THE ROVER BOYS Boxed Set: 26 Illustrated Adventure Novels. Stratemeyer Edward

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Название THE ROVER BOYS Boxed Set: 26 Illustrated Adventure Novels
Автор произведения Stratemeyer Edward
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9788026898887

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That hardly covers the ground, Samuel."

      "Well, why don't you have him searched?"

      "I will."

      Without further ado Sam was dismissed, and Captain Putnam called George Strong to him and showed the strange letter.

      "Why not look among Pop's effects?" suggested the assistant. "He may have hidden the money and jewelry in his trunk."

      "We will go up to his apartment," replied Captain Putnam, and a few minutes later the pair ascended to the attic room which the colored waiter had used for several terms. They found Pop just fixing up for a trip to Cedarville.

      He nodded pleasantly, and then looked at both questioningly.

      "Pop, I am afraid I have a very unpleasant duty to perform," began Captain Putnam.

      "Wot's dat, sah?" asked Aleck in surprise.

      "You have heard of the robberies that have been committed?"

      "'Deed I has, sah. But — but yo' don't go fo' to distrust me, do yo', cap'n?" went on the colored man anxiously.

      "I would like to search your trunk and your clothing, Pop. If you are innocent you will not object."

      "But, sah, I didn't steal nuffin, sah."

      "Then you shouldn't object."

      "It aint right nohow to 'spect an honest colored pusson, sah," said Aleck, growing angry.

      "Do you object to the search?"

      "I do, sah. I am not guilty, sah, an' dis am not treatin' me jest right, sah, 'deed it aint, sah."

      "If you object, Pop, I will be under the painful necessity of having Snuggers place you under arrest. You know he is a special officer for the Hall."

      At this announcement Aleck fell back completely dumfounded. "Well, dat's de wust yet!" he muttered, and sank back on a chair, not knowing what to do next.



       Table of Contents

      "Will you submit to having your trunk examined or not?" demanded Captain Putnam, after a painful pause, during which Alexander Pop's eyes rolled wildly from one teacher to the other.

      "Yo' kin examine it if yo' desire," said Aleck. "But it's an outrage, Cap'n Putnam, an' outrage, sah!"

      Without more ado Captain Putnam approached the waiter's trunk, to find it locked.

      "Where is the key, Pop?"

      "Dare, sah, on de nail alongside ob yo' sah."

      Soon the trunk was unlocked and the lid thrown back. The box contained a miscellaneous collection of wearing apparel, which the captain pushed to one side. Then he brought out a cigar box containing some cheap jewelry and other odds and ends, as well as two five dollar bills.

      "Dat money am mine, sah," said Aleck. "Yo paid me dat las'

       Saturday, sall."

      "That is true, but how did this get here, Pop?"

      As Captain Putnam paused he held up a stud set with a ruby-the very stud the cadet Weeks had lost!

      "Dat — dat stud — I never seen dat shirt-stud before, cap'n, 'deed I didn't," stammered the waiter.

      "That is certainly Weeks' stud; I remember it well," put in George Strong. "He showed it to me one day, stating it was a gift from his aunt."

      "And here is a cheap watch," added Captain Putnam, bringing forth the article. "Pop, is this your watch?"

      "No, sah — I — I never seen dat watch before," answered Aleck nervously. "I dun reckon sumbuddy put up a job on dis poah coon, sah," he continued ruefully.

      "I believe the job was put up by yourself," answered Captain Putnam sternly. "If you are guilty you had better confess."

      A stormy war of words followed. Alexander Pop stoutly declared himself innocent, but in the face of the proofs discovered the master of the Hall would not listen to him.

      "Peleg Snuggers shall take you in charge and drive down to the Cedarville lock-up," said the captain.

      The news that some of the things had been found in Pop's trunk spread with great rapidity. Many were astonished to learn that he was thought guilty, but a few declared that "a coon wasn't to be trusted anyway."

      "Niggers are all thieves," said Jim Caven, "never yet saw an honest one."

      "I don't believe you!" burst out Tom. "Pop's a first-rate fellow, and the captain has got to have more proof against him before I'll believe him guilty."

      "Oh, he's a bad egg!" growled the Irish boy.

      "You only say that because he called you down last week," put in Frank. He referred to a tilt between the new pupil and the colored man. Jim Caven had tried to be "smart" and had gotten the worst of the encounter.

      "Yes, I think he's as honest as you are!" burst out Tom, before he had stopped to think twice.

      "What! do you call me a thief!" roared Jim Caven, and leaped upon Tom, with his face as white as the wall. "I'll make you smart for that!"

      One blow landed on Tom's cheek and another was about to follow, when Tom dodged and came up under Caven's left arm. Then the two boys faced each other angrily.

      "A fight! Fight!" cried a number of the cadets, and in a twinkle a ring was formed around the two contestants.

      "I'm going to give you the worst thrashing you ever had," said Caven, but in rather a nervous tone.

      "All right, Caven, go ahead and do it," cried Tom. "I will stand up for Aleck Pop, and there you are!"

      Tom launched forth and caught Caven on the right cheek. The Irish lad also struck out, but the blow fell short. Then the two boys clinched.

      "Break away there!" cried Frank. "Break away!"

      "I'll break his head!" panted Caven. "How do you like that?" And he held Tom with one hand and hit him in the neck with the other.

      The blow was a telling one, and for a brief instant Tom was dazed. But then he caught his second wind and threw Caven backward. Before the Irish lad could recover his balance, Tom struck him in the nose, and over rolled his opponent.

      A shout went up. "Good for Tom Rover! That was a telling blow! I Keep it up!"

      "I'll fix you!" gasped Jim Caven, as soon as he could speak. "I'll fix you!" and staggering to his feet, he glanced around for some weapon. Nothing met his view but a garden spade which Peleg Snuggers had been using, and catching this up he ran for Tom as if to lay him low forever.

      "Caven, none of that! Fight fair!"

      "He shan't call me a thief!" growled the Irish boy. "I'll show him!" And he aimed a tremendous blow for Tom's head.

      Had the spade fallen as intended Tom's cranium might have been split in twain. But now both Dick and Frank caught the unreasonable youth and held him while Sam and several others took the spade away.

      "Stop it — here comes Mr. Strong!" came the unexpected cry from some outsiders.

      "Yes, give it up, Tom," whispered Sam.

      "We're in hot water enough, on account of that feast."

      "I'll give it up if Caven is willing," muttered

      "I'll meet you another time," answered Caven, and walked rapidly away.

      "What is the row here?" demanded George Strong, as he strode up.

      "Nothing, sir," said one of the boy. "Some of the fellows were wrestling for possession of that spade."

      "Oh, I was