The History of England, from the Accession of James II - Volume 2. Томас Бабингтон Маколей

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Название The History of England, from the Accession of James II - Volume 2
Автор произведения Томас Бабингтон Маколей
Жанр Документальная литература
Издательство Документальная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9783742923462

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the English Roman Catholics vindicated Enmity of James to Burnet Mission of Dykvelt to England; Negotiations of Dykvelt with English Statesmen Danby Nottingham Halifax Devonshire Edward Russell; Compton; Herbert Churchill Lady Churchill and the Princess Anne Dykvelt returns to the Hague with Letters from many eminent Englishmen Zulestein's Mission Growing Enmity between James and William Influence of the Dutch Press Correspondence of Stewart and Fagel Castelmaine's embassy to Rome


Consecration of the Nuncio at Saint James's Palace; his public Reception The Duke of Somerset Dissolution of the Parliament; Military Offences illegally punished Proceedings of the High Commission; the Universities Proceedings against the University of Cambridge The Earl of Mulgrave State of Oxford Magdalene College, Oxford Anthony Farmer recommended by the King for President Election of the President The Fellows of Magdalene cited before the High Commission Parker recommended as President; the Charterhouse The Royal Progress The King at Oxford; he reprimands the Fellows of Magdalene Penn attempts to mediate Special Ecclesiastical Commissioners sent to Oxford Protest of Hough Parker Ejection of the Fellows Magdalene College turned into a Popish Seminary Resentment of the Clergy Schemes of the Jesuitical Cabal respecting the Succession Scheme of James and Tyrconnel for preventing the Princess of Orange from succeeding to the Kingdom of Ireland The Queen pregnant; general Incredulity Feeling of the Constituent Bodies, and of the Peers James determines to pack a Parliament The Board of Regulators Many Lords Lieutenants dismissed; the Earl of Oxford The Earl of Shrewsbury The Earl of Dorset Questions put to the Magistrates Their Answers; Failure of the King's Plans List of Sheriffs Character of the Roman Catholic Country Gentlemen Feeling of the Dissenters; Regulation of Corporations Inquisition in all the Public Departments Dismission of Sawyer Williams Solicitor General Second Declaration of Indulgence; the Clergy ordered to read it They hesitate; Patriotism of the Protestant Nonconformists of London Consultation of the London Clergy Consultation at Lambeth Palace Petition of the Seven Bishops presented to the King The London Clergy disobey the Royal Order Hesitation of the Government It is determined to prosecute the Bishops for a Libel They are examined by the Privy Council They are committed to the Tower Birth of the Pretender He is generally believed to be supposititious The Bishops brought before the King's Bench and bailed Agitation of the public Mind Uneasiness of Sunderland He professes himself a Roman Catholic Trial of the Bishops The Verdict; Joy of the People Peculiar State of Public Feeling at this Time


Change in the Opinion of the Tories concerning the Lawfulness of Resistance Russell proposes to the Prince of Orange a Descent on England Henry Sidney Devonshire; Shrewsbury; Halifax Danby Bishop Compton Nottingham; Lumley Invitation to William despatched Conduct of Mary Difficulties of William's Enterprise Conduct of James after the Trial of the Bishops Dismissions and Promotions Proceedings of the High Commission; Sprat resigns his Seat Discontent of the Clergy; Transactions at Oxford Discontent of the Gentry Discontent of the Army Irish Troops brought over; Public Indignation Lillibullero Politics of the United Provinces; Errors of the French King His Quarrel with the Pope concerning Franchises The Archbishopric of Cologne Skilful Management of William His Military and Naval Preparations He receives numerous Assurances of Support from England Sunderland Anxiety of William Warnings conveyed to James Exertions of Lewis to save James James frustrates them The French Armies invade Germany William obtains the Sanction of the States General to his Expedition Schomberg British Adventurers at the Hague William's Declaration James roused to a Sense of his Danger; his Naval Means His Military Means He attempts to conciliate his Subjects He gives Audience to the Bishops His Concessions ill received Proofs of the Birth of the Prince of Wales submitted to the Privy Council Disgrace of Sunderland William takes leave of the States of Holland He embarks and sails; he is driven back by a Storm His Declaration arrives in England; James questions the Lords William sets sail the second Time He passes the Straits He lands at Torbay He enters Exeter Conversation of the King with the Bishops Disturbances in London Men of Rank begin to repair to the Prince Lovelace Colchester; Abingdon Desertion of Cornbury Petition of the Lords for a Parliament The King goes to Salisbury Seymour; Court of William at Exeter Northern Insurrection Skirmish at Wincanton Desertion of Churchill and Grafton Retreat of the Royal Army from Salisbury Desertion of Prince George and Ormond Flight of the Princess Anne Council of Lords held by James He appoints Commissioners to treat with William The Negotiation a Feint Dartmouth refuses to send the Prince of Wales into France Agitation of London Forged Proclamation Risings in various Parts of the Country Clarendon joins the Prince at Salisbury; Dissension in the Prince's Camp The Prince reaches Hungerford; Skirmish at Reading; The King's Commissioners arrive at Hungerford Negotiation The Queen and the Prince of Wales sent to France; Lauzun The King's Preparations for Flight His Flight

