Selected Works of Voltairine de Cleyre. Voltairine De Cleyre

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Название Selected Works of Voltairine de Cleyre
Автор произведения Voltairine De Cleyre
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4057664635815

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       Table of Contents

      The dust of a hundred years

       Is on thy breast,

       And thy day and thy night of tears

       Are centurine rest.

       Thou to whom joy was dumb,

       Life a broken rhyme,

       Lo, thy smiling time is come,

       And our weeping time.

       Thou who hadst sponge and myrrh

       And a bitter cross,

       Smile, for the day is here

       That we know our loss;—

       Loss of thine undone deed,

       Thy unfinished song,

       Th' unspoken word for our need,

       Th' unrighted wrong;

       Smile, for we weep, we weep,

       For the unsoothed pain,

       The unbound wound burned deep,

       That we might gain.

       Mother of sorrowful eyes

       In the dead old days,

       Mother of many sighs,

       Of pain-shod ways;

       Mother of resolute feet

       Through all the thorns,

       Mother soul-strong, soul-sweet—

       Lo, after storms

       Have broken and beat thy dust

       For a hundred years,

       Thy memory is made just,

       And the just man hears.

       Thy children kneel and repeat:

       "Though dust be dust,

       Though sod and coffin and sheet

       And moth and rust

       Have folded and molded and pressed,

       Yet they cannot kill;

       In the heart of the world at rest

       She liveth still."

      Philadelphia, April 27th, 1893.

       Table of Contents

      What have you done, O skies,

       That the millions should kneel to you?

       Why should they lift wet eyes,

       Grateful with human dew?

      Why should they clasp their hands,

       And bow at thy shrines, O heaven,

       Thanking thy high commands

       For the mercies that thou hast given?

      What have those mercies been,

       O thou, who art called the Good,

       Who trod through a world of sin,

       And stood where the felon stood?

      What is that wondrous peace

       Vouchsafed to the child of dust,

       For whom all doubt shall cease

       In the light of thy perfect trust?

      How hast Thou heard their prayers

       Smoking up from the bleeding sod,

       Who, crushed by their weight of cares,

       Cried up to Thee, Most High God?

      Where the swamps of Humanity sicken,

       Read the answer, in dumb, white scars!

       You, Skies, gave the sore and the stricken

       The light of your far-off stars!

      The children who plead are driven,

       Shelterless, through the street,

       Receiving the mercy of Heaven

       Hard-frozen in glittering sleet!

      The women who prayed for pity,

       Who called on the saving Name,

       Through the walks of your merciless city

       Are crying the rent of shame.

      The starving, who gazed on the plenty

       In which they might not share,

       Have died in their hunger, rent by

       The anguish of unheard prayer!

      The weary who plead for remission,

       For a moment, only, release,

       Have sunk, with unheeded petition:

       This is the Christ-pledged Peace.

      These are the mercies of Heaven,

       These are the answers of God,

       To the prayers of the agony-shriven,

       From the paths where the millions plod!

      The silent scorn of the sightless!

       The callous ear of the deaf!

       The wrath of might to the mightless!

       The shroud, and the mourning sheaf!

      Light—to behold their squalor!

       Breath—to draw in life's pain!

       Voices to plead and call for

       Heaven's help!—hearts to bleed—in vain!

      What have you done, O Church,

       That the weary should bless your name?

       Should come with faith's holy torch

       To light up your altar'd fane?

      Why should they kiss the folds

       Of the garment of your High Priest?

       Or bow to the chalice that holds

       The wine of your Sacred Feast?

      Have you blown out the breath of their sighs?

       Have you strengthened the weak, the ill?

       Have you wiped the dark tears from their eyes,

       And bade their sobbings be still?

      Have you touched, have you known, have you felt,

       Have you bent and softly smiled

       In the face of the woman, who dwelt

       In lewdness—to feed her child?

      Have you heard the cry in the night

       Going up from the outraged heart,

       Masked from the social sight

       By the cloak that but angered the smart?

      Have you heard the children's moan,

       By the light of the skies denied?

       Answer, O Walls of Stone,

       In the name of your Crucified!

      Out of the clay of their heart-break,

       From the red dew of its sod,

       You have mortar'd your brick, for Christ's sake,

       And reared a palace to God!

      Your painters have dipped their brushes

       In the tears and the blood of the race,

       Whom, LIVING, your dark frown crushes—

       And limned—a DEAD Savior's face!
