THE ROVER BOYS Boxed Set: 26 Illustrated Adventure Novels. Stratemeyer Edward

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Название THE ROVER BOYS Boxed Set: 26 Illustrated Adventure Novels
Автор произведения Stratemeyer Edward
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9788026898887

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      "Your mother and I are bound to get married. Remove your opposition to this, and I will promise not to interfere with you in the least. You can do as you please and go where you please, and you shall have all the spending money from time to time that the estate can afford."

      At this the girl's lip curled proudly.

      "I do not thank you for your offer, Mr. Crabtree. The whole difficulty is just here — I do not like you; and my mother shall never marry you so long as I can prevent it."

      "You — you saucy minx!" he snarled and leaping around the table caught her by the wrist again. "I'll tame you before I am done with you, mark my words! If you dare to talk to your mother again —— Hullo, who is this?"

      "Dick Rover!" cried Dora in amazement and in delight.

      For Dick had suddenly thrown up the window sash, which was unlocked, and leaped straight into the sitting room.

      "Let her go, Josiah Crabtree!" ordered the young cadet. "Don't you dare to strike her, or I'll knock you flat!"

      "One of the Rover boys!" muttered the ex-teacher. "What business have you here at this hour of the evening? Have you run away from the Hall?"

      "Since you have been discharged, I do not feel called upon to answer your question," answered Dick. "But you must let Dora alone, or there will be a broken head around here, I can tell you that!"

      At Dick's plain words Josiah Crabtree grew pale. He had dropped the girl's wrist, and now he fell back several steps.

      "I was not harming the girl, only trying to reason with her."

      "Oh, I know you well enough. I've heard you were the most pigheaded teacher they ever had at Putnam Hall," rejoined Dick warmly. "I shall take pains to let Mrs. Stanhope know what they think of you, too."

      "Was he discharged?" asked Dora. "He told mamma that he had left of his own accord."

      "He was discharged," answered Dick, who had got word through Peleg Snuggers.

      "It is not true!" stormed Josiah Crabtree. "This is a — a plot to injure me in the eyes of Mrs. Stanhope, and you shall pay dearly for it, boy!" and he shook his fist in Dick's face.

      "Don't do that again, Mr. Crabtree, or we may have a set-to right here — begging Dora's pardon," answered Dick, his eyes flashing fire.

      "That's all right — don't give in an inch to him, Dick," whispered Dora. "I hate him — oh, more than words can tell!" and she caught the youth's arm.

      "I am not afraid of you, boy!" was the short return, but now the ex-teacher turned to the hallway. "I was on the point of leaving, and now I will go, Dora. But I will be back in a day or two," and he strode from the room. A moment later he had secured his hat and overcoat and taken his departure.

      "Oh, what a dreadful man!" sobbed Dora, when he was gone. "Dick Rover, what shall I do?" and she looked at him pleadingly.

      "It's a puzzle to me, Dora — worse than an example in cube root in algebra!" He smiled sadly. "But if I was you I'd hold out and never let him marry my mother."

      "Oh, I will never consent to that — never! But he may marry her anyway."

      "If he does, you can apply to the courts for another guardian — if Crabtree doesn't treat you fairly."

      "But I do not wish to separate from my mother."

      "Well, the only thing to do is to keep fighting him off. In the meantime I'll try to get some folks who know Crabtree well to tell your mother just what a mean, crabbed fellow he is. Undoubtedly he is after the money your father left."

      "So I always supposed — but mother does not think so."

      "How is your mother?"

      "She is doing nicely, and may be out in a week or two. I am keeping her in as long as possible, so that Josiah Crabtree cannot argue her into going off and getting married."

      "You certainly have your hands full, Dora," answered the young cadet. "I wish I could take this burden off your shoulders, indeed I do!" and impulsively he caught up her plump hand and kissed it.

      "Oh!" She snatched the hand away and blushed prettily, but was not angry. "I — I — it's something to know one has a friend, Dick," she said softly. Can I come to you if I — that is — if I want something done?"

      "To be sure, Dora — I'll — I'll do anything in the wide world for you — there!" and he kissed her hand again.

      At that moment an elderly lady who had been hired to wait on Mrs. Stanhope came in, and the conversation was changed. Dora asked about life at the Hall, and Dick told of the football game and of the parts Tom and Sam had played in it.

      "You are a great set of boys!" Dora smiled. "I wish I had a couple of sisters."

      "You have your two cousins, Nellie and Grace."

      "Yes, but they are not as intimate as sisters would be — although they are the best of cousins."

      "What does Mr. Laning say of Crabtree?" Dick whispered, as the nurse left the room for a moment.

      "Uncle does not like him, but he says the whole matter is none of his affair — and mother must do as she thinks best."

      It was now growing late, and Dick took his departure, kissing Dora's hand a third time as they stood in the darkness of the porch. "You're terrible!" she murmured, but it is doubtful if she meant anything by it. Girls and boys are about the same the world over, and Dick's regard for Dora was of the manly sort that is creditable to anybody.



       Table of Contents

      "Hurrah, boys, the ice is forming just as fast as it can! We'll have skating in twenty-four hours!"

      It was Sam who came rushing into the gymnasium with the news. The place was crowded at the time, for it was too cold to play on the grounds outside.

      "Skating!" cried Tom. "That just suits me. I wonder if I brought my skates along?"

      "You didn't," answered Sam. "Neither did I."

      "I have my skates," said Fred Garrison. "A brand new pair."

      "My skates were old," said Tom. "I must strike Captain Putnam for a couple of dollars of my allowance and buy a new pair."

      "So must I," put in Sam. "Dick, I know, has his skates."

      It was early in December, and it had been growing colder steadily. There had been one fall of snow, but it had amounted to but little.

      The next day skating in the cove of the lake near Putnam Hall was excellent, the ice being from three to four inches thick. At once Sam and Tom went to Captain Putnam.

      "Want to buy some skates?" said the captain. "Well, the money I am keeping is your own, and I presume every boy likes to skate. Here are two dollars for each of you. Show me your purchases when you get back."

      "We will," replied the lads, and hurried off, for time was precious, with the smooth ice waiting for them. They knew that a certain hardware dealer in Cedarville had a good quantity of skates on hand, and started to walk to the village without delay.

      "Baxter is going to buy a pair of skates, too," said Sam, on the way. "I heard him telling Mumps about it."

      "Well, we don't want Baxter for company," answered Tom. "He can go alone."

      It did not take the lads long to reach Cedarville, but once at the hardware store considerable time was lost in getting just the skates desired.

      "It's queer Baxter hasn't shown up," said Tom, when they were ready to leave.

      "Perhaps he went elsewhere for his skates," suggested Sam.