Intergalactic Stories: 60+ SF Classics in One Edition (Illustrated). Leigh Brackett

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Название Intergalactic Stories: 60+ SF Classics in One Edition (Illustrated)
Автор произведения Leigh Brackett
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4064066383305

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the seven were not dismayed. Stark knew that when their thought-voice whispered in his mind,

      "It is not death alone you humans have to fear, but the manner of your dying. You shall see that, before you choose."

      * * * * *

      Swiftly, silently, those of the ice-folk who had borne the captives into the city came up from behind, where they had stood withdrawn and waiting. And one of them bore a crystal rod like a sceptre, with a spark of ugly purple burning in the globed end.

      Stark leaped to put himself between them and Ciara. He struck out, raging, and because he was almost as quick as they, he caught one of the slim luminous bodies between his hands.

      The utter coldness of that alien flesh burned his hands as frost will burn. Even so, he clung on, snarling, and saw the tendrils writhe and stiffen as though in pain.

      Then, from the crystal rod, a thread of darkness spun itself to touch his brain with silence, and the cold that lies between the worlds.

      He had no memory of being carried once more through the shimmering streets of that elfin, evil city, back to the stupendous well of the tower, and up along the spiral path of ice that soared those dizzy hundreds of feet from bedrock to the glooming crystal globe. But when he again opened his eyes, he was lying on the wide stone ledge at ice-level.

      Beside him was the arch that led outside. Close above his head was the control bank that he had seen before.

      Ciara and Balin were there also, on the ledge. They leaned stiffly against the stone wall beside the control bank, and facing them was a squat, round mechanism from which projected a sort of wheel of crystal rods.

      Their bodies were strangely rigid, but their eyes and minds were awake. Terribly awake. Stark saw their eyes, and his heart turned within him.

      Ciara looked at him. She could not speak, but she had no need to. No matter what they do to me....

      She had not feared the swordsmen of Kushat. She had not feared her red wolves, when he unmasked her in the square. She was afraid now. But she warned him, ordered him not to save her.

      They cannot force you. Stark! Don't let them.

      And Balin, too, pleaded with him for Kushat.

      They were not alone on the ledge. The ice-folk clustered there, and out upon the flying spiral pathway, on the narrow bridges and the spans of fragile ice, they stood in hundreds watching, eyeless, faceless, their bodies drawn in rainbow lines across the dimness of the shaft.

      Stark's mind could hear the silent edges of their laughter. Secret, knowing laughter, full of evil, full of triumph, and Stark was filled with a corroding terror.

      He tried to move, to crawl toward Ciara standing like a carven image in her black mail. He could not.

      Again her fierce, proud glance met his. And the silent laughter of the ice-folk echoed in his mind, and he thought it very strange that in this moment, now, he should realize that there had never been another woman like her on all of the worlds of the Sun.

      The fear she felt was not for herself. It was for him.

      Apart from the multitudes of the ice-folk, the group of seven stood upon the ledge. And now their thought-voice spoke to Stark, saying,

      "Look about you. Behold the men who have come before you through the Gates of Death!"

      Stark raised his eyes to where their slender fingers pointed, and saw the icy galleries around the tower, saw more clearly the icy statues in them that he had only glimpsed before.

      * * * * *

      Men, set like images in the galleries. Men whose bodies were sheathed in a glittering mail of ice, sealing them forever. Warriors, nobles, fanatics and thieves—the wanderers of a million years who had dared to enter this forbidden valley, and had remained forever.

      He saw their faces, their tortured eyes wide open, their features frozen in the agony of a slow and awful death.

      "They refused us," the seven whispered. "They would not take away the sword. And so they died, as this woman and this man will die, unless you choose to save them.

      "We will show you, human, how they died!"

      One of the ice-folk bent and touched the squat, round mechanism that faced Balin and Ciara. Another shifted the pattern of control on the master-bank.

      The wheel of crystal rods on that squat mechanism began to turn. The rods blurred, became a disc that spun faster and faster.

      High above in the top of the tower the great globe brooded, shrouded in its cloud of shimmering darkness. The disc became a whirling blur. The glooming shadow of the globe deepened, coalesced. It began to lengthen and descend, stretching itself down toward the spinning disc.

      The crystal rods of the mechanism drank the shadow in. And out of that spinning blur there came a subtle weaving of threads of darkness, a gossamer curtain winding around Ciara and Balin so that their outlines grew ghostly and the pallor of their flesh was as the pallor of snow at night.

      And still Stark could not move.

      The veil of darkness began to sparkle faintly. Stark watched it, watched the chill motes brighten, watched the tracery of frost whiten over Ciara's mail, touch Balin's dark hair with silver.

      Frost. Bright, sparkling, beautiful, a halo of frost around their bodies. A dust of splintered diamond across their faces, an aureole of brittle light to crown their heads.

      Frost. Flesh slowly hardening in marbly whiteness, as the cold slowly increased. And yet their eyes still lived, and saw, and understood.

      The thought-voice of the seven spoke again.

      "You have only minutes now to decide! Their bodies cannot endure too much, and live again. Behold their eyes, and how they suffer!

      "Only minutes, human! Take away the sword of Ban Cruach! Open for us the Gates of Death, and we will release these two, alive."

      Stark felt again the flashing stab of pain along his nerves, as one of the shining creatures moved behind him. Life and feeling came back into his limbs.

      He struggled to his feet. The hundreds of the ice-folk on the bridges and galleries watched him in an eager silence.

      He did not look at them. His eyes were on Ciara's. And now, her eyes pleaded.

      "Don't, Stark! Don't barter the life of the Norlands for me!"

      The thought-voice beat at Stark, cutting into his mind with cruel urgency.

      "Hurry, human! They are already beginning to die. Take away the sword, and let them live!"

      Stark turned. He cried out, in a voice that made the icy bridges tremble:

      "I will take the sword!"

      He staggered out, then. Out through the archway, across the ice, toward the distant cairn that blocked the Gates of Death.


       Table of Contents

      Across the glowing ice of the valley Stark went at a stumbling run that grew swifter and more sure as his cold-numbed body began to regain its functions. And behind him, pouring out of the tower to watch, came the shining ones.

      They followed after him, gliding lightly. He could sense their excitement, the cold, strange ecstasy of triumph. He knew that already they were thinking of the great towers of stone rising again above the Norlands, the crystal cities still and beautiful under the ice, all vestige of the ugly citadels of man gone and forgotten.

      The seven spoke once more, a warning.

      "If you turn toward us with the sword, the woman and the man will die. And you will die as well. For neither you nor any other can now use the sword as a weapon of offense."
