KING JOHN. Sidney Lee

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Название KING JOHN
Автор произведения Sidney Lee
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9788027236664

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Out of the bloody fingers’ ends of john.

       Methinks I see this hurly all on foot:

       And, O, what better matter breeds for you

       Than I have nam’d!—The bastard Falconbridge

       Is now in England, ransacking the church,

       Offending charity: if but a dozen French

       Were there in arms, they would be as a call

       To train ten thousand English to their side:

       Or as a little snow, tumbled about

       Anon becomes a mountain. O noble Dauphin,

       Go with me to the king:—‘tis wonderful

       What may be wrought out of their discontent,

       Now that their souls are topful of offence:

       For England go:—I will whet on the king.


       Strong reasons makes strong actions: let us go:

       If you say ay, the king will not say no.


       ACT IV.

       Table of Contents

      SCENE 1. Northampton. A Room in the Castle.

       [Enter HUBERT and two Attendants.]


       Heat me these irons hot; and look thou stand

       Within the arras: when I strike my foot

       Upon the bosom of the ground, rush forth

       And bind the boy which you shall find with me

       Fast to the chair: be heedful: hence, and watch.


       I hope your warrant will bear out the deed.


       Uncleanly scruples! Fear not you; look to’t.—

       [Exeunt ATTENDANTS.]

       Young lad, come forth; I have to say with you.

       [Enter ARTHUR.]


       Good morrow, Hubert.


       Good morrow, little prince.


       As little prince, having so great a tide

       To be more prince, as may be.—You are sad.


       Indeed I have been merrier.


       Mercy on me!

       Methinks no body should be sad but I:

       Yet, I remember, when I was in France,

       Young gentlemen would be as sad as night,

       Only for wantonness. By my christendom,

       So I were out of prison, and kept sheep,

       I should be as merry as the day is long;

       And so I would be here, but that I doubt

       My uncle practises more harm to me:

       He is afraid of me, and I of him:

       Is it my fault that I was Geffrey’s son?

       No, indeed, is’t not; and I would to heaven

       I were your son, so you would love me, Hubert.


       [Aside.] If I talk to him, with his innocent prate

       He will awake my mercy, which lies dead:

       Therefore I will be sudden and despatch.


       Are you sick, Hubert? you look pale to-day:

       In sooth, I would you were a little sick,

       That I might sit all night and watch with you:

       I warrant I love you more than you do me.


       [Aside.] His words do take possession of my bosom.—

       Read here, young Arthur.

       [Showing a paper.]

       [Aside.] How now, foolish rheum!

       Turning dispiteous torture out of door!

       I must be brief, lest resolution drop

       Out at mine eyes in tender womanish tears.—

       Can you not read it? is it not fair writ?


       Too fairly, Hubert, for so foul effect.

       Must you with hot irons burn out both mine eyes?


       Young boy, I must.


       And will you?


       And I will.


       Have you the heart? When your head did but ache,

       I knit my handkerchief about your brows,—

       The best I had, a princess wrought it me,—

       And I did never ask it you again;

       And with my hand at midnight held your head;

       And, like the watchful minutes to the hour,

       Still and anon cheer’d up the heavy time,

       Saying ‘What lack you?’ and ‘Where lies your grief?’

       Or ‘What good love may I perform for you?’

       Many a poor man’s son would have lien still,

       And ne’er have spoke a loving word to you;

       But you at your sick service had a prince.

       Nay, you may think my love was crafty love,

       And call it cunning.—do, an if you will:

       If heaven be pleas’d that you must use me ill,

       Why, then you must.—Will you put out mine eyes,

       These eyes that never did nor never shall

       So much as frown on you?


       I have sworn to do it!

       And with hot irons must I burn them out.


       Ah, none but in this iron age would do it!

       The iron of itself, though heat red-hot,

       Approaching near these eyes would drink my tears,

       And quench his fiery indignation,

       Even in the matter of mine innocence;

       Nay, after that, consume away in rust,

       But for containing fire to harm mine eye.

       Are you more stubborn-hard than hammer’d iron?

       An if an angel should have come to me

       And told me Hubert should put out mine eyes,

       I would not have believ’d him,—no tongue but Hubert’s.


       [Stamps.] Come forth.

       [Re-enter Attendants, with cords, irons, &c.]