An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith. John of Damascus

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Название An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith
Автор произведения John of Damascus
Жанр Документальная литература
Издательство Документальная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4064066389024

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one motion of the three subsistences, which is not to be observed in any created nature.


       Table of Contents

       Chapter I.—Concerning æon or age.

       Chapter II.—Concerning the creation.

       Chapter III.—Concerning angels.

       Chapter IV.—Concerning the devil and demons.

       Chapter V.—Concerning the visible creation.

       Chapter VI.—Concerning the Heaven.

       Chapter VII.—Concerning light, fire, the luminaries, sun, moon and stars.

       Chapter VIII.—Concerning air and winds.

       Chapter IX.—Concerning the waters.

       Chapter X.—Concerning earth and its products.

       Chapter XI.—Concerning Paradise.

       Chapter XII.—Concerning Man.

       Chapter XIII.—Concerning Pleasures.

       Chapter XIV.—Concerning Pain.

       Chapter XV.—Concerning Fear.

       Chapter XVI.—Concerning Anger.

       Chapter XVII.—Concerning Imagination.

       Chapter XVIII.—Concerning Sensation.

       Chapter XIX.—Concerning Thought.

       Chapter XX.—Concerning Memory.

       Chapter XXI.—Concerning Conception and Articulation.

       Chapter XXII.—Concerning Passion and Energy.

       Chapter XXIII.—Concerning Energy.

       Chapter XXIV.—Concerning what is Voluntary and what is Involuntary.

       Chapter XXV.—Concerning what is in our own power, that is, concerning Free-will1.

       Chapter XXVI.—Concerning Events1.

       Chapter XXVII.—Concerning the reason of our endowment with Free-will.

       Chapter XXVIII.—Concerning what is not in our hands.

       Chapter XXIX.—Concerning Providence.

       Chapter XXX.—Concerning Prescience and Predestination.

      Chapter I.—Concerning æon or age.

       Table of Contents