Life and Adventures of Santa Claus & Other Christmas Novels. Люси Мод Монтгомери

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Название Life and Adventures of Santa Claus & Other Christmas Novels
Автор произведения Люси Мод Монтгомери
Жанр Книги для детей: прочее
Издательство Книги для детей: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9788027200511

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The others came closer to him. A strange smile was playing about his face, and Wendy saw it and shuddered. While that smile was on his face no one dared address him; all they could do was to stand ready to obey. The order came sharp and incisive.


      There was a gleam of legs, and instantly the lagoon seemed deserted. Marooners' Rock stood alone in the forbidding waters, as if it were itself marooned.

      The boat drew nearer. It was the pirate dinghy, with three figures in her, Smee and Starkey, and the third a captive, no other than Tiger Lily. Her hands and ankles were tied, and she knew what was to be her fate. She was to be left on the rock to perish, an end to one of her race more terrible than death by fire or torture, for is it not written in the book of the tribe that there is no path through water to the happy hunting-ground? Yet her face was impassive; she was the daughter of a chief, she must die as a chief's daughter, it is enough.

      They had caught her boarding the pirate ship with a knife in her mouth. No watch was kept on the ship, it being Hook's boast that the wind of his name guarded the ship for a mile around. Now her fate would help to guard it also. One more wail would go the round in that wind by night.

      In the gloom that they brought with them the two pirates did not see the rock till they crashed into it.

      'Luff, you lubber,' cried an Irish voice that was Smee's; 'here's the rock. Now, then, what we have to do is to hoist the redskin on to it and leave her there to drown.'

      It was the work of one brutal moment to land the beautiful girl on the rock; she was too proud to offer a vain resistance.

      Quite near the rock, but out of sight, two heads were bobbing up and down, Peter's and Wendy's. Wendy was crying, for it was the first tragedy she had seen. Peter had seen many tragedies, but he had forgotten them all. He was less sorry than Wendy for Tiger Lily: it was two against one that angered him, and he meant to save her. An easy way would have been to wait until the pirates had gone, but he was never one to choose the easy way.

      There was almost nothing he could not do, and he now imitated the voice of Hook.

      'Ahoy there, you lubbers,' he called. It was a marvellous imitation.

      'The captain,' said the pirates, staring at each other in surprise.

      'He must be swimming out to us,' Starkey said, when they had looked for him in vain.

      'We are putting the redskin on the rock,' Smee called out.

      'Set her free,' came the astonishing answer.


      'Yes, cut her bonds and let her go.'

      'But, captain——'

      'At once, d'ye hear,' cried Peter, 'or I'll plunge my hook in you.'

      'This is queer,' Smee gasped.

      'Better do what the captain orders,' said Starkey nervously.

      'Ay, ay,' Smee said, and he cut Tiger Lily's cords. At once like an eel she slid between Starkey's legs into the water.

      Of course Wendy was very elated over Peter's cleverness; but she knew that he would be elated also and very likely crow and thus betray himself, so at once her hand went out to cover his mouth. But it was stayed even in the act, for 'Boat ahoy!' rang over the lagoon in Hook's voice, and this time it was not Peter who had spoken.

      Peter may have been about to crow, but his face puckered in a whistle of surprise instead.

      'Boat ahoy!' again came the cry.

      Now Wendy understood. The real Hook was also in the water.

      He was swimming to the boat, and as his men showed a light to guide him he had soon reached them. In the light of the lantern Wendy saw his hook grip the boat's side; she saw his evil swarthy face as he rose dripping from the water, and, quaking, she would have liked to swim away, but Peter would not budge. He was tingling with life and also top-heavy with conceit. 'Am I not a wonder, oh, I am a wonder!' he whispered to her; and though she thought so also, she was really glad for the sake of his reputation that no one heard him except herself.

      He signed to her to listen.

      The two pirates were very curious to know what had brought their captain to them, but he sat with his head on his hook in a position of profound melancholy.

      'Captain, is all well?' they asked timidly, but he answered with a hollow moan.

      'He sighs,' said Smee.

      'He sighs again,' said Starkey.

      'And yet a third time he sighs,' said Smee.

      'What's up, captain?'

      Then at last he spoke passionately.

      'The game's up,' he cried, 'those boys have found a mother.'

      Affrighted though she was, Wendy swelled with pride.

      'O evil day,' cried Starkey.

      'What's a mother?' asked the ignorant Smee.

      Wendy was so shocked that she exclaimed, 'He doesn't know!' and always after this she felt that if you could have a pet pirate Smee would be her one.

      Peter pulled her beneath the water, for Hook had started up, crying, 'What was that?'

      'I heard nothing,' said Starkey, raising the lantern over the waters, and as the pirates looked they saw a strange sight. It was the nest I have told you of, floating on the lagoon, and the Never bird was sitting on it.

      'See,' said Hook in answer to Smee's question, 'that is a mother. What a lesson. The nest must have fallen into the water, but would the mother desert her eggs? No.'

      There was a break in his voice, as if for a moment he recalled innocent days when—but he brushed away this weakness with his hook.

      Smee, much impressed, gazed at the bird as the nest was borne past, but the more suspicious Starkey said, 'If she is a mother, perhaps she is hanging about here to help Peter.'

      Hook winced. 'Ay,' he said, 'that is the fear that haunts me.'

      He was roused from this dejection by Smee's eager voice.

      'Captain,' said Smee, 'could we not kidnap these boys' mother and make her our mother?'

      'It is a princely scheme,' cried Hook, and at once it took practical shape in his great brain. 'We will seize the children and carry them to the boat: the boys we will make walk the plank, and Wendy shall be our mother.'

      Again Wendy forgot herself.

      'Never!' she cried, and bobbed.

      'What was that?'

      But they could see nothing. They thought it must have been but a leaf in the wind. 'Do you agree, my bullies?' asked Hook.

      'There is my hand on it,' they both said.

      'And there is my hook. Swear.'

      'They all swore. By this time they were on the rock, and suddenly Hook remembered Tiger Lily.

      'Where is the redskin?' he demanded abruptly.

      He had a playful humour at moments, and they thought this was one of the moments.

      'That is all right, captain,' Smee answered complacently; 'we let her go.'

      'Let her go!' cried Hook.

      ''Twas your own orders,' the bo'sun faltered.

      'You called over the water to us to let her go,' said Starkey.

      'Brimstone and gall,' thundered Hook, 'what cozening is here?' His face had gone black with rage, but he saw that they believed their words, and he was startled. 'Lads,' he said, shaking a little, 'I gave no such order.'

      'It is passing queer,' Smee said, and they all fidgeted uncomfortably. Hook raised his