THE ROVER BOYS Boxed Set: 26 Illustrated Adventure Novels. Stratemeyer Edward

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Название THE ROVER BOYS Boxed Set: 26 Illustrated Adventure Novels
Автор произведения Stratemeyer Edward
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9788026898887

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kind of fury. Safe in their own room, the boys laughed until they cried. All had gone to bed, and Tom lost no time in getting under the covers.

      "Somebody has played a tr —— " began Crabtree, when an extra nip on his knee cut him short. " h, my, I shall die!" he moaned — "I know I shall die!"

      By this time the proprietor of the hotel had freed himself from the crab that had nipped him on the nose. "You won't die, but you'll get out of this hotel," he snarled. "Throw the crabs out of the window," he continued to his employees, and after a good deal of trouble one crab after another was hurled forth, the window being kept open in the meantime and the icy draught causing Crabtree to shiver as with the ague. As there seemed no help for it the ex-teacher began to dress again with all possible speed.

      "If I find out who did this I'll — I'll kill him," moaned Josiah Crabtree. "I've been nipped in a hundred places!"

      "You'll leave this hotel!" growled the proprietor. "I've had enough of you. First the room didn't suit, then the price was too high, and at dinner and supper you found all manner of fault with the menu. You'll go, and the quicker the better."

      "But look here —— " began Crabtree.

      "I won't argue with you. Either get out, or I'll have you arrested as a disorderly character."

      "Yes, but —— "

      "Not a word. Will you go quietly, or shall I have you put out?"

      "I'll — I'll go!" gasped Josiah Crabtree, and five minutes later he was on the cold street, satchel in hand, and saying all manner of unpleasant things under his breath.

      "Oh, Tom!" laughed Sam, and could go no further. Each of the boys had felt like exploding a dozen times. It was not until an hour after that any of them managed to get to sleep.

      When they came down in the morning the hotel clerk winked at them. "I'm not saying a word," he whispered. "But it served the old crank right. Even the boss is doing a little smiling, although he got quite a nip himself."

      "Really, I don't know what you are talking about," answered Tom. Then he shut up one eye, stuck his tongue into his cheek, and strolled into the dining room. "He's an out-and-out boy, he is," murmured the clerk, gazing after him.

      Breakfast was finished, and the cadets were strolling around the hotel awaiting further instructions from Captain Putnam, when a man drove up to the door in a big livery-stable sleigh.

      "I am after some boys bound for Putnam Hall," he said. "Captain Putnam telegraphed to the boss to bring 'em up to the Hall in this sleigh."

      "Hurrah!" shouted Sam. "Such a long ride will just suit me!"

      "If it doesn't prove too cold," was Dick's comment.

      There was but one seat in the turnout, the back being filled with straw and robes. "Take your lunch with you," said the driver. "For it's a long trip we have before us, and I reckon a part of the road aint none too good."

      The clerk of the hotel was consulted, and soon a big lunch-box was packed, containing sandwiches, cake, and a stone jug of hot coffee. This was stowed away in the straw, and the lads piled in, laughing merrily over the prospect before them.

      "Off we go!" shouted Larry, and with a crack of the whip the sleigh started. It was drawn by a heavy pair of horses, who looked well able to get through any snowdrift that might present itself.

      Ithaca was soon left behind, and they sped swiftly along a road running northward, a half-mile or more from the west shore of the lake. The road was level, and somewhat worn by travel, and for the first three miles good time was made.

      "If we can continue this gait we'll reach Putnam Hall by three or four o'clock this afternoon, allowing an hour's rest at noon," said the driver in reply to a question put by Frank. "But we have still a number of small hills to climb, and it's not going to stay as clear as it was early this morning."

      The latter remark was caused by the sun disappearing under heavy clouds. Soon it began to snow, at first lightly, and then heavier and heavier.

      "We're going to catch it! " said Tom, after the noon stop had been taken at a wayside hotel, where they had taken dinner, keeping the boxed lunch for later on. "The snow is four inches deeper than it was."

      On they went again, the snow becoming so thick at last that they could scarcely see a yard before them. It was very cold, and the cadets were glad enough to huddle in the straw, with the robes over them, leaving the driver to pick his way as best he could.

      An hour had gone by, and they were wondering if they were anywhere near Cedarville, when a wild shout rang out, and the next instant came a crash, as their sleigh collided with another, coming from the opposite direction. A runner of each turnout was smashed, and the occupants of the other sleigh came tumbling in upon the lads in great confusion.

      "Great Cæsar! what's this?" groaned Tom, as he shifted a weight from his shoulders, and then he stared in amazement as he found himself confronted by Nellie Laning!

      "Tom Rover!" burst from the girl's lips, as soon as she could recover her breath. "Did you ever!"

      "Well, hardly!" murmured Tom, as he helped her to a sitting position. "You're coming in on us fast. What's the trouble? Oh, and there is Grace and your father!"

      "The sleighs ran into each other," answered Nellie. "Can you stop the horses, father?" she called out.

      "Yes, but the sleigh is a goner," answered Mr. Laning, and then some sharp words passed between himself and the livery-stable driver. There was no doubt, however, but that the blinding storm was largely responsible for the accident.

      An examination proved that both sleighs would have to be abandoned, and then the two parties sought shelter at a near-by farmhouse, while Mr. Laning went off on one horse, and the livery-stable driver on another, each to borrow a sleigh elsewhere.

      This left the boys in the company of the girls for over an hour, and during that time Dick, Tom, and Sam asked a great many questions, especially about Mrs. Stanhope and Dora.

      "Yes, the marriage is to come off next week, Thursday, — unless something prevents it," said Nellie. "Dora is fairly sick over the prospect. What Aunt Lucy can see in Mr. Crabtree is more than any of us can understand."

      "He must have hypnotized her," observed Dick. "It's a shame! I wish old Crabtree was in Jericho!"

      "So do all of us!" laughed Grace, and then Sam took her off for a quiet chat, while Tom monopolized Nellie.

      "Those Rover boys think a great deal of the Lanings and Stanhopes," observed Larry to Fred. "Well, it's all right — they are awfully nice girls, every one of 'em!"



       Table of Contents

      "Back to Putnam Hall at last! How home-like the place looks!"

      Sam uttered the words as he leaped from the sleigh and ran for the main entrance, where Captain Putnam stood to receive them. He had heard of the accident, and was fearful that one or another of his pupils might have been hurt.

      "Thank Providence that no one was killed or seriously injured!" he observed, as he wrung each by the hand. "Welcome, lads, and I trust you have all had happy holidays."

      "The same to you, Captain Putnam!" cried one after another, and then they passed inside, to be greeted by George Strong and the new assistant.

      Cadets kept coming back for three days, and on the following Monday the regular spring term opened, to end in July. Soon the boys were as deep in their studies as ever before.

      In the meantime Dick had concocted a scheme for sending Josiah Crabtree on a wild-goose chase to Chicago. Tom had a friend out in that city, and he was requested to mail without delay a certain letter which Tom inclosed with his own.
