The Reason Why. Robert Kemp Philp

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Название The Reason Why
Автор произведения Robert Kemp Philp
Жанр Математика
Издательство Математика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4064066154523

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       Lungs, why are they placed in the chest of the body, 932

       Magnetism, what is it, 633

       Magnetic bodies, what are they, 634

       Magpie, why is a single one said to foretell bad weather, 1118

       Mahogany, what is it, 1190

       Mahogany and other woods, why are there curious markings in, 1273

       Man, why is he born without a covering, 1034

       Man, why has he no external appendage to his mouth, 1037

       Marbles, why do they revolve when propelled along the ground, 818

       Marbles, why do striped appear to have more stripes when they are rolling than when at rest, 819

       Marbles, why do they rebound when dropped upon the pavement, 820

       Marbles, why do they roll furthest upon smooth surfaces, 821

       Marbles, how many forces contribute to stop their rolling, 882

       Marbles, why do the stripes upon them disappear when they are spinning rapidly, 823

       Marbles, why are the rings upon them most perceptible at the "poles," while they are spinning, 824


       Matches, do they ignite spontaneously, 313

       Meat, why is it sooner cooked when a tin screen is placed before the fire, 213

       Metal, why does it run like a fluid when melted, 333

       Mirrors, why do we see our features therein, 209

       Mirrors, why do we see our faces in them, 512

       Mirrors, what has the glass of to do with the reflection, 514

       Mirrors, why do compound mirrors reflect many images of one object, 515

       Mirrors, why do reflections appear as far behind a mirror as the object reflected stands before it, 518

       Mirage, what is the cause of the, 527

       Mists, what are they, 368

       Mists and fogs, what is the difference between them, 369

       Mists end fogs, why do they disappear at sunrise, 370

       Mistletoe, why have its berries a thick viscid juice, 1177

       Mistletoe, how are its seeds conveyed to the bark of trees, 1178

       Moles, why have they hard flat feet, 1074

       Mole's fur, why is it glossy and smooth, 1075

       LESSON L.

       Moles, why are they permanent, 904

       Moles, why may rain be expected when they throw up their hills, 1117

       Monsoons, what are they, 672

       Monsoons, what is the cause of, 673

       Mornings, why are they usually clear when frosty, 410

       Mother-of-pearl, what causes the rich tints displayed by, 500

       Moths, why do they fly by night, 1297

       Moths, why are their bodies generally covered with thick down, 1228

       Moths, why do they fly against the candle-flame, 1299

       Muscles, how many are there in the human body, 941

       Muscle, what is the constitution of a, 942

       Muscles, what degree of strength do they possess, 945

       Muscles, what is the stimulus which sets them in action, 946

       Mussels, why have they tendinous cords proceeding from their shells, 1086

       Natural phenomena, a world of miniature, 690

       Nails, why have we got them at the fingers' ends, 908

       Nails, why is there a circular line of whitish colour at the root of the, 909

       LESSON LI.

       Nails, why do white spots occur upon the, 916

       Needle, why will it float if laid carefully upon water, 795

       Nerves, what are they, 951

       Nervous system, of what does it consist, 955

       Nerve, what is the constitution of a, 956

       Nervous fluid, what is the, 957

       Nerves, how many kinds are there, 958

       Nerves of motion, what are they, 959

       Nerves of sensation, what are they, 960

       Nerves of special sense, what are, 961

       Nerves of sympathy, what are the, 962

       Nights, why are they usually cold when clear, 411

       Nitrogen, what is it, 33

       Nitrogen, where is it found, 34

       Nitrogen, could animals live in it, 37

       Nitrogen, is it taken into the blood from the air, 40

       Nitrogen, will it burn, 44

       Nitrogen, what becomes of that which is inhaled, 46

       Nitrogen, where does it find a fresh supply of oxygen, 47

       Nitrous oxide, why does it excite the system, 38

       Non-conductors of heat, what substances are, 111

       Nostrils, why are they directed downwards, 994

       LESSON LII.

       Nose, why is it placed over the mouth, 995

       Nutmegs, where are they produced, 1232

       Ocean, how is it heated, 233

       Oils and fats, what are vegetable, 1204

       Oils and fats, animal, why are they found most abundantly in cold climates, 1205

       Oils and fats, vegetable, why are they found most abundantly in hot countries, 1206

       Opium, what is it, 1258

       Ostriches, why have they small wings, 1031
