The Blood of Rachel, a Dramatization of Esther, and Other Poems. Cotton Noe

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Название The Blood of Rachel, a Dramatization of Esther, and Other Poems
Автор произведения Cotton Noe
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4064066142629

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In sackcloth mourn because of Haman's might.

       But would you know the secret of my strength?

       This ring! The seal of Xerxes. It is death

       To every drop of Jacob's blood within

       The Domain of Ahasuerus' rule.


      The guests are coming.


      Oh, the messages

       Of enmity are swift as shafts of love.

       Now, Zeresh, call the servants of the house

       And set a sumptuous feast, for Haman would

       Take counsel of his friends.


      My gracious lord,

       The table is already set. Go greet

       The guests and bring them in.

      [Exit Haman.]

      [Zeresh continues.]


       What do you think of Haman? Did you note

       My lord?


      I did, madam. His happiness

       Is most complete. His rapid rise to power

       Has all but ravished him with joy. And yet,

       Methought that something still he lacked. Perhaps

       The queen's consent has not yet been obtained

       To this decree that puts the Jews to death.


      What do you mean? The queen's consent? My Lord

       Has naught to do with Xerxes' wife, and why

       Should he be troubled for a woman's whim?

       Besides, who knows but Esther does approve

       This slaughter of the Jews?


      Approve, madam?

       She is a queen, but still a woman!



       Am I, though not a queen! A woman, yes

       But with no stomach for that hated race!


      'Tis whispered in the court that Esther is

       Herself a Jew.


      The Persian queen a Jew!

       Then let her perish with her blood.


      But would

       My lord consent to Esther's death?



       Again! Parshandatha, why do you harp

       Upon consent? Now listen to my words.

       But should you e'er disclose one breath

       Of what I say, you are yourself a Jew,

       Nor is there any power in Persia's king

       To save your life. My lord pretends to hate

       The Jews. His hate is only wounded pride.

       The deference of Mordecai is all

       That Haman wants. He does not know the queen

       Is Hebrew blood. This fact must still be kept

       Concealed—concealed, that is, until the day

       Of death. Oh, he shall know who Esther is—

       This Israelite that banquets with my lord!

       You think his rise is due to Esther's power?


      Madam, I do not know.


      Not know! not know!

       But what think you, Parshandatha? Of course

       You do not know.


      Madam, he often dines

       With Esther and the king. The king no doubt

       Is very fond of your most gracious lord.


      The king!


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