       CHAPTER X

The Flight of James known; great Agitation The Lords meet at Guildhall Riots in London The Spanish Ambassador's House sacked Arrest of Jeffreys The Irish Night The King detained near Sheerness The Lords order him to be set at Liberty William's Embarrassment Arrest of Feversham Arrival of James in London Consultation at Windsor The Dutch Troops occupy Whitehall Message from the Prince delivered to James James sets out for Rochester; Arrival of William at Saint James's He is advised to assume the Crown by Right of Conquest He calls together the Lords and the Members of the Parliaments of Charles II. Flight of James from Rochester Debates and Resolutions of the Lords Debates and Resolutions of the Commoners summoned by the Prince Convention called; Exertions of the Prince to restore Order His tolerant Policy Satisfaction of Roman Catholic Powers; State of Feeling in France Reception of the Queen of England in France Arrival of James at Saint Germains State of Feeling in the United Provinces Election of Members to serve in the Convention Affairs of Scotland State of Parties in England Sherlock's Plan Sancroft's Plan Danby's Plan The Whig Plan Meeting of the Convention; leading Members of the House of Commons Choice of a Speaker Debate on the State of the Nation Resolution declaring the Throne vacant It is sent up to the Lords; Debate in the Lords on the Plan of Regency Schism between the Whigs and the Followers of Danby Meeting at the Earl of Devonshire's Debate in the Lords on the Question whether the Throne was vacant Majority for the Negative; Agitation in London Letter of James to the Convention Debates; Negotiations; Letter of the Princess of Orange to Danby The Princess Anne acquiesces in the Whig Plan William explains his views The Conference between the houses The Lords yield New Laws proposed for the Security of Liberty Disputes and Compromise The Declaration of Right Arrival of Mary Tender and Acceptance of the Crown William and Mary proclaimed; peculiar Character of the English Revolution


      JAMES was now at the height of power and prosperity. Both in England and in Scotland he had vanquished his enemies, and had punished them with a severity which had indeed excited their bitterest hatred, but had, at the same time, effectually quelled their courage. The Whig party seemed extinct. The name of Whig was never used except as a term of reproach. The Parliament was devoted to the King; and it was in his power to keep that Parliament to the end of his reign. The Church was louder than ever in professions of attachment to him, and had, during the late insurrection, acted up to those professions. The Judges were his tools; and if they ceased to be so, it was in his power to remove them. The corporations were filled with his creatures. His revenues far exceeded those of his predecessors. His pride rose high. He was not the same man who, a few months before, in doubt whether his throne might not be overturned in a hour, had implored foreign help with unkingly supplications, and had accepted it with tears of gratitude. Visions of dominion and glory rose before him. He already saw himself, in imagination, the umpire of Europe, the champion of many states oppressed by one too powerful monarchy. So early as the month of June he had assured the United Provinces that, as soon as the affairs of England were settled, he would show the world how little he feared France. In conformity with these assurances, he, within a month after the battle of Sedgemoor, concluded with the States General a defensive treaty, framed in the very spirit of the Triple League. It was regarded, both at the Hague