The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus. Gaius Valerius Catullus

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Название The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus
Автор произведения Gaius Valerius Catullus
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4057664641656

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deos rogabis,

      Totum ut te faciant, Fabulle, nasum.


      Fabullus is Invited to a Poet's Supper.

      Thou'lt sup right well with me, Fabúllus mine,

      In days few-numbered an the Gods design,

      An great and goodly meal thou bring wi' thee

      Nowise forgetting damsel bright o' blee,


      With wine, and salty wit and laughs all-gay.

      An these my bonny man, thou bring, I say

      Thou'lt sup right well, for thy Catullus' purse

      Save web of spider nothing does imburse.

      But thou in countergift mere loves shalt take


      Or aught of sweeter taste or fairer make:

      I'll give thee unguent lent my girl to scent

      By every Venus and all Cupids sent,

      Which, as thou savour, pray Gods interpose

      And thee, Fabúllus, make a Naught-but-nose.

      Thou shalt feast well with me, my Fabullus, in a few days, if the gods favour thee, provided thou dost bear hither with thee a good and great feast, not forgetting a fair damsel and wine and wit and all kinds of laughter. Provided, I say, thou dost bear hither these, our charming one, thou wilt feast well: for thy Catullus' purse is brimful of cobwebs. But in return thou may'st receive a perfect love, or whatever is sweeter or more elegant: for I will give thee an unguent which the Loves and Cupids gave unto my girl, which when thou dost smell it, thou wilt entreat the gods to make thee, O Fabullus, one total Nose!


      Ni te plus oculis meis amarem,

      Iocundissime Calve, munere isto

      Odissem te odio Vatiniano:

      Nam quid feci ego quidve sum locutus,


      Cur me tot male perderes poetis?

      Isti di mala multa dent clienti,

      Qui tantum tibi misit inpiorum.

      Quod si, ut suspicor, hoc novum ac repertum

      Munus dat tibi Sulla litterator,


      Non est mi male, sed bene ac beate,

      Quod non dispereunt tui labores.

      Di magni, horribilem et sacrum libellum

      Quem tu scilicet ad tuum Catullum

      Misti, continuo ut die periret,


      Saturnalibus, optimo dierum!

      Non non hoc tibi, salse, sic abibit:

      Nam, si luxerit, ad librariorum

      Curram scrinia, Caesios, Aquinos,

      Suffenum, omnia colligam venena,


      Ac te his suppliciis remunerabor.

      Vos hinc interea (valete) abite

      Illuc, unde malum pedem attulistis,

      Saecli incommoda, pessimi poetae.


      Siqui forte mearum ineptiarum


      Lectores eritis manusque vestras

      Non horrebitis admovere nobis,

      * * * *


      To Calvus, acknowledging his Poems.

      Did I not liefer love thee than my eyes

      (Winsomest Calvus!), for that gift of thine

      Certès I'd hate thee with Vatinian hate.

      Say me, how came I, or by word or deed,


      To cause thee plague me with so many a bard?

      The Gods deal many an ill to such a client,

      Who sent of impious wights to thee such crowd.

      But if (as guess I) this choice boon new-found

      To thee from "Commentator" Sulla come,


      None ill I hold it—well and welcome 'tis,

      For that thy labours ne'er to death be doom'd.

      Great Gods! What horrid booklet damnable

      Unto thine own Catullus thou (perdie!)

      Did send, that ever day by day die he


      In Saturnalia, first of festivals.

      No! No! thus shall't not pass wi' thee, sweet wag,

      For I at dawning day will scour the booths

      Of bibliopoles, Aquinii, Cæsii and

      Suffenus, gather all their poison-trash


      And with such torments pay thee for thy pains.

      Now for the present hence, adieu! begone

      Thither, whence came ye, brought by luckless feet,

      Pests of the Century, ye pernicious Poets.


      An of my trifles peradventure chance


      You to be readers, and the hands of you

      Without a shudder unto us be offer'd

      * * * *

      Did I not love thee more than mine eyes, O most jocund Calvus, for thy gift I should abhor thee with Vatinian abhorrence. For what have I done or what have I said that thou shouldst torment me so vilely with these poets? May the gods give that client of thine ills enow, who sent thee so much trash! Yet if, as I suspect, this new and care-picked gift, Sulla, the litterateur, gives thee, it is not ill to me, but well and beatific, that thy labours [in his cause] are not made light of. Great gods, what a horrible and accurst book which, forsooth, thou hast sent to thy Catullus that he might die of boredom the livelong day in the Saturnalia, choicest of days! No, no, my joker, this shall not leave thee so: for at daydawn I will haste to the booksellers' cases; the Caesii, the Aquini, Suffenus, every poisonous rubbish will I collect that I may repay thee with these tortures. Meantime (farewell ye) hence depart ye from here, whither an ill foot brought ye, pests of the period, puniest of poetasters.

      If by chance ye ever be readers of my triflings and ye will not quake to lay your hands upon us,

      * * * *


      Commendo tibi me ac meos amores,

      Aureli. veniam peto pudentem,

      Vt, si quicquam animo tuo cupisti,

      Quod castum expeteres et integellum,


      Conserves puerum mihi pudice,

      Non dico a populo: nihil veremur

      Istos, qui in platea modo huc modo illuc

      In re praetereunt sua occupati:

      Verum a te metuo tuoque pene


      Infesto pueris bonis malisque.

      Quem tu qua lubet, ut iubet, moveto,

      Quantum vis, ubi erit foris, paratum: