating a New Therapeutic Alliance Concluding Remarks

      20  Chapter 13: Guidelines for Coping With Stress, Fear, and Anxiety During Phases of a Pandemic Virus What Should I Be Feeling Right Now? The Threat of a Pandemic Virus Is Everywhere—How Can I Avoid Being Stressed? Why Do I Have Fears About My Future? How Can I Cultivate Coping and Resiliency Skills During a Pandemic Virus? Concluding Remarks

      21  Chapter 14: Empathy Fatigue During a Pandemic How Does Empathy Fatigue Differ From Other Impairments in the Helping Profession? Spiritual Aspects of Empathy Fatigue Empathy as the Heart of the Helping Profession Empathy Fatigue Risk Factors and the Global Assessment of Empathy Fatigue Cultivating Counselor Resiliency Concluding Remarks

      22  References

      23  Index

      24  Technical Support

      25  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 10Table 10.1 Risk Factors and Symptoms Experienced During the Stress of a Pandemic Virus


      1  Title Page

      2  Copyright Page

      3  Dedication Page

      4  Acknowledgments

      5  About the Author

      6  Introduction

      7  Table of Contents

      8  Begin Reading

      9  References

      10  Index

      11  Technical Support

      12  Wiley End User License Agreement


      1  i

      2  ii

      3  iii

      4  viii

      5  x

      6  xii

      7  xiii
